September 2006 challenge: “The Disappearing Act”
The (messy) disappearing act - 1. Day
Posted by DR0ID on 2006/09/03 19:37
skellapptice - Getting started
Posted by Skalle on 2006/09/03 18:06
The game will be 2.5D (we use sprites in a side-scroller manner, but backgrounds may be 3-dimensional). The game will most probably be about an alien that had been captured by humans, and now has to escape (or disappear) out of their base. The one thing that the humans didn't know when they put him in the cage is that he has a special power: if he gets in touch with liquid, he can turn liquid himself. To win the game you must escape through sewers, air vents, toilets and more, taking on the shape of water, glue or coffee etc.
As of now we think the game will be a puzzle game with several or many levels, every level a part of the human base.
No pictures yet though.
Luminence - Test Post
Posted by dkeeney on 2006/09/03 16:27
line two
Team Zankar - New and improved idea
Posted by atiaxi on 2006/09/03 14:46
After having discovered that my idea had already been thought up, I'm registering my new idea here so I can say I thought of it first :)
The concept: Bank Robbery! You've just pulled off a daring robbery and now have to escape the police. Lose them, and make it to the safehouse! Top-down GTA1/2 style gameplay, but without all the stealing of cars or splatting of pedestrians. You've committed enough felonies for one day :)
ThreeLittlePygs - Some progress, maybe...
Posted by RB[0] on 2006/09/03 14:09
the fopward prgress is that we already have a player that will move around a map, an enemy who blinks and some weird neutral things :P
The backward is that our radar system, which only worked from a fixed point last night, has now failed us completely:(.
Hopefully I will have a screenshot up later today.
My dog ate my homework - .plan
Posted by gly on 2006/09/03 12:36
-Learn pygame ;)
-Make something show up on the screen
-Nothing (school all day)
-Some simple artwork
-Deciding what's feasible
- Nothing (school all day, then some pubs)
- Finish coding
- Modelling
- Sound effects
- Level design
- Testing
- Packaging
Sleight of Python - Slept on it
Posted by Marlow on 2006/09/03 11:16
So, here goes.
"A powerful wizard was attempting a disappearing act when he was kidnapped by his arch enemy and imprisoned in a magic world. His nemesis took his wand from him and hurled it deep into the magical world, condemned to spin for all eternity. Luckily, the magican somehow managed to maintain a telepathic link with the wand and is trying to guide it back to him so that he can escape and finish his disappearing act. Unfortunately, the wand just won't stop spinning."
PyAr2:Typus Pocus - Typus Pocus
Posted by alecu on 2006/09/03 03:52
team_sieb - A theme, and an idea
Posted by siebharinn on 2006/09/03 03:44
My project will be using mouse gestures to manipulate magic energy, in order to bend spoons. Er...make things disappear. Now you know why magicians wave their magic wands around. Or you will, as soon as I'm done.
Crunchy Toads - Toads in a toaster
Posted by donal.h on 2006/09/03 03:13
Seek a sultry sorcerer's second!
Acquire adventageous arcane artifacts!
Avoid alliteration always afterward!