March 2022 challenge: “My evil twin”
36 entries

- followed-linux.tar.gz — linux binaries (compiled on ubuntu)
- followed-mac.tar.gz — mac binaries
- — windows binaries
- — source code
Game from the team core for pyweek 33
Code: Parralax, cat_or_not
Music: cat_or_not
The player is trying to escape while being followed by his evil twin
Game Controls
Movement - ASWD/Arrow keys
Restart Level - R key
Level Editor (WIP)
In the main menu press l to get to the level editor
The level editor generates a edited.txt that can be renamed to level{num}.txt
Level Controls
0-9 - select a block
left click - place selected block
l - exit editor
y - save the level
IMPORTANT you need python 3.10 and pygame 2.2 for the source version
The Two Within You
- — Download and extract the files from above zip. Run TheTwoWithinYou.exe to run the game. has the majority of code
Relevance to Theme
Sometimes the phrase 'My Evil Twin' is used to as a metaphor for the evil half you. I have based my game on that interpretation.
Game Play
- Use arrow keys to move your character.
- Get to the Flag, avoid the Hole.
- After every few turns ‘The Evil Twin’ takes over the control of your character and tries to go into the hole. The number of turns for the switch and switch-back is given in the right bottom.
- The number of turns for ‘The Good Twin’ to turn into ‘The Evil Twin’ and vice versa are fixed for a level (however those two may not be same).
- The Evil Twin when trying to go to the Hole will try to try to reduce the longer among the horizontal and the vertical distances. Ties are broken Randomly. That is to say if the Hole is 1 unit North and 2 units East, The Evil Twin will go east > east or north > hole. Check out the screenshot which is somewhere on the screen. If you don't get this don't worry just start the game and you'll figure it out.
- All levels are accessible as of now.
- The Evil Twin uses ‘cheats’ which can allow it to get to places ‘The Good Twin’ cannot.
In most levels you have to predict and use the Evil Twin's Movement to get to the Flag.
The completed levels are marked with a tick and saved when you load it again.
Feel free to report bugs and stuff
Entrant: SiddBourbaki

- — githubrepo
We, Team SnakeDawg 🐍(predicted winners of the PyWeek 33) are made up of experienced Python developers as well as new and inexperienced programmers who are learning how to program by working as a team. We are looking for passionate python developers who are keen on working as a team. We are leaning towards making a complex 2D game using pygame in order to challenge our competitors.
We empathize with beginner programmers, hence we would like to invite you to join and learn alongside our fellow teammates. Join, Learn and Code!!!
```python -m venv .venv```
or(Windows Powershell):
```[Click Yes in VSC]``
```python -m pip install -r requirements.txt```
and/or just:
```pip install -r requirements.txt```
Then finally to run the game:
```python src```
Team: psudiname, hireshBrem, That1Guy, nopeless, Korki, taellinglin, contempl8, tacchan

- — make sure to read the
Make sure you are running it on python 3.9
hey I am looking to make a game in arcade or pygame, I will probably do this solo might change my mind later. The chance for me to complete this game jam is very less as I have exams on 27th lol.
Entrant: BeautifulReques
Meaw vs Mrrr
- — This is actually my first game. The idea is really simple: there are 2 groups of cats. The first group is the nice one and listens to where you tell them to go, but the other does the oposite. Your task is to catch as many fish using both grups.
Entrant: Teo

Entwined Red / Entwined Blue
- — Entwined. Windows version.
- — Entwined. Final entry.
Entrant: Tee

- — This is a fun game like "egg-kissing". This story is about two brothers tasters. Jim and James are professional tasters, but they work in completely different social strata ...) Who will you be? A rich sommelier or a homeless man in the trash?
Entrant: aleksan149
- — My game. Simple and easy (maybe) as first time
Entrant: Nikrat

- — Final Game (Some bugs fixed)
- — Final Game (Still some bugs to Fix)
This is a puzzle game, the levels are easy (8 in total), but if you got stuck you can watch the game play video.The goal is to find the 'portals' to get out of all the levels. The problem is that you need to get out together with your twin and what is worse, you twin is evil so he will move in your opposite direction. Will you be able to find the way out and escape with your evil twin?
Game Play
How to run:
Command line to run the game: python
You can change the resolution in the
Python 3.9.1 (The game was only tested on this version)
pygame 2.1.2
How to Play
At first you will see the title screen, press any key to continue.
You will see the menu screen with the options (Use the mouse to press the buttons):
- Play : Start the game. Continue game if it has already started.
- Reset Level : Start the current level from the beginning.
- Level Select: You can choose the level that you want to play. (Only if you already unlock the level)
- Make Level : You can make your own level (More info below). This was for me, to easily make the levels.
- Quit Game : Quit the game. The game saves your progress.
Play Mode:
Your objective is to reach the goal (Red twin to the red circle, blue twin to the blue circle)
Move controls: UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT arrows or WASD
ESC or QUIT (window button) : open menu screen if you are in the game, quit the game if you are in the menu screen.
When reach the goal press SPACE or 'e' to continue.
