September 2006 challenge: “The Disappearing Act”
Kiwi - Out progress
Posted by eltriuqS on 2006/09/05 22:44
some classes to support levels, and plans what to do next, that were suppost to be done today..
(though uri has a POC for citygen.. today he was the one to do something..)
We really have to start some 3D drawing soon, or it will never end..
The Olde Battleaxe 3 - working prototype
Posted by philhassey on 2006/09/05 21:12
fortunately, i reduced that number down to 5, and now have a working prototype of the game. once i give it a few run-throughs i'll move onto working on the real artwork :)
Pareto - Another day of work done
Posted by jvloothuis on 2006/09/05 20:01
Sleight of Python - First screenshot
Posted by Marlow on 2006/09/05 19:46
After a busy day at work yesterday, I couldn't think straight. I was trying to use turtle graphics to draw the paths that made up the level, but couldn't get it to work. Today I made an early (5am) start and broke the back of it before leaving for work.
Now it's a choice between collision detection and going back over my code to make it work "right". Which is going to slow me down more?
Right now I'm leaning towards doing the collision detection. If I need to refactor then I'll find out soon enough, and there's always darcs to fall back on.
Neil Funk - New Beginnings
Posted by CrazyPyro on 2006/09/05 17:27
This is technically my second PyWeek, but I never produced an entry for the last one. This time though, I have an idea that will fit and that is within reasonable size for a week:
It's a puzzle game where you move blocks around obstacles, eventually making every block "disappear" by moving it adjacent to its twin. It's more-or-less a remake of an old VB3/win16 game I remember playing but can't find anymore, called "Uz."
simonar - ant panic!
Posted by simonar on 2006/09/05 16:13
"ever the romantic, you've taken your lovely girlfriend for a picnic in the countryside. unfortunately, you've chosen the worst spot possible - dozens of ants are out to steal your food! can you keep them away for long enough to finish the picnic, or will you be single again by the end?"no screenshots yet, as all the graphics are primary-colour placeholders.
Entity Crisis - Physics suck
Posted by simonwittber on 2006/09/05 10:11
I fix my screen->opengl coordinate function, wham, the physics stuff works. Hoorah.
YokGame V1 - No Time
Posted by yokoyok on 2006/09/05 10:09
I don't have time to do it :'(
I hope I can finish it on time or else... I have wait for PyWeek4 ... very sad
Cloaked - Coming along slowly
Posted by ataraxia on 2006/09/05 08:26
We also have to develop a model for all the enemies in our shooter; programming that much behaviour will be challenging!
Team Ramjet - I've slept on it
Posted by ciw42 on 2006/09/05 08:03
I'm going to limit myself to a maximum of one evening drawing the artwork, and that evening will have to be tonight. During the last 48 hour competition I wasted pretty much all of my time drawing, and wasn't able to submit anything.
I've a good few ideas about how the levels will work, and how I can make them challenging, and I've also a mental plan of the coding which will be required, how the non-game side of things will look (title screen, high score table, instructions etc.) and how I'm going to handle the physics. I'll be coding this myself as I only need basic "arcade" level physics.
All things being well I should get three evenings to work on this, and I'm really looking forward to getting underway tonight.