March 2008 challenge: “Robot”

Robot Underground - Testing difficulties

Posted by adam on 2008/04/04 02:11

From one of our team members: "How am I supposed to fight spiders that fire lasers when they don't fire lasers, they fire more spiders?!?"


Assembly Line - At last, a release!

Posted by gcewing on 2008/04/04 02:08

Finally got something that might be approaching playability. At least it demonstrates the concept. And sometimes doesn't crash.

AFQ (Anticipated Frequent Questions):

Q: Where are the robots?

A: The idea is for some of the machines in the factory to be industrial robots, but there isn't anything quite that sophisticated in there yet. If nothing else, maybe I'll put in a sweeping robot to clean the floor.

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Sea War - Coding style

Posted by milker on 2008/04/04 01:57

In many year ago. I started learning OO (Object Oriented) in programming skill. when I learned ruby and Java .

OO is difference than Old C style. ( my first computer language is Basic . it was running on a 8089 processor. it had not OO :<

One day my friend told me, he wrote a new java game.

He said that, when he did re-create a world. there had a ball and a stick.
  1. what color was the ball has?
  2. the ball was moving like ?
  3. what color was the stick has?
  4. the stick was moving like ?
  5. when the stick met the ball ?
  6. what happen, when the stick met the ball ?
  7. or the world has power object. it was becoming ball and stick ? that was liked Aristotle said.
It didn't to thinking about process, focus to thinking about ball or stick,
when you care ball and stick. the world ( game ) should become very interest.

I did same in Sea War.

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Sea War - Game philosophy (Sea War)

Posted by milker on 2008/04/04 00:31

Sea War is a 2D real-time strategy game. It isn't like C&C , it just design for children about 4+ ( fours year old. ), so the game logic is very simple.

Another thing, Sea War is design for multi-player, they can play in same time and using one LCD monitor. they are taking up them joysticks and play it, they are talking and laughing.

I don't know howto active a two mouse in linux, so Sea War use joystick to play, and my son love joystick than keybroad and mouse.

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Sea War - Why write a Game ? ( SeaWar )

Posted by milker on 2008/04/04 00:04

In 2008 easter, I wanted to write someting. that can help my sons to learn.

I have two gamepad and I am a linux user too.

So, I started to learn write a game. It is name Racing Killer. it is a shooting game.

My two sons love it more. they play it everyday.

I was decide to post it to internet. I found pyweek

pyweek#6 is my first challenge about computer skill.

I join it and post Racing Killer in there.

But it was broke the rule( because the game isn't write this week.), so I write a new game, it name SeaWar.


Grow bots - Nothing left but gameplay and tweaking...

Posted by wybiral on 2008/04/03 23:13

Well, I've got most of the hard parts worked out: a simple in-game editor, a VERY crude GUI system (it's laughable, but for a one week challenge, it's not too bad), and the basic elements of gameplay. What's left is mostly going to be refining everything and working out some of the gamelpay details (having to find the right values to make the game fun and still challenging is proving to be the hardest part). There wont be too much in terms of a battle system, but that's something that can be worked on more after the challenge (who knows, with some other tweaks and some migration to server code, this game could also be made multiplayer!)

Here's a recent shot of some in-game action (oil wells, warehouses, apartments, and factories):

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C.A.T.:B.O.T. - Cat Academy of Technology: Beyond ODS' Techdog - Day 5 - Too late now ~.~

Posted by Zahmekoses on 2008/04/03 23:02

We will partially skip this diary entry today, as naptime is already overdue..

Much progress was done, except for some minor things the game could be considered ready - so we will just call it past-alpha-pre-beta-version... tomorrow gameplay will be tested, last images will be generated and everything will be polished - and sound/music, maybe, ... hopefully...

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Make Me - Day 4: game features

Posted by alex on 2008/04/03 22:53

Day 3 was pretty much a write-off. Like Richard, I was stranded in the city after a category 3 cyclone walked through Melbourne, shutting down the public transport system and cutting power to my house for 30 hours.

Thankfully I was able to leech power and wireless at my Mum's house, and got back into writing new code for the game, rather than addressing old collision and loading bugs. The main gameplay trick is now mostly finished as of 3 AM last night.

The on-demand map loading is sensitive to camera motion, so I replaced the previous follow-with-lag strategy with a spring+dampening model, which looks a little like handheld footage and plays nicer with the loader.

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MUA - Weapon Selection Screen

Posted by keeyai on 2008/04/03 22:49

50 hours 11 minutes remaining

The bot builder is now finished. I've gone totally overboard on using basic sprites instead of a GUI, but I think it turned out. It looks a little corny, but maybe that gives it flavor (if you like corn, I guess). The bot builder will only allow you to pick the weapons available for the level you are on, so we can customize the challenges using the levels. I decided against letting people bind their own keys. It would have been nifty, but it just isn't worth the amount of time I'd have to spend at this point.

Behold the bot builder! (Should really be called the weapon selection screen or something).

Office Space 5000 - Weapon Selection Screen

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Ghetto VIking: The prophecy - Collision control makes Robot want to kill

Posted by j-1 on 2008/04/03 22:07

This horrible thursday was lost almost entirely to implementing collision detection/response. One would think it would not be so hard, since it's just in 2d, but I can't get it to tick. Could somebody point me to a good resource allowed by the rules on how to do this? I can detect a collision quite easily, but it is the moving-back-to-prevent-overlap part that breaks it... I guess we'll waste another day doing this.

However, I did have time to implement a nice (well, working) menu system, and Jakob made some nive HUMAN-KILL-GORE. You can see the menu as a screenshot (the thumbnail doesn't show it correctly, though).