September 2006 challenge: “The Disappearing Act”

selsine - Man oh Man

Posted by selsine on 2006/09/06 04:27

Well I'm working away at this, very slowly as my 9-5 has been creeping into my night life and it looks like it will continue for the rest of the week. Should probably have used some tools like PGU or something since so much of what I am doing feels like I am re-inventing 16 I'm still not exactly sure what the point of my game will be...sigh run bunnies run.

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SenacSP SIGGAMES - Day #3

Posted by jacober on 2006/09/06 01:18

Things to do:
  • image segmentation
  • Tetris-like controls > image rotation (PIL?)
  • Labirinth stub
  • Collision
No time for this:
  • moving camera
  • magic act animation
  • auto-generated (programmed) labirynhth

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SenacSP SIGGAMES - Ideas crossed out

Posted by jacober on 2006/09/06 01:06

  • Dissolving images with rays
  • 3D "walk in shadows" Stealth game

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Team Zankar - The difference between two angles

Posted by atiaxi on 2006/09/06 01:03

Given you're at angle X, and you want to be at angle Y, which way do you turn?

At first, it looks like you can just subtract them, but that doesn't work - it breaks down at the edges (i.e. you're at 1 and you want to go to 359).

Happily, the kind folks on #pyweek were willing to help me out. For future reference, the answer is: Make a vector facing angle X and a vector facing angle Y. Take the cross product and look at the sign of the Z term (assuming X and Y are in the X-Y plane!) - this tells you which way to turn.

I got that working and have thus uploaded a screenshot of 10 cops and 1 robber (i.e. you). Happily those white dots on the field are their waypoints, and they're chasing them and not you.

So far....!

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SenacSP SIGGAMES - Day #2

Posted by jacober on 2006/09/06 01:02

After a few thoughts, game design is ready.

Game will be:

  • drop a lion or other things into a place below stage
  • segment image in peaces, that will have to cross labirinthic path to reach other place below stage
  • everything must be in place before magic act ends
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    Team Popcorn - Thinking

    Posted by iceeey on 2006/09/05 23:19

    With pyweek, it's not enough to take a game format that's already been done a million times and tack on a different story/theme. It's about innovation. It's the spontaneity of Python combined with the time-restricted nature of the project that makes innovative code-driven procedural games more fun than content-driven genre games. I hope I can think up something new and I hope to find others who will too. Good luck everyone.

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    My dog ate my homework - Tuesday

    Posted by gly on 2006/09/05 23:10

    Rendering of the world/maze/arena works pretty well. Some optimations are needed though. The rotational menu system works but needs polishing. is mostly a test program and thus a mess so I will make a nice class out of the game. Then I can write some code for the characters.

    I've decided about the game now. It'll be an adventure/action game taking place in an alien building of some sort. Preliminary story is: My dog ate my homework. My first idea about level design was generating them randomly from a couple of rules. I haven't thought anything more about that yet.

    I've modelled a spider and rigged it with armatures. The first thing I did was an attack action, whitch wasn't to hard. But creating a walkcycle for it was slightly harder, so I postponed that for tomorrow. To make the game look like anything that's done I'll have to create, one or two aliens, a couple of droids, some props and of course the hero. I'm mostly worried about the living stuff..

    Nothing done yet. Will start tomorrow.

    Not to worried yet, I like tight deadlines.

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    Urban Ninja - Prototyping and Time Analyzing

    Posted by Cthulhu32 on 2006/09/05 23:00

    So I'm bored at work, doing a few tests on some prototyping stuff such as the transparent lamp stuff. I can randomly create lamps all over the shadow plain, add items, and place the ninja on different layers.

    Just a note on the screenshot, the ninja is the sprite rip from Ninja Gaiden, YES its copyright, and YES I am going to remove it 100% on the next screenshot. I'm just at work and I wanted a placeholder.

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    ThreeLittlePygs - For anyone whos interested...

    Posted by RB[0] on 2006/09/05 22:56

    I wrote a script that will easily and quickly convert a number of smaller images into one big sprite sheet.
    It will also keep transparency, if you have it, intact.

    If you are interested email me at
    Currently there is no license but it will be in the public domain, after I work on it some more and make it prettier.


    Nicolas Palumbo - Stuck

    Posted by Nico on 2006/09/05 22:47

    I'm trying to code my first steps, i'm using the MVC pattern to post events like the tutorial previously mentioned and i'm going crazy, i hope that i can solve this madness

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