September 2006 challenge: “The Disappearing Act”
Glass Loop - Slow start
Posted by zzajin on 2006/09/04 09:44
Bouncy the Hungry Rabbit - Level editor == the OpenGL pain
Posted by richard on 2006/09/04 08:31

I still don't know why. My level editor now has the map portion drawn using a perspective view. It just means the picking is a little harder, but thanks to gluUnProject (and a little tweaking) I can get pretty accurate coords - enough to place map objects anyway.
Next up will be saving maps and enforcing a grid. Then I'll go back to working on more game code. Still plenty to do there...
I'm using Alex's text-rendering library PyGlyph to do the text in the buttons, if anyone's interested. It apparently has better layout than pygame.font.
The latest version of the game is bouncy-r3.
Team Ramjet - Well, that's the weekend over with...
Posted by ciw42 on 2006/09/04 07:51
It's not the one I'd have liked, but then that's hardly a problem as I'd given approximately zero time to thinking of ideas for any of the themes anyway.
My immediate thought is to make the "act" part of the theme an acronym. Don't know what yet, but I'll hopefully be able to come up with something that'll mean I don't have to do too much in the way of artwork. I can't draw for toffee, and with a theme like this, unless I'm very careful, I'll have to do something artistic.
team_sieb - A slow day
Posted by siebharinn on 2006/09/04 06:58
I should have a playable game if I can get through my list tomorrow.
Entity Crisis - QGL feature request
Posted by simonwittber on 2006/09/04 05:58
It was a good idea, so I implemented it for him. I modifed the QGL compiler to work with a new Static node.
The rest of you can get the updated modules from here:
Use these modules instead of the QGL-7B versions. It provides a Static node, which works like a group node, but draws all its children using a display list. Any problems let me know, I'll do my best to fix em in a timely manner...
You can recompile the node at anytime to update it with a new display list.
I am yet to even decide on a game concept for my entry... :(
SenacSP SIGGAMES - Things to vanish...
Posted by jacober on 2006/09/04 05:18
List of things we would like to see disappear:
- mother in law
- debts
- bikinis
clarkjc - Simple idea
Posted by clarkjc on 2006/09/04 04:57
clarkjc - More art
Posted by clarkjc on 2006/09/04 04:04
Team_Cloudy - Day one
Posted by chr15m on 2006/09/04 03:39
Bouncy the Hungry Rabbit - More gameplay added
Posted by richard on 2006/09/04 02:22
I intend "easy" mode to be for people who just want to muck around, so the time limits will be much lower (or non-existant) and the farmer will move slower, etc. For example, on "hard" mode you'll also get hungry if you just sit around.