At the end of the level, you will see a title screen with some story/hints. Press any key to continue.
Make Level Mode:
Use the mouse to select the tile.
Use the mouse wheel to select the object to add.
Right click to add the selected object.
Left click to remove the object in the selected tile.
Press SPACE to save the level. (It will print the file name in the console)
Press 'r' to load the last level.
You can play in this mode, but you can't win the level, also there are some bugs playing in this mode. You need to add both twins, if not it crashes.
Each time to enter this mode it resets.
All the assets are made by me.
For the sprites/images were made in MS Paint.
For the music and sounds were made in BeepBox (
(I have no idea what I was doing with for the music, is my first time trying to make music, sorry if your ears blew up)
Thanks for Playing
Entrant: RicBin

Quantum Entanglement
- — First Final Game
Made by Team MYCTL!
Requires: Pygame (tested on 2.0.2)
Game Playing Notes:
- Move the players with the arrow keys
- Collect the crystals!
- Don't let the professor's evil side touch anything!
Game Playthrough:
Team: mit-mit, Lani-Skyy, cfugs, yudjinn, Timberlake1

- — Goob v0.1
- — Goob built using pyinstaller for Windows
Use the arrow keys to move him and his brother around.
Running:For Windows, I built the game using pyinstaller if you don't have an interpreter installed.
To run using Python, install the dependencies from requirements.txt. A venv is recommended.
This game requires Python >=3.10 to run. (Can be played on 3.9, thanks Gaming32, but version in needs to be changed)
pip install -r requirements.txt python
Or, if you want to, you can use poetry:
poetry install --no-dev poetry run python
Entrant: AM2i9
- — Final submission 3/25/2022
Squawylaous: programming (the evil twin)
Lian_lastname: design (also the evil twin)
Team: Squawylaous, Lian_lastname

Mirror Mirror
- — Final game submission

Midday Shootout
- — Final Entry
- — Linux Build
Fight to the death with an evil android version of you in a gunfight. Instructions for playing the game can be found under the HELP section in the game's main menu. You can find more information about required dependencies and known issues (and possible fixes) in the README file. I hope you enjoy my game! Have fun.
You can get the source code here.
Entrant: ProfessorCode

The Epic of Goat
- v1.1_bin.7z — .exe version of the game v1.1
- Videos
- Instructions
- Daily progress
- Game ideas
- Final thoughts...
- You can test either bin or source version v1.1. They are the same version of the game.
- Don't run code as adminstrator, it will crash. Some arcade audio stuff.
- If you run exe, antivirus may yell at it, as it is exe from unknown source and not signed.
- If you find bugs, have any guestions or just want to give feedback, you can tag us at pyweek channel or join our Discord.
- Want to unlock all levels and weapons?
Change text insideresources/gamedata.json (may be generated in first run, so if it doesn't exist: make it yourself or run game once)
to{"coins": 5000, "leveldata": {"1": {"score": 0, "passed": 0, "locked": 0}, "2": {"score": 0, "passed": 0, "locked": 0}, "3": {"score": 0, "passed": 0, "locked": 0}, "4": {"score": 0, "passed": 0, "locked": 0}, "5": {"score": 0, "passed": 0, "locked": 0}, "6": {"score": 0, "passed": 0, "locked": 0}}, "loadout": {"Revolver": {"lvl": 1}, "Rifle": {"lvl": 1}, "Shotgun": {"lvl": 1}, "RPG": {"lvl": 1}}, "story": {"0": 1, "1": 1, "2": 1, "3": 1, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 1}}
Team: memehunter, Jeb, MrTanoshii, Krzysztof, RikP, Catto

Sibling Strife
- — game
High-Stakes RPG
Ever since joining the high school basketball team, your twin brother's dominance on the courts has put you under his shadow. Overwhelmed by feelings of jealousy, you man up and take action. What will result from this fated confrontation? The rest is in your hands. Choose wisely.Entrant: Apex

Attack of the Killer Twins
- — Add cinematic title screen
- — 1.0
In this game you fight off pairs of evil twins! Each level gets increasingly difficult. Have fun comparing your high scores with your friends!
SetupSimply run the! You don't even need to install any dependencies, but the PyOpenGL-accelerate package is highly recommended.
Controls Button ActionSpace | Jump |
Left click | Shoot |
Escape | Pause game and free mouse |
W/A/S/D | Move around |
r | Begin game, kill yourself (depends on the situation) |
F11 | Toggle fullscreen |
+ and - | Cycle the color scheme |
g | Toggle freecam (development mode only) |
You can turn on development mode (Freecam + OpenGL error checking) by setting DEVELOPMENT in my_evil_twin/ to True.
Entrant: Gaming32
WHY my twin
- — this game consists of 3 short levels, i hope everyone enjoys it
Tested on pyhton version: 3.10.1
Entrant: Bladestar

Evil twin KABOOOM!
