September 2006 challenge: “The Disappearing Act”
Evilmrhenry - Progress!
Posted by evilmrhenry on 2006/09/06 22:25
What I have done instead, is have two textures for the floor (light and dark textures). Normally, the dark texture shows, but when an enemy is looking in a direction, I overlay it with a light texture. Some interesting math in, if that's your thing...
Finally, you can't see it very well, but the sight triangle is actually cone-shaped, and can be partially blocked by walls.
SimRex Rides Again - Finally I have an idea..
Posted by SimRex on 2006/09/06 22:15
After my pre-contest support for the (unsuccessful) campaign to make "use of theme" a voting category, I guess I was asking to find myself in a situation where the only game I could think of to make was a copy of something else with the theme shoehorned in ;)
Urban Ninja - Gotta make a checklist
Posted by Cthulhu32 on 2006/09/06 18:39
- Finish Player Artwork
- Create Classes & Interactive Code for Level Objects
- Finish Player Interactivity Code, attack, action, hurt, etc.
- Create Enemy Graphics
- Place a score/menu/life at top
- Give Enemies Interactivity with player
- Give Enemies AI
- Play Test!!
- Enhance AI, add Extras
- Create Menu, Add Music, Extra Work
The Bishop and The Warlord - Finding the time/energy
Posted by bishop on 2006/09/06 16:20
I imagine that for a lot of contestants, some game ideas were already forming in various minds before the competition theme had been decided, with some flexibility being baked in just in case one's favourite theme didn't end up on top. In our case, I had an idea which would have worked quite well with my top two choices - a nautical theme which rides on the general favour bestowed on the previous PyWeek winner - and as luck would have it, my favourite theme ended up as the one chosen. So, how can the nautical theme be combined with "The Disappearing Act"? Well, as one other team have discovered (and the warlord and I are not "sharking" off you, whichever team you are!), anything nautical plus anything involving disappearance must suggest the Bermuda Triangle.
Having the "sawn in half" theme would have provided a more amusing and more contrived nautical entry - it's a shame it didn't finish first. Perhaps that variation can be cooked up as a post-PyWeek release!
Now, all I have to do is to find the time and energy to get this done. Perhaps the warlord will help me out...
PrintStar Part II - A Simple Level Editor
Posted by PrintStar on 2006/09/06 14:58
I needed to move quick since I couldn't start until Monday night. Schedule is becoming quite compressed at this point...
Bouncy the Hungry Rabbit - Some progress
Posted by richard on 2006/09/06 10:11

I modelled up some new props too, since those don't take very long to do.
I added the higher-level game structure (menu, level progression) and some transitioning to and from the actual game itself. I've also implemented a couple of aspects of the difficulty system. Easy is easy (but probably not easy enough) and hard is quite a challenge.
I also cleaned up the A* routine a bit - the code in there wasn't very optimised and thanks to RB[0] the farmer can now walk angles. There's still a slowdown sometimes from the A* firing so I need to figure how to split that over multiple frames.
Urban Ninja - Its late, I'm tired of art
Posted by Cthulhu32 on 2006/09/06 09:29
I started on redoing the ninja so he's now a cool super cyber ninja

but then I tried to do a full walking animation and its turning out to be a challenge. You can tell how tired I am by the fact that each frame gets messier :)

Oh well, a lot of fixing to be done. If you want to see what my screen looked like about 10:45pm last night, check out
Ok, enough diary, sleep time.
Rush Rush 2025 - A New Beginning
Posted by hansbonini on 2006/09/06 05:39
Team_Cloudy - day 3
Posted by chr15m on 2006/09/06 05:00
ThreeLittlePygs - If you're curious ...
Posted by fydo on 2006/09/06 04:28
I also did a nice looking menu/splashscreen, but you don't get to see it until it's 100% complete.
I think this is shaping up to be a decent looking game! I just hope I'll have enough time to finish everything we need.