October 2018 challenge: “Flow”

Top Individual Entries
Overall Fun Innovation Production
4.00 Let There Be Light
3.69 Time Chicken
3.64 Just Flow
3.71 Let There Be Light
3.63 Bone Rush
3.39 Road Rage
4.07 Just Flow
3.94 Let There Be Light
3.67 Snow Hill
4.35 Let There Be Light
4.29 Chart of Flowrock
4.12 Time Chicken
Top Team Entries
Overall Fun Innovation Production
4.21 Dynamite Valley
4.06 Storm Drain Odyssey
3.54 Deep Breath
4.00 Dynamite Valley
3.65 Storm Drain Odyssey
3.38 Deep Breath
4.11 Dynamite Valley
3.94 Storm Drain Odyssey
3.59 Super Flowmaster
4.59 Storm Drain Odyssey
4.53 Dynamite Valley
3.82 Super Flowmaster
Individual Entries
Let There Be Light rdb 4.00 3.71 3.94 4.35 17 0% 0%
Time Chicken haker23 3.69 3.35 3.59 4.12 17 5% 0%
Just Flow chrisyan2000 3.64 2.93 4.07 3.93 14 22% 0%
Snow Hill allefant 3.52 3.33 3.67 3.56 9 35% 0%
Road Rage OrionDark7 3.52 3.39 3.39 3.78 18 0% 0%
Chart of Flowrock wezu 3.52 2.93 3.36 4.29 14 12% 0%
Crossing sea! yarolig 3.36 2.93 3.13 4.00 15 0% 0%
Evaporating Kenneth cauch 3.36 2.93 3.27 3.87 15 11% 0%
Bone Rush gizmo_thunder 3.33 3.63 3.13 3.25 16 0% 0%
Rush Hour Tee 3.22 3.07 3.40 3.20 15 6% 0%
Crossing the flow arifsch 3.19 2.89 3.63 3.05 19 0% 0%
Samsara Japes55 3.08 2.88 3.06 3.31 16 5% 0%
Alien Toy Factory AnthonyB 2.98 2.53 3.47 2.93 15 6% 0%
pirate-flow ReekenX 2.90 2.69 2.69 3.31 16 0% 2%
Go with the Flow coen 2.88 2.43 3.21 3.00 14 6% 0%
ain't got that flow if it isn't a flow speedlimit35 2.87 2.54 2.92 3.15 13 13% 0%
Flow Wolf typhonic 2.78 2.17 3.44 2.72 18 0% 0%
Pipeline asrp 2.67 2.55 3.36 2.09 11 26% 0%
The River Master47 2.63 2.63 2.74 2.53 19 0% 0%
Compiano xmzhang1 2.57 2.00 3.00 2.71 7 53% 0%
Flowing Magic saluk 2.50 1.50 3.00 3.00 4 66% 0%
CashFlow Unicorn Markets 2.33 2.11 2.33 2.56 18 0% 2%
WaveStopper ikanreed 2.25 1.25 3.00 2.50 4 69% 0%
Team Entries
Dynamite Valley The Larry And Dan Show 4.21 4.00 4.11 4.53 19 0% 0%
Storm Drain Odyssey Universe Factory 26 4.06 3.65 3.94 4.59 17 0% 0%
Deep Breath CoDoGuPywk26 3.54 3.38 3.46 3.77 13 13% 0%
Super Flowmaster Team Momojo 3.51 3.12 3.59 3.82 17 0% 0%
Destination: Irrelevant KAP 3.31 3.06 3.44 3.44 16 5% 0%
Floodboat Nerds In Spaaaace 3.25 3.06 3.35 3.35 17 0% 0%
Operation MoonLight Operation MoonLight 3.07 2.87 3.20 3.13 15 11% 0%
Traffic Flowmageddon Code to Joy 2.59 2.53 2.18 3.06 17 0% 0%

The column headings are:

Overall (average score)
This is the score used to rank the entries and is the average of the scores (Fun, Inno, Prod).
Was this game fun to play. Would you want to come back and play it again?
Inno (innovation)
Did this game break new ground in terms of gameplay, genre or approach?
Prod (production)
Did the game have nice graphics? Did it include sound and music? Were these elements appropriate and balanced?
The number of participants (users) who rated this entry.
The percentage of participants (users) who rated this game and couldn't get the game to run.
The percentage of total participants (users from finishing entries) who thought the entry broke the challenge rules.
