September 2006 challenge: “The Disappearing Act”

Team Big Dice Games - Line Count, end of Monday

Posted by tsmaster on 2006/09/05 05:09

E:\dev\PyWeek3\Dev>wc *.py
  137   178  3022
    7    21   121
   44    69  1087
   15    14   233
  466   618 11801
   42    83   978
   72    52  2126
  158   261  4343
   42    33   590
   96   135  2029
   22    39   468
 1101  1503 26798 total
If you had asked me to guess how many lines of code I had written on this today, I probably would have gone higher than this.

I expect that I won't write as much code per day during the week - in part because I won't have as much time, but also because as the project gets closer to the end, I expect to spend time replacing my OpenGL stick figure art with something more presentable.

Hm, there's even the danger that as I remove programmer (code) art and replace it with programmer (drawn) art, my lines of code will go down.

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Bouncy the Hungry Rabbit - Basic concept is complete!

Posted by richard on 2006/09/05 05:04

I've completed the basic game I set out to make when I started:
  1. You're a rabbit who's hungry and can eat food from a garden,
  2. The farmer will notice and try to catch you, and
  3. You can hide from the farmer by digging underground.
The game detects when you've been caught and when you've eaten enough to satisfy your hunger.

I also got the level editor mostly working today -- I couldn't get picking working while drawing the map in perspective so I switched back to ortho, and the lighting worked. No idea why it works now and didn't before. My next step is to bring up a little menu with actions (rotate, delete, move) when you click on an object in the map.

I have some additional ideas for gameplay, but I'd welcome suggestions. First up will be the introduction of a "hard" mode which has a timer, and you must eat up before the timer runs out.

Also the collision detection / response is a little dodgy in places and I'd like to clean it up...


Team_Cloudy - day 2

Posted by chr15m on 2006/09/05 04:16

Well day 2 did not feel as productive as day 1. Spent most of the day trying to get a 2d faux-3d scaling thing to work and started on a couple of the procedurally generated background elements in the game. I guess I did actually write a fair bit of code; it just doesn't do that much on the screen. Today I will be focussing on procedurally generated backgrounds, and putting some pick-up-able items in the game.

sloccounts says:
Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 276
Total Estimated Cost to Develop = $ 6,992

That's a lot of money for two days work!

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Enter The Foo - Y 3030

Posted by djfroofy_c_ on 2006/09/05 03:49

Remember the Master was an important Member to the ANZ Empirites ...

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The World Dissolved - Act 0 Complete

Posted by Phil on 2006/09/05 02:43

I just uploaded the current release of "The World Dissolved," which just contains Act 0. Which is, of course, just setup and the like. Not that there's going to be a whole lot of interactivity in the end, mind you. But this will give you a taste.

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Crunchy Toads - Dead end, moving on

Posted by donal.h on 2006/09/05 02:36

After hitting a glitch with pgu's FileDialog (whether the glitch is with me or with pgu, I am not readily sure), I am scrapping its use (FileDialog, still using pgu) and moving to a cludge, why pick what you can hard code. This is a specific use utility, not general purpose, so hardcoding, though icky, is perfectly reasonable given the time frame. Maybe I'll have time to revisit the issue when time is not so fleeting.

Other than that, I have heard good things from Skaro about our game engine, so I figure we are making good progress. It's only Monday. I'll panic Wednesday, then think we're doing amazingly well on Thursday. Then it will be a full out fit of activity until the deadline.

So says I.


Nicolas Palumbo - the astar library is working fine

Posted by Nico on 2006/09/05 01:40

Was my fault, when i see the Demo, in a visual way it seems to be wrong because it work in a different way when finds a path under or over a diagonal wall, but it seems to be only an ilussion because of the way the map is draw, sorry for the time, thanks


Nicolas Palumbo - Astar library not Working

Posted by Nico on 2006/09/05 01:01

a warning for the people who attemps to use the library ( the library is not working. i'll upload an snapshot

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The World Dissolved - The World Dissolved

Posted by Phil on 2006/09/05 00:17

So I finally came up with what I'm going to do for this. It's going to be an interactive novel. On the plus side, that means I get to flex my writing muscles over the next week. On the minus side, that means I have to flex my writing muscles over the next week.

I don't plan on having any graphics in the game. And the code is already horrid, barely an hour or two into my starting. Ah, well. I've been meaning to write some form of IF for ages, and it looks like this is going to be where I do it.

Another plus: I suspect that there will be very low system requirements to play the game.

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Team Big Dice Games - First Playable!

Posted by tsmaster on 2006/09/05 00:15

I've reached a build that's actually playable - I can win or lose the game now. There's much that remains to be added, including angle of vision on the opponents, dialog boxes, music, menus, splash screens, the store interface, the "weapon" system, and savegames.

But you know, not so bad for a day's work.

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