Screenshot of game

Cornflower Blue

Smileys Be Gone! Smileys are taking over the world, and you are mankind's only hope!


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 3.0
Fun: 2.5
Production: 2.7
Innovation: 3.6

3% of respondents wished to disqualify the entry.
Respondents: 31


File Uploader Date
Post-competition Windows executables with small improvements
apu 2006/09/25 00:21
Screenshot of game
apu 2006/09/25 00:17
Final submission
apu 2006/09/09 23:58

Diary Entries

Filesize on submissions?

Does anyone know if there's a limit on the filesize of our submission? We want to include some music files, but even on very high ogg compression, they're a few megs apiece (and we were wanting maybe 10 or so files)...that would bring the total submission size to about 40 megs or so

1 comment

Missing help images

Due to some last-minute scrambling on our part, the 'help' option of the game doesn't work, because we changed the name of the help files. To see the two help files (as well as some screenshots), please click here.