September 2008 challenge: “The length of a piece of string”
54 entries

pyKevin and Penguin's Delightful Romp Through the Forest of Imagination
- — A one-button strategy game of WORLD DOMINATION, where you play as one of the Fates and cut the threads of your people to conquer the world! EDIT: Added in the Art credits and change to .zip
Manage your Orange empire of Greece through the lives of others! Promote those who think like you, and condemn those who do not suit your master plan.

- strlen-src-1.0-final.tar.gz — strlen 1.0 source - final
Team: matthieutc, phoenixtoday, delta, Xin, rapha

Mutant Radioactive Kittens
- — Very rough first version
As expected, I didn't have as much time to work on this as I'd hoped. Here's what is supposed to be the premise:
You have been kidnapped by a mad scientist and must escape his facility. However, his mutant radioactive kittens stand in your way! You must collect bits of string in order to distract the kittens and make your escape. If you have enough string, you can also braid it into rope for climbing down at certain parts.
As it stands, you can pick up string but it can't actually do anything with it. Also, the kittens don't move. Basically, to beat the level, all you have to do is not touch any kittens and get to the door. It is possible to climb up and down existing ropes, however.
Entrant: aoeuhtns

Artificial Ineptitude
- gilvsthedevil-1.0.tar.gz — 0ai final submission: gauchito gil vs the devil v1.0
Team: Macarse, leito, nicoechaniz, facundobatista, ricardokirkner, lucio, cami

Monkey in a tangle
- — Updated License File
- — Our final submission. Updated Readme
- — IN at the wire
The game mechanics work like this: You're a monkey with a tether. You'd like to box yourself some bananas but your hands are circular so what do you do? You tether them! (Why not?).
In the upper right hand corner you'll see the number of bananas you need to box and how many you've boxed so far. Once your box is full you will move to the next level. If you don't complete the level before time runs out you must restart the level.
A faster computer is suggested to play the game. It will likely be slow and unfun on anything slower than a 1.2 GHz x86
Team: Alfred Rossi, morgan.goose, jane, jsharpna

Snake - The RPG!
- — Snake RPG - v1.1
- — Final Entry - Contest Deadline Version
Entrant: myke

The day mom tied us together
- — Our final submission
Team: alia, electric i, smatts, drewcifer

- — Platforming goodness
Entrant: logicow

Yo Yo Brawlah!
- yoyobrawl1.1.tar.gz — YoYo Brawler v1.1

Scrolling brawler game in the spirit of the old arcade games like Double Dragon and Bad Dudes. Requires pyglet and avbin.
Known Issues:
Yo-yo won't shoot (you just see little white circles emanating from the center of your dude) Solution: restart game Low framerate Solution: this game plays at 60fps on my macbook, but only around 30fps on patrick's powerbook. We think it is due to more features being enabled in the powerbook. Our best workaround is to edit the code in visualeffects and soundeffects and just remove all the AddListener lines. Exception when running with Python2.4 Solution: comment out the "finally:" line in and dedent one level the following line, wich reads "fp.close()"
Team: sjbrown, patrick, arcticclear

Plectrum Infinitum
- — Final entry for Plectrum Infinitum.
Entrant: ajhager

_Cecilia Music Game_
- — Cecilia Music Game by Juanjo Conti
Entrant: JuanjoConti

Aleutha and the strings of life
- — WIP Version - See the Readme.txt
Entrant: Trobadour

Bungee Manager
- — Bungee Manager + Pyglet
Entrant: Woodwolf

So long, A love story
I'm using pyglet + cocos2d + pymunk.The game is based on a love story.
Genre of the game: sort of nibbles + puzzle + arcade + love.
Project page
Entrant: riq

Garbage Collector
- — Garbage Collector v1.0a final
You control the Garbage Collector. You have to string up memory fragments and dispose of them at specific dump locations. Don't let memory fragments to escape!
You can chose GC-ing of multiple languages, from easy (Python) to hard (Assembly)
Have fun!

