PyWeek 31 challenge: “Cops”

PIT Stop - Original Design Features

Posted by yanigisawa on 2021/04/07 15:49

Some ideas that I did not have time to implement in the game included:

  • Random AI Movement of the vehicle to "avoid" player intervention - My limited attempt made it appear more like the enemy car was buggy rather than intentionally moving, so I took it out before shipping.
  • Random obstacles that would slow the progress of both the enemy AI and the player character
  • Some sort of "course" that the road would take. Not just an infinitely long infinitely wide highway

In the end, my struggles with the "math" to make the player's position static on the screen while still having physics applied to him proved to be so "clunky" that I almost didn't submit a game at all. I managed to get the game into a shape that is "playable", but has many rough edges around my implementation with the physics engine. All of these rough edges were a product of trying to compensate for a relatively static player character position that still needs to have weight and velocity with respect to the enemy car. 

For future physics based games, I think I would like to try using the `arcade` python library instead of pygame. From my read on the documentation there are more built-in features for handling the exact situation I've described above with platform games. Theoretically these paradigms could be applied for any "scale" of objects in the pymunk space.

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Asteroid Chase - Asteroid Chase - full walkthrough

Posted by VV0JCIECH on 2021/04/06 23:20

Full walkthrough of Asteroid Chase is now available to watch on YouTube. Just click picture below:

Asteroid Chase - full walkthrough

Note: After sending the package, we found a bug in our requirements.txt file.
To start the game properly in Python 3.6+ please remove the line:
dataclasses == 0.8
Sorry for the inconvenience :)

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Ares - Done!

Posted by LeopardShark on 2021/04/06 09:26

At 2085 lines of code, this the largest PyWeek entry I’ve submitted. I managed to finish off pretty much everything necessary. With more time, I’d probably just add more enemies, cards and map tiles. I think the final game is pretty hard, but it should be completable once you get your head around the delayed movement. The GitLab repository is here, if you’re interested.

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Protests Arrests - The idea

Posted by ano002 on 2021/04/06 08:32

We first looked  at a list of games genres :
  • Time stop ?
  • Management ?
  • tps ?
  • Katana Zero ?
  • Dialogue ?
  • Papers please ?
  • Logique ?
  • Stratégie ?
  • Beat them all ?
  • Hack n slash ?
In this list two of them seemed interesting : Hack n' Slash and Beat them all

So we decided to make a game where you controll a cop and have to beat up protest members to win. It didn't ended up being exactly as we planned but I'm happy with the result I got in a week.

Just as a precision if needed, this game as an humorous purpose.

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Police Pursuit - judging time

Posted by LargAnk on 2021/04/05 14:20

ok guys time for judging, hopefully we didnt get last kekw

we had fun and learned some things, and thats the most important thing in pyweek.

good luck :))

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Badge Blaster 2112 - Requirements

Posted by rdb on 2021/04/05 08:17

Oh no!  It has been brought to my attention that I forgot to put the requirements.txt file in the source zip.  You can download a fixed zip file here, or just run this command to install the required dependencies:

python -m pip install panda3d==1.10.9 panda3d_keybindings

Happy judging!  Let us know if you run into any issues with our entry.

EDIT: the fixed zip file also includes a fix for an exceedingly rare exception when slamming full-speed into a barrier.

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CyberCop 2031 - A very fun week

Posted by RicBin on 2021/04/05 04:16

I managed to make this week very productive and achieve a semi-complete video game, it is not what I imagined at the beginning, but I am happy with the end result.

If I would like to mention two things about the game, at first, I wanted to make a gta-type rpg, so it occurred to me to make it cyberpunk, hence the name CyberCop 2031, in the end I did not manage to make this connection very well, it is one of those things that they were left out due to the time.

The other thing would be that in the game I made a joke about the use of python 2, this was because in pyweek 25 I used Python 2 and from the comments many pointed out that I should change to python 3, so I felt that I had committed a crime at the moment.


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Wrobers Grab n' Run - Diary update #5: Post-Jam Summary/Thoughts

Posted by Phantasma on 2021/04/05 01:24

This is going to be my final diary entry for this game jam.

I came in to this game jam with the sole purpose of completing a project with the smallest scope possible. Due to working on my day job, it has made it significantly challenging to pull off. At the end, I'm glad its over. And have been able to accomplish what I needed to get done.

Unfortunately I'm not too familiar with Linux and didn't have time to research on how to make my game accessible to Linux Users, for those who run Linux that have an interest in my game. I'm sorry in advance.

As for what to do now that pyweek is over...I got a project I'm still working on Since the last failed game jam attempt(see pyweek #28:Tower aka). The game has evolved into a fully fledged game project That I'm still working on to this day. Progress has been slow but its relatively steady. Might get back into Itch.Io for game submissions. Also going to stop by the Python discord more frequently from now on. I'll be around from time to time If I need to ask about something or just chat.

See you all next pyweek. :)

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Python Prison - Had fun in my first ever game jam

Posted by discretegames on 2021/04/04 23:21

This will be my first and last diary entry - maybe I wish I had written more but I was too focused on completing my game: Python Prison.

Everything is now done and tested. My biggest regret is I didn't have enough time to make more levels. Though here's a sneak peek of the last and hardest level "Pythonic Alcatraz":

Pythonic Alcatraz

This was my first ever game jam style event and I had a lot of fun! Though I really wish I had started coding sooner. I feel like I did almost nothing for the first few days and didn't get much sleep the last few days.

I hope people enjoy my game and find it unique. If anyone gets stuck on parts of it there is a full video playthrough.

It will be interesting to play all the other games.

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GD - uploaded final v1.2 - summary

Posted by DR0ID on 2021/04/04 20:31

I learned many things this pyweek: tts, stt, multiprocessing, subprocessing, queues...

.. but then the game part lacked a bit. But I think it was not the struggle about the technologies that slowed me down, but the lack of a clear vision for the theme.

In case you don't know what those abbreviations mean:

tts: text to speech

stt: speech to text (yes, you will have to talk into a microphone)

...and the other things can be read in the python help.
Here some hints about multiprocessing:
  • it uses 4 processes at once
  • it uses queues to commincate
  • logs are redirected from all processes into one
  • there is a watchdog mechanism in the so when a child process dies it stops everything
  • something that I was not aware of: if a module does things during import then the import has to be in the method that is run by the subprocess (this was one bugfix for linux using the sounddevice module in

But hey, the game has a puzzle besides all the audio fun. Enjoy.

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