September 2006 challenge: “The Disappearing Act”

Kiwi - Post-pyweek and suggestion for PW4

Posted by eltriuqS on 2006/09/10 08:40

Just some things i wanted to write down:

In the end, we have no models in the game (only coded glut functions), due to technical
difficulties (our modeler is down). Too bad we wasted so much time on writing and debugging
model-loading code. I guess next time we will prepare ourselves in advance to having no models
at all.

* Transparency problem in in-game left-bottom menu
* Time is reset when returning from paused mode
It looked like it would take too much time to fix them (They are a result of a design problem,
or the lack of it to be precise) so we postponed the fixing and so they got here.
However they don't *really* bother the game (If you don't pause).

We finished the game (at the current state) some 20 minutes before the deadline, but the server was too
loaded so i don't really know if the game will end up on the entry list.. :/
A suggestion: Everybody must upload their MD5 of the files until the deadline, and after they
will have a week to upload the files themselves, and so the server will handle just fine, and noone will waste
so much precious time before the deadline on uploading

Any comment about that idea?


Urban Ninja - ATTENTION: last minute fixes :/

Posted by Cthulhu32 on 2006/09/10 03:43

So my game worked great on my platform, but thanks to Phil^ I have discovered I had ONE name bug still. So here are the three bugs you'll need to change if you want the game to be 100% playable on all platforms.
Three Bug Fixes
  • Rename Data/overLay1.gif to Data/overlay1.gif
  • Change line 142 in from currentTime = 10 to currentTime = 150
  • Change Level2.txt to

If you do not want to vote on it because you do not believe in after-deadline fixes like this, no worries :) I just thought it'd be nice to give it out there. I'll also work on a post-compo version.

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ThreeLittlePygs - Thank you...

Posted by RB[0] on 2006/09/10 02:41

To every one who helped finish our game, especially:
Rabidpoobear - for the needle on the sonar
Richard - for all of the loose ends he provided suggestions/answers for
And for everyone else who helped us with play-testing and/or help.

Our sound effects were primarily from
And the great in-game music was from

As this was our first real attempt at pyweek(I was in the last one but with another team and I didnt do much) or any other compo, I am greatly pleased with how well the game turned out.

It will be fun playing the rest of the games now that it is all over.


Devoid of Responsibility - Postmortemesque

Posted by Jay on 2006/09/10 02:41

First off, if you have any comments about our game, feel free to leave them here. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Second, the OS X binary we uploaded, even though it says it's universial, really isn't and is intel only. Sorry about that. Anyways, onto the thoughts and discussion!

I'm happy the way our game turned out, but I know it could've been much much better. With the cometition timed as it is, a lot of the people we had doing assets, playtesting, and the like last time were unavailible. I myself work at a University and it was on during the first week so I didn't get much done.

A lot of our stuff is taken from creative commons or other equally free licensed areas. This helped us out a lot and made our game seem a lot more polished than when we had arrows for ships. In all honesty, I liked the idea of having our own stuff in game. But we just couldn't do that and code all we wanted to. If I haven't mentioned yet how much I hate trig, and more to the point trig that only works in one quadrant, consider yourself lucky ;)

We all suffered from a fair lack of motivation and didn't put in near as much effort as we did our last game. All of us were very busy at work and that just didn't translate well. I also started playing WoW the week before and that may have had some small effect, but I doubt it. We could have benifted from more levels, but I feel we have enough in there to give a sense of what the engine is capable of and to leave the player with an idea of what we wanted to do.

The code itself started out very much all over the place and over time grew tighter and tighter. Our final entry felt very polished. There were very few hacks and several places where our elegance and cleverness made us giggle with mirth. Thankfully we never had to debug those. That would've been hell. Of course, the final verdict on how we did is up to the masses.

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Enter The Foo - Obligatory screenshot

Posted by f00f on 2006/09/10 02:16

So, the comp's over. It isn't about
the comp anymore, it's about the game.
We'll complete and polish it up and
plan to have it available for download
from within a month or so.

Here's a screenshot

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Crunchy Toads - Yargh!

Posted by skaro on 2006/09/10 01:00

I just found a problem in It tries to import psyco.. If you don't have psyco, just comment out import psyco and psyco.full() bleh I was sure I had try/except blocs around that...

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The Bishop and The Warlord - DNF

Posted by bishop on 2006/09/10 00:49

Sadly, other activities intervened in the second half of PyWeek, making the completion of our game a very unlikely outcome. Perhaps the game should be finished off in the next week or so (the PostWeek challenge?), just to ensure that the effort that did go in isn't wasted.

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Frog Princess VS The Cyborg Fireflies - Game done.

Posted by pekuja on 2006/09/10 00:43

We finished the game on time. The last couple of hours were pretty hectic. We managed to add highscores and death rays (actually paralysis rays, but "death ray" sounds cooler) during that time. Most of the game was made in the last two days. We weren't making a lot of progress earlier in the week, so we realised that we can't make the game that we set out to make. We changed our plans and finished in time.

Frog Princess VS The Cyborg Fireflies is a game where you play the role of the Frog Princess, and you are hungry. You must catch the cyborg fireflies with your tongue. The fireflies are clever though, and they disappear from sight very quickly, so you must use your ears to catch them. You have to be quick though, because the fireflies are cyborgs armed with death rays! (which paralyse you for a couple of seconds... kinda like death) You can manouver yourself using your tongue as a grappling hook. Don't spend all the time dangling around though, because you can only afford to miss 5 fireflies before the princess starves (she's very hungry). Catch 12 or more flies to enter the prestigous Princess List.

Download Frog Princess VS The Cyborg Fireflies

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Cloaked - Note:

Posted by TenjouUtena on 2006/09/10 00:32

Note, the .zip says it's corrupted, but it doesn't seem to effect the game at all.


Cornflower Blue - Missing help images

Posted by apu on 2006/09/10 00:23

Due to some last-minute scrambling on our part, the 'help' option of the game doesn't work, because we changed the name of the help files. To see the two help files (as well as some screenshots), please click here.