Street Surf
- — Final Entry
Entrant: boiserm

- — Final
You have 25 seconds to get the ball of twine to the end of the level. This gets tricky because the ball of twine is quite bouncy.
You must roll to the end using the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard. You can press F5 to take a screenshot and '~' to bring down a console.
Team: pufuwozu, gravy_lips

Legends of Kiralia: Shadows Dawn
- —
Seven Centuries ago Felimon, Lord of the Shadows, was banned from Kiralia and trapped in the Sphere of Chaos. The portal to this sphere is located in a magically enforced chest, tightly wrapped up in more magically enforced string - all just to make sure that Felimon will never ever set a claw on the surface of Kiralia.
But some days ago, the magical string was destroyed into several pieces, considerabily weakening the lock
on the chest, making it even possible for Felimon to escape if he notices it in time. Only one piece of
the magical string was found nearby the open chest and the Order chose you to retrieve the other pieces.
It is known that those pieces will set themselves together if piled on each other, enabling the Order to
retain the once powerfull lock as soon as all pieces of the magical string are back in the Orders hand.
But you have to hurry - every day that passes increases the possibility that Felimon will sense the weakness of his prison and might try to leave it...
Team: ServalKatze, Zahmekoses

Rayzan - King of the Strings
- — Final entry no. 2

- — Gondola 1.0.2 Windows Binary
- Gondola-1.0.2-linux-bin.tar.gz — Gondola 1.0.2 Linux Binary
- — Gondola 1.0.2 source

The ultimate gondola shipping, shape sorting, barge unloading game of all time.
Get the right shapes to the right places to score. But be warned: there are only a limited number of islands to build on and longer cables are expensive! Sort wisely to minimize loss.

RegEx Express
- — Regex Express V1.3 Final
- — Horray, we got in another revision!
- — Regex Express V1.1 Final
- — Regex Express v1.0 Final
- — RegexExpressV0.9
"Choo choo!"
All aboard the RegEx Express, where we be learnin' things and parsin' strings! Using curses and verses we'll be mixing humor and rhyme with good-ol'-fashioned ascii graphics.
So join us back on the track -- the choo choo track -- and it's full steam ahead on this string bling fling!

- — Our demo for pyweek submission - read the post on what to do if oyu want to truly enjoy it ;)

Team: pymike, keeyai, john, nihilocrat, Archwyrm, RB[0], Geometrian

Team Periware
- — Final submission
Entrant: Peristarkawan

Shot The Hook
- — Hook the Shoot
Entrant: zhen

- — Final submission source
Entrant: maular

Fishing Frenzy!
- — Fishing Frenzy 1.0 Source (all platforms)
- — Fishing Frenzy 1.0 Windows Binary

People and Planes
- — Windows py2exe'd of the final version. Big file. :/
- — A version of the final entry without pyglet
- — Final entry, done in 8h :)
Please read README.txt for instructions, but all you need to know is that you move with arrow keys and have to put colored people in planes of the same color. Sorry for the lack of polish/sound/intro/ingame-instructions.
Entrant: Tee

- — AHHH
Entrant: eugman

Stolen Fate
- — Team XKCD's final entry
Your beloved is destined to be the greatest ruler the land has seen. Some nasty has stolen Fates' power and used it to attack your beloved, snipping off that destiny. The bits have been handed to minions, which increases their power. You have to get the bits to save your beloved and your land.
A buncha folk from
Project Page
Discussion Group
Richard's the primary coder with abzde, cfuller, Ehtirno and Cosmologicon helping. He also created most of the artwork with Haragorn pitching in too. mp and tee_skoowared composed the music.
Team: richard, abzde, Haragorn, Ehtirno, cfuller, mp, Cosmologicon
String Defense
- — Final2
- pyweek_7_0.04.rar — YEAH firt upload!!! ....but unfinished..but first upload :D
Entrant: focaskater

- — String Zombie Mayhem 1.2
- — String Zombie Mayhem 1.0

Days of Tsunami
- tsunami-1.01.tar.gz — Final release
Race the seas of the world looking for fame and money!
Known bug: the game gets slower after each race. If you quit and restart everything works fine, and your score is kept. Sorry, didn't caught that during testing :)
Team: dmoisset, ra, elachuni, gaston770, sicotronic

The Space Adventures of Digby Marshmallow, Space Burglar ...In Space!
- — Version 1.0 (repackaged)
The Space Adventures of Digby Marshmallow, Space Burglar ...In Space!: Flowing vector artwork in an explorer puzzle game of space larceny.
Nausea Warning: please play in windowed mode (change in options then restart the game) if you suffer from motion sickness.

