September 2006 challenge: “The Disappearing Act”

Vanisha - Spot on!

Posted by DrPetter on 2006/09/10 00:05

Phews, after tons of server trouble I managed to upload the game at 23:59... Too bad it won't let me upload a new screenshot. You can't die unfortunately, but an honest player closes the game after he reaches 0 health ;) Can't win either, just try to kill all the enemies. Controls: Arrows left/right - move Z - jump X - attack Arrow down - hold for two seconds to "vanish", where you are transported to a parallel realm... same thing to go back. There is so much missing, I'll touch it up and provide a link to the post-compo version sometime tomorrow perhaps.

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Sneak - Fourth and Final Submission

Posted by gcewing on 2006/09/10 00:02

4 minutes to go -- Wow!

Added some mixed-colour beams to the lab level, and generally beefed up the difficulty a bit. The guards demand much higher bribes now, and you get sent back to the start of the level after a successful bribe, so it's not so easy to get through a whole game just on bribery. :-)

Also added a Z command to turn all cloaks off, which seems to help considerably.

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Happy Cake Industries - A second later, something happened that changed us in a deep and profound way from that day forward

Posted by kinetik on 2006/09/09 23:42

Phew. It's done, for very small values of done. Naturally, we didn't have time to implement all of the ideas we'd planned, and there are still lots of bugs left. It would've been nice to shake out the major visibility and pathfinding bugs and whip up a few more levels, but we just ran out of time. Anyway, it was fun. Thanks to everyone who assisted in making this happen!

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The Olde Battleaxe 3 - Colonel Wiljafjord and the Tarbukas Tyranny

Posted by philhassey on 2006/09/09 23:28

Welp, we got it done just in time. Needless to say it was a lot of work! Just a few things to note:

F10 - Toggle Fullscreen
Any-Key can skip to the end of a cut-scene.
Have fun!

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Sleight of Python - What's done is done - post mortem

Posted by Marlow on 2006/09/09 23:10

Well, what I ended up with isn't much of a game. You can move around the level, and bump into walls, but not much else.

What went right?

  • initial concept

    My programmer art is worse than most, so I had to think of something that I could draw. Thankfully all choices of themes involved magic and even I can draw a magic wand in MS Paint.

  • path drawing

    The "level turtle" turned out to be a good way of drawing levels. I'm pleased with how it works.

What went wrong?

  • time management

    I would have liked to have spent more time being able to focus on this, but real life got in the way. Work was busy so I didn't get much in the way of thinking done during the day. I also became hung up on getting one thing working... see below.

  • time spent on collision detection

    If I had to do this again, I would have abandoned the idea for multiple paths in a level and made a playable game with a lot more going on. As it was, I spent too much time and effort trying to stop the wand from colliding with the "invisible" lines where paths overlapped and never did get it working satisfactorily.

On the whole I'm pleased. I didn't get nearly as far as I would have liked to, but I'm still quite pleased with the results. I love programming under pressure - most of my best code was written that way.

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Enter The Foo - ughhhhh

Posted by djfroofy_c_ on 2006/09/09 23:09

All nighter again and now our collective brains are now mush ... We had a show-stopper bug in our collisions lib unfortunately so don't have the game ready - also considerproblem with configuring all the sprites properly in the game. We'll keep everyone posted on progress of the game, though we won't have an entry this time :(

But there is always pyweek4 ... anyhow, for those who are interested in seeing where we were going (with no brakes):

Source code repos for PyWeek ... And the Master whispered: "Enter the Foo"

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Frog Princess VS The Cyborg Fireflies - The Final Countdown

Posted by Hectigo on 2006/09/09 23:04

The end is drawing near, and I think my head will explode any moment now. Placing really well last year has created some pressure, and I don't know if our game meets expectations. I can say that I like the music though, and am pretty pleased with the overall feel of the game. I just hope we'll get everything ready in time. One can do wonders in one hour.

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PrintStar Part II - Done

Posted by PrintStar on 2006/09/09 22:55

Ok, I've uploaded a source and a py2exe final version. I've redownloaded them and tested them. Everything seems to be as good as can be. I nailed the last bugs I could find about 30 minutes ago. This was a close one...

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ThreeLittlePygs - BETA testing - now open!

Posted by RB[0] on 2006/09/09 22:46

We are currently testing the game, if you would test and let me know what you think I d appreciate it greatly.

email is
Or I'll be on irc

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Entrance - Done

Posted by fidlej on 2006/09/09 22:44

Ok. I'm ready to go sleep. The game is playable and I had fun playing it.

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