PyWeek 31 challenge: “Cops”

GD - Bugfixes - underway

Posted by DR0ID on 2021/04/04 19:27

Unfortunately we could not test our game on linux until today with the help of people from the discord channel. I turns out that we had some minor bugs. After this I think it will be the final version.

If you already have tried to play the game and got stuck in a loop where you can't get rid of the 'help' then please try to play our bugfixed version (>= 1.2).

If you still have trouble running our entry, please don't hesitate to contact us for troubleshooting.

We haven't tried it on OSX. It probably will work, but there is chance that it does not.

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Donut Run - Looking Back

Posted by karx on 2021/04/04 16:35

The original goal for this game was to have a top-down endless shooter. The endless part, I feel, was achieved perfectly, and is everything that I wanted it to be. Random level generation, increasing difficulty, and more.

The top-down part, however, was achieved not-so-perfectly. The movement feels natural if you play like a top-down shooter, but the sprites simply don't look like those of top down shooters. Maybe I could have fixed this by increasing the pixel count, giving be the ability to increase the amount of detail I could put in the sprites. Otherwise, it would just be blue squares shooting black squares, and the "Cops" theme would be lost.

With that being said, though, I feel satisfied with how the game turned out. It's a fun, theoretically endless, virtually random, and adequately challenging game. I have high confidence that it will get good ratings (did I just jinx it? crap).

See you in October, PyWeekers!

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Trapped - PyWeek - Trapped

Posted by drones_flier on 2021/04/04 16:11

Personally I'm not happy the way my game turned out. Making a game is harder than I thought and it didn't help that I had never used pygame before. Anyway, I hope I don't get last place and I wish the other entrants luck!
- drones_flier

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The pomegranate named Narwhal - Welp.

Posted by NarwhalFanatic on 2021/04/04 14:50

I am new to code jams and made some mistakes. I cannot get my program to work in different folders so I can't distribute it. I will attach the necessary files and github repo but I doubt it will work. :(


GD - Final 1.1 - cut the file size in half

Posted by DR0ID on 2021/04/04 14:47

I have re-packaged the game and removed some excess files.

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Police Pursuit - EXTRACT FROM ZIP

Posted by LargAnk on 2021/04/04 13:59

if the game doesn't work for you, extract the zip folder and try again

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Cool Cop - Escape Game - Issues

Posted by coffee on 2021/04/04 13:59

We were informed that there was an issue with our game and Python 3.9.3...while we are not able to recreate we are aware and trying to find/resolve the issue

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Badge Blaster 2112 - First time w/o even a single Diary Entry?

Posted by tizilogic on 2021/04/04 13:13

Yes... and no. No diary entry during the coding time frame of the jam, but we sure don't want to miss out on potential comments to our entry, so here is a quick recap of the week:

I still remember with a broken heart, how in PyWeek 30, our favorite theme wasn't chosen. No such bad luck in 31 tho, since the themes all were so random, we decided as a team to let the trusty "random" module perform that hard choice for us:

import random

choices = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for _ in range(3):

That made sure that we matched the level of randomness of the themes to choose from. So when the theme was announced, no broken hearts were reported by the team members and no one lost trust in the democratic process bestowed upon us by the PyWeek overlords.

With the theme known, we started brainstorming and came up with something that would fit the individual strengths and preferences of our team members. Hendrik-jan had a clear vision of what it should look and feel like to play and gave out appropriate tasks to the rest of the team. rdb got the job of "hell master" in charge of virtual pyrotechnics, Fireclaw was in charge of creating 3D models, tizilogic was advised to mix a potion using PRNG and math trickery to mash everything else together into a playable world (and call it procedural generation), while Schwarzbaer assisted us both with his input handler library, in the brainstorming, play testing and by whipping out his Potato-with-a-GPU-inside to make sure the game would play on ancient hardware. Our team leader composed and produced all the sound and SFX and steered the project admirably (to success the author of this diary entry wants to add), so everyone else on the team could focus on their part and produce great work.

The game came together pretty well, really fast. In no time we had something to start verifying whether reality matched up with our vision and improved on what we had incrementally. Around Wednesday it was already a lot of fun to play and we still had some time left to further improve upon that. On Thursday, we reached the milestone of "feature complete", so the hunt for bugs and the polish process began.

We are very pleased with the end result and sincerely hope the judges like our entry just as much as we do.

PS over half of our team used FreeBSD to develop Badge Blaster 2112, the rest used Linux, so this game was made almost entirely with free and open source software, such as Blender for 3D models, lmms for music/SFX, Piskel for pixel art, etc.
Also, all game art (meaning models, sprites, music, SFX) was made entirely from scratch by this team during the duration of PyWeek 31!


Asteroid Chase - Asteroid Chase Soundtrack

Posted by mit-mit on 2021/04/04 12:11

We have just posted up the soundtrack to our game "Asteroid Chase", which you can listen to on Soundcloud here:

Hope you enjoy!

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Cool Cop - Escape Game - We did it

Posted by coffee on 2021/04/04 11:53

We finished our project in time...this oneĀ“s a first

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