Looking Back

The original goal for this game was to have a top-down endless shooter. The endless part, I feel, was achieved perfectly, and is everything that I wanted it to be. Random level generation, increasing difficulty, and more.

The top-down part, however, was achieved not-so-perfectly. The movement feels natural if you play like a top-down shooter, but the sprites simply don't look like those of top down shooters. Maybe I could have fixed this by increasing the pixel count, giving be the ability to increase the amount of detail I could put in the sprites. Otherwise, it would just be blue squares shooting black squares, and the "Cops" theme would be lost.

With that being said, though, I feel satisfied with how the game turned out. It's a fun, theoretically endless, virtually random, and adequately challenging game. I have high confidence that it will get good ratings (did I just jinx it? crap).

See you in October, PyWeekers!