September 2006 challenge: “The Disappearing Act”

Evilmrhenry - Progress?

Posted by evilmrhenry on 2006/09/04 23:45

Well, it turns out that opengl lights are significantly harder than I thought. Basically, I think I'm doing everything right, but no lights show up. After close examination of both the nehe tutorials, and the opengl docs, I'm giving up for now. If somebody actually "gets" opengl lights, a pointer or two could be useful...

Anyway, I'm going to get the level editor working instead.

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Frog Princess VS The Cyborg Fireflies - Technical problems

Posted by pekuja on 2006/09/04 23:30

I hate this. We've got a good plan for our game. I'll write about that later, but currently I'm just bumping into technical problems. Well, for a start I was planning on using a richer library than pygame to start with. Pygext looked good for this purpose... but then plans changed and I realised I'm really going to need a tile engine, so I switched to pgu... only to realise that I'll need some lighting effects... figured that sort of thing would be better to do in OpenGL, so I made my own little rendering hack for pgu... but seriously, I'm not too experienced with OpenGL and I can't figure out how to do lighting in a 2D scene. Basically I would like to assign each pixel on the screen a lighting value. Tried to blit a fullscreen alphablended "lightmap", but that's too slow... I guess I either have to find an alternate way to do that or try to optimise it to work on single tiles instead of the whole screen. Then I might get away with not updating the whole screen all the time, which would be good. I'm going to give lighting effects a rest for now and try to implement some gameplay instead. Any tips on doing 2D lighting effects, OpenGL or otherwise, would be appreciated.

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Nicolas Palumbo - question

Posted by Nico on 2006/09/04 23:03

1) can i use a pathfinding function that i have coded about six months ago? 2) i'm thincking in design my game using this structure i think that some things shall be allmost the same, am i cheating???

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Team Ramjet - Inspiration finally strikes!

Posted by ciw42 on 2006/09/04 21:40

Right. I have an idea, and I think it's going to go some way towards get around my little problem of not being able to draw too well. I find it easier to draw non-organic things, so...

The "act" part of the theme is going to be an acronym for Advanced Camouflage Tank, so the full title of my game will be "Disappearing Advance Camouflage Tank".

As you may expect it'll involve tanks, but the player's tank will have a cloaking type device so that it can't be seen, which is where the "Advanced Camouflage", and therefore the "disappearing" bit comes in. However, the cloaking device requires so much power, that you can only move slowly whilst it's activated and you need to turn it off in order to be able to shoot. There'll be a short delay whilst cloaking/uncloaking and before you can fire, as I think this could make the game a little more challenging.

I need to work out a few things first, but at the moment I see this being a platform based game with a number of simple missions, but in essence it's just going to be a "get from point A to point B (and maybe back again) whilst avoiding being shot yourself, and maybe blowing a few things up along the way" type affair. I hope to be able to design levels which will require some good tactical planning and timing to complete.

I may try and incorporate a few simple puzzle elements as well, but I've no idea how much time I'm going to have this week, so maybe I'm getting a bit ahead of myself.

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Pareto - Start and an idea

Posted by jvloothuis on 2006/09/04 18:54

We settled on a game idea. It's going to be a game about the bermuda triangle. Your going to pilot an ufo and try to capture as many ships/planes as possible. Due to ilness in the family our designer (the worst seems to be over) is unfortunately not able to help out. Hopefully we can get remedy thiss loss in one way or the other.

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Team Zankar - OBJ loading!

Posted by atiaxi on 2006/09/04 18:04

I decided to make my game 3D, and now I don't even remember why. Initially I was against the idea, mainly because I thought it would be too complicated.

Turns out, the 3d stuff has been easy as pie. Physics has been handing my ass to me, though. Who'd have thought car physics would be so hard? I can't seem to get turning right, so I'm faking it; each frame, a portion of your current velocity is transferred to the way you're heading. It's not realistic, but it looks good!

I uploaded a screenshot where you can see my mad OBJ-loading skills. That red car was downloaded from the internet!

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ThreeLittlePygs - day 2

Posted by RB[0] on 2006/09/04 17:05

Well, currently we have a player that you rotate with the arrow keys and move with the up arrow. The only problem is that the movement is kind of funny along the edges of tiles and the screen does'nt follow you correctly.
I think we'll just go flat 2d instead of isometric from here on out.
SinCe its so much easier to move objects with that.

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MIB Games - The Dissappearing Act?

Posted by mibgames on 2006/09/04 11:59

Wow, I have no idea what to do thats related to that theme.

I was obviously not awake as I thought theme voting started today, and the pyweek itself started next week. Doh!

Guess I'd better come up with an idea

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Kiwi - Out game idea

Posted by eltriuqS on 2006/09/04 11:54

Similar to "Where's Waldo", but with a whole 3D dinamic scene.
Also, the character won't be waldo of course, but codename 'Orazi'.

"A powerful mage has done the disappearing act on Orazi,
and ever since he was never seen around. You, a brave adventurer,
must find him in order to "

(i lost it there.. i have no idea why would someone want to find him.)

Anyways, this is the general idea. We have until thursday to develop this
to a complete idea (more will be posted here).
In the meanwhile post your comments here!


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selsine - The Disapppearing Act?

Posted by selsine on 2006/09/04 11:11

Oh boy I really need to think up something, of course this will have to wait until after my golf game, but once that is done I'm gonna get cracking on this...

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