February 2016 challenge: “The aftermath”
Posted by PixelFlower on 2016/03/05 06:57
The game can be started, there is an about page to explain the game, the game can be exited successfully, and the game can be either lost or beaten. There are four challenges that appear randomly as you wander through the wasteland. There are challenges based on attributes that can be modified through the game in a couple places. Lots of text. Not a lot of pixels. Unfortunately I lost a day to life issues so I'm probably not going to be able to give this game much in the way of art which is sad. There's a lot more I would like to do with it but in its current state it is... technically a game? You can play it, win or lose and then op to quit or try again. So I consider this a victory. If I have the time I'll try to fancy it up tomorrow before I submit it. I like this game and I think I'll keep working on it after the week is over.
There are also a couple bugs that I have no idea how to deal with and only occur... really... REALLY randomly..? I haven't been able to ferret out what causes them yet but they aren't game breaking so MEH
Posted by deimos impact on 2016/03/05 06:24
I have completed the art... There's not much more to say than that.
There are some avatars for each enemy, and the tiger's pretty nice, as is the turkey.
So now I'm working on the dialogue. And let me tell you, it is hard to find good turkey puns.
Posted by fireclaw on 2016/03/05 01:31
can't hold it back anymore :P
well, so far the game is done, at least there isn't much that I could add to it in the less time that's left. If I get some time for it tomorrow, I'll look some more into creating installers as currently the packed installers only work for Linux (Debian based) but somehow not for windows.
Anyway, the already uploaded P3D file should run on every mayor desktop system with only a few little caveats like having to install the p3d runtime and no fancy mouse cursor image on windows systems. So for the best experience with it I recommend trying it on Ubuntu GNU Linux.
Posted by mauve on 2016/03/05 01:30
Today was a productive day. I've been pushing pretty hard to the finish line today because I'm going to the Raspberry Pi Birthday Weekend tomorrow. This, and a lack of good visible progress, is the reason for my lack of diary entries.
Have a couple of screenshots, and happy hacking tomorrow!
Detention: The Aftermath - Day 6 - DRummB0ID_21 - Detention: The Aftermath
Posted by gummbum on 2016/03/05 01:27
I don't usually write diary entries during the week. I'll keep it short, then.
The first day we spent several hours on the concept. Had to make sure we shared a vision. This was one of our weaker ideas, so I think the time spent on concept paid off. We had already had a skeleton to-do list made, and a selection of libraries. Everything else is from scratch: DR0ID's fun hand-drawn art style; sfx and music scrounged on the fly, and coding the brains.
Up until Thursday it was like a junkyard raid: scavenged parts strewn about, some fit together on our workbench and rigged up to hook this wire up and do...something.
Mid Thursday we finally had enough to integrate. We started putting it together, and suddenly we had a game. Very rough, but a game. After gathering the remains of the strewn parts off the floor and banging them in place, and much makeshift casting, grinding, and tweaking, we have a Bondo masterpiece.
What does Bondo have to do with our game? Uh. Nothing but a nostalgic metaphor.
I posted a couple new screenshot teasers. But no spoilers for you! We still need to paint and buff and polish the chrome before we pull the curtain away. =)
Posted by Jjp137 on 2016/03/05 00:59
I'll make this quick for obvious reasons :)
The graphics related to the (nonsensical yet amusing) story is finished, the levels are almost done, and finding music that fits the game is a bit tricky.
And now it's time to wrap things up...
Hao Wan - less than 1 day, submit my file...
Posted by xmzhang1 on 2016/03/05 00:16
The first time join pyweek, learning by doing. This challenge really give me a lot joy!
Posted by LeopardShark on 2016/03/04 19:56
Gosh, I've lots to do. Example: make the game actually work as a game. I also need sound effects, possibly more planets and some more story dialogue between levels. I think that if I manage to do all of these this game will do much better than last time. I just spent about half an hour solving a problem before discovering there would be no way it would work and having to press Ctrl-Z a lot until I made something else, which only took about 10 minutes to implement. The only catch is a 0-3 second wait (depending on how long you are going to last, and how fast your computer is) before each planet launch. Probably need a loading screen for something that long. On a side note, procedural stars look lovely.
Adrift - Days 1 to 5
Posted by mit-mit on 2016/03/04 16:11
OK, quick write up ... has been hectic up until now. We had a pretty good bunch of concepts worked out for all of the potential themes, and I'm pretty happy with how our "The Aftermath" concept is shaping up. We are doing an overhead view tile map real time strategy game when you need to command and control a spacecraft crew after a major disaster has hit the craft while journeying through deep space.
Day 1-3 got a basic engine working for the game play: point-and-click mechanics, path finding using a-star for units (this was such a pleasure to do in python!) ... (thanks to helpful reference: http://theory.stanford.edu/~amitp/GameProgramming/ ), basic game design done. Day 4-5 has been focused on finalising artwork, integrating into game and testing, starting to design UI and title screen cutscenes for story etc.
We are tracking reasonably well, but as always there will be a crunch time tomorrow night :).
Posted by green0range on 2016/03/04 09:24
With just over a day to go, I'm pretty happy with were we're at. I've just made the second re-energise level, and added in windscreen wipers, which scale the usually energy increase by 5 when eaten. For those who don't get the reference, Keas are very cheeky birds, who will try to tear apart cars. It must therefore provide them with lots of energy, right. Very nutritious. (They also like flying away with keys and dismantling tents, maybe I should add that....) Anyway, the tiger level has changed to inside a warehouse, and I've started preparing to add in a Turkey. Only then will your fight for dominance be complete. So being a Saturday tomorrow, I should be able to get all the finishing touches on, hopefully... Overall, I quite pleased with my first pyweek entry. Looking forward to seeing all the finished games.