In-Game Action

Bone Rush

Important Fix (Windows)

Thank you @gummbum for pointing this out to me in the discussions. 

  • 61: cr.LoadScene("Scene/main.ccreator")
  • 66:  pyglet.resource.path.append("Resources/creator")

  • 83: self.attack_sounds.append("Resources/creator/Audio/" + sf, streaming=False))
  • 84: self.hurt_sound ="Resources/creator/Audio/attack.wav", streaming=False)
  • 87: self.skeleton_walk_imgs = list(map(lambda x: pyglet.resource.image("Texture/skeleton/"+ x), images))
  • 90: self.skeleton_attk_imgs = list(map(lambda x: pyglet.resource.image("Texture/skeleton/"+ x), images))
  • 92: self.skeleton_fall_img = pyglet.resource.image("Texture/skeleton/fall.png")
  • 208: spr = cocos.sprite.Sprite("Texture/skeleton/walk1.png")

  • 199:  font_name=lbl.FontName().decode('utf-8')[:20],

Details about the fixes quoted above:

The game is failing to run on windows due to some issues in pyglet library

Error1: Replace all os.path.join() calls the actual path (fails with assert when using os.path.join for relative paths) 

Error2: pyglet label fails with error saying unable to proceed:

Thank you for taking time to try out my game. Sorry for the trouble, lesson learnt, test on windows before uploading final version :)

This is a simple arcade game with simple two button input. You have to tap left-arrow when there is an enemy to the character's left and tap right-arrow when there is an enemy to the right

InGame Screenshot

If you are a fan of cocos library you should definitely try to look at the way i've used the "Cocos Creator" editor for setting up the scene to render in-game. I've leveraged the same workflow i used in my previous pyweek entry.  


  • Cpp-Lua plugin for Cocos Creator []
  • FlatBuffers for python
  • cocos (python version) []
  • pyglet

Tools Used:

  • Cocos Creator 1.9
  • Dragon Bones Pro [Animation]

I'm not sure how popular cocos still is but i've been used to cocos because of cocos2d-x and cocos-creator so tried to leverage that experience by using the same on python side. I would love to see cocos-creator editor support get added to cocos library project but thats a discussion i should still start and see. 


Bad guys politely waiting their turn to attack
Presented by Cosmologicon

The Papyrus award for Very Great skeleton
Presented by rdb

Give this entry an award


Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 3.3
Fun: 3.6
Production: 3.3
Innovation: 3.1

Respondents: 16


File Uploader Date
In-Game Action
gizmo_thunder 2018/10/27 20:51
Home Screen
gizmo_thunder 2018/10/27 20:51
Bone Rush 1.0
gizmo_thunder 2018/10/27 20:46
final character art
gizmo_thunder 2018/10/25 18:39
Placeholder art for gameplay test
gizmo_thunder 2018/10/24 18:22

Diary Entries

Gameplay Update

I started late for the contest, but hopefully will be able to finish something good. 

I've figured out the gameplay, am working towards fixing bugs and getting the thing working. 

One of the important things iv'e carried over from previous pyweek is the cocos library ui editing workflow, it's not going to be super useful for this time, but i did spend some time trying to fix it. 

I've also had to look at multiple ideas before settling on the game that matches the theme. 

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New ArtHad to figure out and experiment with multiple ways to get the character animation done for the game. 

Tried the following options

  • Setting up character pose in inkscape and save the image for pose required (Hard to set pose when you need hierarchy of arms etc)
  • Setting up Character nodes in CocosCreator and loading it into the scene just like i do for ui scenes (character animation is problem)
  • Use external tools for character animation and generate sprites for the game (blender / cao -tools / dragon bones)

Turns out dragon bones is a free character animation tool and is pretty extensive in animation loading support.. well except python :) so i had to drop the idea of going skeletal animation for 2D. I instead chose to quickly get sprites that would be effective and fast to implement.  Had to learn the dragon bones workflow in a couple of hours and setup animations for the game. Though figuring out the art pipeline and setting everything up was a pain, i was able to import the characters into the game and setup the working gameplay. 

Will start working towards gameplay enhancements. 

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Bone Rush 1.0

Im' pretty happy with what i've made in just 3 days. I've been able to setup the art pipeline and use cocos-creator editor for creating the in-game scenes very quickly. The fact that i was able to tweak prop placement across the scene and tweak the animations in the editor and get the to work in game was awesome. 

Home Screen

In-Game ScreenShot

The game itself is pretty arcade like, would love to know what people think about it. Couldn't add too much depth to the combat but i believe its' fun enough to get people hooked. 

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Additional Details


Thought id' share the link to Gameplay Video

You can also read about the game in detail on the game's page

If you are a fan of cocos library you should definitely try to look at the way i've used the "Cocos Creator" editor for setting up the scene to render in-game. I've leveraged the same workflow i used in my previous pyweek entry.  


Tools Used:

  • Cocos Creator 1.9
  • Dragon Bones Pro [Animation]

I'm not sure how popular cocos still is but i've been used to cocos because of cocos2d-x and cocos-creator so tried to leverage that experience by using the same on python side. I would love to see cocos-creator editor support get added to cocos library project but thats a discussion i should still start and see. 

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