Bell Runner
- — Fix Python 2.4 and 2.5 compatibility bug
- — Bell Runner 0.5
Brother Albert is an apprentice bellringer who's just starting to learn the ropes. Help him ring the bells in the right order to open the exit. Get through all the churches and earn the title of Master of Bells and Whistles (or just bells, anyway).
Entrant: gcewing

Kiko The Circus Hero
- — final entry
- —

Anyway, Im happy of being at pyweek
Shame on me !!
The screen telling the keys mention 'z' and 'x' for equilibrium when it must read 'z' and 'c'
Linux - Mac slowness problem:
In Linux and Mac the game is running
too slow, theres a one line fix for this:
in kiko/ , near the begining, replace the line
time_service = time.clock
time_service = time.time
Entrant: claxo

- — Bugfix release - actual readme included, and more info from the gui so you can actually understand how to play.
I dream of string is an oldschool puzzle adventure game, where your quantity of string and how you use it is of the utmost importance. Help an unnamed string-based lifeform reclaim favor from his people after they kicked him out for being too short. Your quantity of string is used to solve puzzles, which ramp from very easy to fiendishly difficult.

Enter The String
- — Final Entry
Entrant: djfroofy_c_

- — Ascension
Entrant: andyb

Dominoes String
- — Final Dominoes String

I am D. J. Bernstein fan.
Entrant: milker

as yet unnamed
- — fullscreen version
Entrant: devguy

Lunar Delivery
- — Final Version of Lunar Delivery
Entrant: bencoder

Who slides wins!
- — Who Slides Wins! Final Entry for pyweek #7
- — Who Slides wins! v0.1

This is a Sliding Puzzle Game between you and your computer. Whoever is going to take least number of moves is declared the winner.
N-Puzzle as this is otherwise called, is one of the toy problems of Artificial Intelligence.So, you can watch your computer using certain heuristics to solve the puzzle.The whole game gets more interesting as, it all boils down to,whose heuristicsis better, your's or computer's.Better be yours, Good Luck! :-)
The default picture I have used is a bunch of wool "strings"! You got to fit it properly at the broken lengths.
The game has certain extensions already, like:
- When you play daily, it can be set to download the National Geographic Photo of the Day as your N-Puzzle.
- It is really a "N" Puzzle, so you and your computer can play 100x100 puzzle which is shuffled 100 times. But how long it might take for your computer to solve it, I can't say. (Drop me a line, if your supercomputer solves it in minutes)
Thanks for your interest so far and hope you like the game.
And a BIG THANK YOU TO RICHARD for organizing pyweek. I really learned a lot,the whole previous week.
"Who Slides Wins" blog:
Entrant: phoe6

Kite Story
- — Kite Story 1.1 source

Actually we both live in the wrong hemisphere for this kind of sleep deprivation, but we think it'd help with crunch time, and we believe in a round Earth.

Elite Bungie Chopper Squad
- — Mac version of Bungie Chopper. Does not require Pyglet or avbin.
- — Drive a helicopter with a gunner suspended by a bungie cord through a warzone full of enemy helicopters, airplanes, and turrets. Speed improvement from 0.52.
KNOWN ISSUE: Game crashes when JIMMY (the final gunner is killed). Whoops.
SOLUTION: Become a master at the game, so that Jimmy never has to die. If you really must die, sacrifice the helicopter instead. Seriously, sorry about the error. It was a bug cause by a bug fix in the eleventh hour.

Littlest Goddess
- — Compatibility fix for the shader, better installation instructions

Our game is about a little goddess called Devika, shes lost her pet, help her find him in an atmospheric platform game.
Known issues: If the screen appears black, please run the game with '--noshaders'
The people of Cine-Science Logic are: Gord (engine coder) and ZeroByte (art, additional code)
Latest version (littlest goddess 1.1) can be found in the launchpad project page
Team: ZeroByte, gordallott

- — Slightly adjusted gameplay....
Entrant: scav

Roam Unbent, Heartfelt Nightsong
- — Final submission
The game is fully playable; if you get stuck, it's possible you're not trying hard enough. If in doubt, file a bug report on
This game requires Python 2.5 and Pygame 1.7.

Final Cut
- — Final_entry