- — FINAL 1.0
- evil_twin_kabooom-gd-33-FINAL-1.0.tar.gz — FINAL 1.0
Description from the README:
"Your evil twin got out...somehow. It's a mystery. And anyhow, you need to back burner that 'cause right now he is on a mad spree to mess up your neighborhood in the spirit of messing up stuff! Lest anyone mistake you for him, and come after you for his misdeeds, you'd better get a handle on this pronto."
Please see for details on setup, playing, and cheating if you must.
The game has 10 levels, plus a bonus outro level. The first few levels are super easy, designed to introduce the game mechanics. Difficulty then ramps up quickly. The levels are short, totaling about 10 minutes of gameplay assuming you don't get terminally stuck on the hard levels. If you do get stuck, there are SPOILERS in the code (see towards the end of for leads) and you can force the game settings to skip to the next level.
Have fun! Let us know how you liked the game. If you dislike our game just have an evil twin, too, and you might be him or her. :)

- — Source, Final game.

Entrant: zwerver

My Evil Twin: Save the Critters!
- — Submission
PyWeek Mar 2022
By Tepid Lemons.
Something about an Evil Twin and Critters.
Save the critters with your beam of light before your evil twin takes them! Your light beam
when pointed at a critter long enough will save them!
Finding it hard to see? Aim your beam of light around the map to temporarily clear the fog!
We didn't have time to properly do great graphics or maps - but see if you can save more
critters than the twin in this small demo!
`WASD`: Move player, Select Menu Items
`ENTER`: Confirm selection
`Mouse`: Move player facing
`Mouse Left Click`: Turn on light beam
Install and Run
`pip install -r requirements.txt` and then run game with `python`. Game requires Python 3.8+

- — bug fix 2
2. open a terminal (windows terminal is preferred if you're using Windows)
3. cd to the `wink` folder
4. install the requirements via `pip install -r requirements.txt`
5. `python src`
(sorry if this is unclear, I wrote this at 12:15 am, if you encounter any issues running, DM ME!)
have fun! 😉
The EVIL TWIN of wordle
please DM me in discord (aph#8103) or ping me in #pyweek if you encounter any issues, or do not know how to play, I should be able to guide you if I'm smart enough to understand the problem (most likely no).
Entrant: aph

- — The final zip file containing every game file!
Entrant: Hunter2809
Two Day Escapade
- — The one and only, Final Submission
In short, we're epic.
Team: Snoggy, Kevin-Dono

Menace of the Streets
- — the game
Today is Mr. Mayor's birthday today and YOU are invited! But something bad is coming. Maybe it is his EVIL TWIN...... What will happen?????
ControlsPress Left or Right once to move lanes. Press Up to disturb houses and speed up. Press Space to continue. Other more specific controls are said in the game.
RequirementsPython3 and Pygame (I used Python 3.8.8 and Pygame 2.0.1)
Entrant: speedlimit35
- — bug fixes
read the "Run the game" section :)
The red circle is the range of what you can steal,
The green circle is your twin, do not go in the range of that circle,
you'll get caught by your twin if you do that.
Have fun!
please DM me in discord (aph#8103) or ping me in #pyweek if you encounter any issues, or do not know how to play, I should be able to guide you if I'm smart enough to understand the problem (most likely no)
if you get FileNotFoundError, please modify the source! I've made a silly typo
please visit the following link, thanks!'s section!
Entrant: aph

- — Source code
You and your evil twin's minds have been entwined in one mad experiment!
Fight against your twin's evil allies to gain points and to survive
Contact me on Discord or Github to report bugs or just chat
Discord: Blueish#4256
Controls, rules, etc. are explained in the README.txt file.
Entrant: Blueish
- — pyweek 33 gamejam update-2
- — pyweek 33 gamejam
Entrant: Krubble

Super Shooter
- — 2nd Final submission, should include compatibility with python 3.8
Entrant: Anonymous4045
- — Cat's Evil Twin
we do things \o/
Team: Dev_Squid, Oreo, brad90four, Evorage, Nipa_dev, Frontogenesis, AbooMinister, Kronifer, RishTheFish, ItIsAllObjects

- — Added Note to read me about glowing settings bug
- — Re-Uploaded due to some things not glowing on other peoples computers
- — Identical to before, but with a clearer name.
- — Here is game Zip.
I have learnt that I am not good at managing time or juggling a weekend job, uni, and a game jam! So here is a very meh version of my original idea. With the twin theme added in as an afterthought because I wasted 4 days on a damn shader that I had to re-write anyway!
Entrant: DragonMoffon

On the Nature of Reflections
- reflections-v2.tgz — Final entry v2
- reflections-v1.tgz — Final entry v1
Version 2 is recommended. It contains a workaround for later versions of pygame. For more details and to report bugs see here.
You play a theoretical physicist who is transported to a realm where he may explore the nature of reflections. Move mirrors to align lines of sight so that you and your reflection may work together.
How it fits the theme: the physicist sees his reflection as his evil twin, countering his every move.
Unfortunately I didn't have all week this time, so it's not my best work. There are 8 quick stages, with the last one being very optional. Expect 5-10 minutes of gameplay. If you get stuck at any point, hold Shift for a tip, and skip any stage you don't want to play!
Entrant: Cosmologicon