PyWeek 28 challenge: “Tower”
The Emerald Tower - Technical Hiccups. Title decided.
Posted by Phantasma on 2019/09/26 01:17
I think I'm going to call the game I'm making "The Emerald Tower"
Had some technical hiccups today regarding player to wall collision It chewed up most of my day but that has now been resolved.
List of things to work on next:
- Camera to track player
- Keys and locked doors
- Making 19 more levels on top of the one I currently have as a testing grounds(might reduce the amount of levels depending on time I have left)
- Adding stats to player(like Life, Damage, Defense, ect)
- Implementing enemies
More stuff on the way to share.
Posted by ntoll on 2019/09/25 23:58
Due to family commitments, my elderly neighbour getting ill and work related things I've only just started my game. I think this will be rather rushed. :-/
I've decided on a title: "The Alchemist's Tower". As I originally mentioned in my first diary, I'm going for creating a game with a mysterious and perhaps unsettling atmosphere (a la Myst) rather than cleverness in game execution (PyperCard is very simple). I'm going to spice things up with some prose and simple puzzles via a choose-your-own-adventure style mechanic.
To this end I've trawled the internet for photos of a specific and very atmospheric tower I know of in Switzerland, on the shore of lake Zurich. These have been normalised to the correct dimensions and turned into (mostly) black and white (I want to create the impression of great age).

I've also mixed some fragments of mysterious music and downloaded a bunch of free-to-use sound effects for particular locations. I might use some voice recordings of an elderly sounding Swiss gentleman that'll do as the wizard like "alchemist" character -- I just need to find the appropriately sounding "alchemical" phrases to weave into the story.
On that final note (of a story), I've yet to write the linking prose -- but this will come together as I finalise the puzzles and arrangement of cards, images, SFX and music.
This feels like it needs to be a "slow bake", but because of my time constraints this week it looks like I'll be rushing things.
Posted by tundish on 2019/09/25 20:39
Good news and bad news.
Firstly, styling. I always knew I wouldn't have time for much.
Luckily, my minimal styling looks OK.
Now the bad news. I took too long to achieve even that. I have to move
away from the technical stuff. If the game's going to be worth the play,
I need to engage my creative side. I need to inject a sense of fun.
I know I can do that, but I need to put myself in a different space.
Away from the code. Into the story. Fantasy time.
I should be going to bed in an hour. I've got to go to work in the morning.
Instead I need to conjure up enough playful energy to knock out 1200
words of interesting dialogue.
Wish me luck!
Posted by MihailRis on 2019/09/25 15:50
- New special room.
- Interaction animation.
- Interaction animation with flashlight on hand.
- Generator room.
- Generator, may be started up on pressing 'O'
- Doors opening faster.
- Generator makes a noise.
- Rooms are darker now.
- Every 10th floor has special room.
Special room without lights:

Special room with lights:

Generator room:

Posted by gizmo_thunder on 2019/09/25 13:49
I've decided to use transcrypt this time for my entry so i can deploy the code as HTML5 app.
Fortunately there are enough rendering libraries out there for HTML5 using webgl. I choose to use pixijs which is an awesome library for rendering on the web.
Transcrypt allows me to use any such javascript library as python import and use the api. I've been able to get the game up and running with basic gameplay.
Here is the proof that it works :)
The Infinite Tower - Day 3 & 4 - Graphics, Animations, and some Music
Posted by OrionDark7 on 2019/09/25 04:46
It's been slow going the past two days, I've had a lot of schoolwork and haven't had much time to work these past two days. I got a lot done today, but I decided to combine these 2 days for the lack of anything I had yesterday.
I added a new attack mode, where you type a certain string of numbers before the time runs out, but the font is kinda tricky to see.
I also developed some more graphics for the game itself, and I've been working a lot on animations to make things seem smooth.
Finally, I composed a really cool piece that's really fast-paced, I'm planning on putting it during the attack minigames, since those are sort of fast paced.
Posted by schilcote on 2019/09/25 04:43
The picture is worth a thousand words, really - the boring support work is... mostly all done. Still need to enable the player to move the camera around and do the groundwork for the town menus, but that should be easy.
Once that's done, I can move on to the actual game part! Level generation and combat.
The biggest mistake I've made so far, by far, is holding off on trying to write visualization code when debugging the raytracer. I spent four hours trying to debug what I couldn't actually see, then spent about fifteen minutes writing this:
which showed the problem immediately.
The other big mistake was not resorting to brute force. I spent the rest of Tuesday trying to implement proper ray tracing - finding the exact distance to the wall in exactly as many steps as there are grid cells between you and the wall - and kept running into to issue after issue after issue, and finally gave up and used a naive brute force algorithm that just steps 1/100th of a cell at a time, accelerated with Numba, and it worked perfectly the first time. Between those two issues, Tuesday was a complete wash. Still, I've got time.
Posted by dowski on 2019/09/25 02:23
Well it's been slow going. We actually restarted once (due to me writing the code too much like a software engineer and making it hard for a kid to understand ...).
But now we have something that both of us have contributed to and both understand. It's more fun this way. :-)
Here's a screenshot of where we are right now.
Devils Tower - Day 3: it's starting to come together...
Posted by tizilogic on 2019/09/25 01:15
3 days (and some) in and I got a controllable character with a simple terrain and one type of tree...
this is what it looks like right now:
Posted by gem on 2019/09/24 22:00
Designing Rapunzel herself, though the tower looks a bit weird as of now.
There is still a lot to do in how Rapunzel and the tower change over time. Not sure yet if there will be a set of fixed combinations of attributes that are expressed in the images (not worth the time maybe?) or if there will be elements that are flexible and are added as appropriate (not sure if worth the risk of having her hair float above the tower or something like that).
The latter reminds me of old cartoons where you can tell by the color and structure of elements that they are going to move.