September 2006 challenge: “The Disappearing Act”
Crunchy Toads - Slow, but effective start
Posted by donal.h on 2006/09/04 02:17
I'm going to be working on a Resource Editor, then move on to a Level Editor.
While I'm mucking about with the utilities, Skaro will be engineering us a game engine. Once those tasks are finished, we'll figure out where we are and where we need to go.
My current task is figuring out pgu. Always picking new libs to learn at crunch time.
Team Big Dice Games - Decided on a direction (for now)
Posted by tsmaster on 2006/09/04 02:11
clarkjc - Still need an idea
Posted by clarkjc on 2006/09/04 01:54
Luminence - Alternate
Posted by dkeeney on 2006/09/04 00:34
SenacSP SIGGAMES - Day #1
Posted by jacober on 2006/09/04 00:05
Nicolas Palumbo - game ideas
Posted by Nico on 2006/09/03 23:32
Bouncy the Hungry Rabbit - I hate collision detection
Posted by richard on 2006/09/03 23:28

In the end, I retired at 11:00pm and read a book in bed. I'd resolved to try PyODE, but I knew that would probably cause more pain that it was worth.
This morning when I woke up after a good night's sleep, I had the solution. It was simple and after sitting down for about half an hour it was coded. Half an hour later it was debugged ("if you write code as cleverly as you can, then by definition you can't debug it"). Now my rabbit is bounded by fences. It can dig holes. If it digs for long enough, it goes into the hole and moves around under the ground, only to pop up elsewhere (leaving another hole).
Team Big Dice Games - Additional Idea
Posted by tsmaster on 2006/09/03 20:46
Team Big Dice Games - Oops
Posted by tsmaster on 2006/09/03 20:31
Fortunately, I've got three separate game ideas that I've been toying with under this heading:
- Codename AHDN - realtime squad action game
- Codename Noir Room - puzzle based room mystery
- Codename Crop Circle - Haven't figured out a mechanic for this yet.
Urban Ninja - Ideas, Ideas...
Posted by Cthulhu32 on 2006/09/03 20:11
I was sketching up some thoughts, and I've got Ninja Training, Hack & Disappear, and a cool Snipe/Find Items that I got the main character drawn up for.
Ninja Training - You're a ninja in training who has to get through various rigorous training exercises, until you finally have to learn to truly disappear.
Hack & Dissapear - a gauntlet style open up a box, avoid and destroy the robots that are coming after you, get the required data files, and leave through the exit.
Snipe/Find Items - you have different levels in a building, and you must hide while sniping enemies. You collect certain items from sniping certain enemies, but you have to avoid getting detected after firing!
I still have more ideas floating around, but "Disappearing Act" is a bizarre theme that I was not expecting.