March 2008 challenge: “Robot”
Robot Underground - Linux issues with Robot Underground
Posted by Martin on 2008/04/07 11:07
We've had some reports of errors that look like this:
pyglet.image.codecs.ImageDecodeException: Unable to load: maps/controlroom.bmp
This is a problem with pyglet image loading on Linux (I knew we should have tested on Linux). If you want to give us a DNW, that's fine, but if you'd still like to play the game, you can download a set of replacement map files here. Just extract them to the data/maps directory, overwriting the files which are already there. You'll also need to add the following line between lines 20 and 21 of lib/
if pitch > 0: offs -= pitch
ThEdA_P6 - The Final Version Features
Posted by gizmo_thunder on 2008/04/07 11:06
Vandal Parts - Any problems with Vandal Parts?
Posted by Badger on 2008/04/07 10:08
RoboCute - The Night After
Posted by kfields on 2008/04/07 08:48
Well, I implemented block culling which was a big improvement. I need to make an Easter Bunny that distributes treasure. :)
Here's the link to RoboCute's Google Code Page. I've got the SVN going. I'll upload a zip to it after I get that Bunny and a couple of other things finished.
Alex and Richard can expect to hear a lot from me in the future once I start delving into pyglet further.
CH1ck3n W1ng - Finally final
Posted by dodgyville on 2008/04/07 05:17
Bot Builder 2000 - Bugs (of course there wer some)
Posted by bjorn on 2008/04/07 05:10
lines 11-14 in should be:
self.stages.append(Actor("Story01.png")) self.stages.append(Actor("Story02.PNG")) self.stages.append(Actor("Story03.png")) self.stages.append(Actor("Story04.png"))
actually I'm relieved that this is the only place such a bug snuck in.
I've had another bug report (comment on a different diary entry) but I can't repro it so I'm hoping everything else is working for most people!
Please do leave comments in this threat if you find more bugs.
Robo-T2 - bug fixes
Posted by lucio on 2008/04/07 04:56
we had some bugs with our release, we didnt fix them in time, but we are releasing a bugfix-only version, that you can download if you please and test with it.
thanks for your indulgence.
10 Roboticists from Santa Fe - Torrent with all games
Posted by humitos on 2008/04/07 04:14
I don't know where this entry goes...
Magma Team - Known Bug
Posted by satanas666 on 2008/04/07 03:27
10 Roboticists from Santa Fe - Problems with Robot Toast
Posted by JuanjoConti on 2008/04/07 03:17
When select the 'play' option I get this error message:
juanjo@albus:~/Desktop/Pyweek6-juegos/robot_toast$ python 62 FPS Loading level Error occurred loading Wilhelm.ogg from data/sounds/Wilhelm.ogg
It seems that the original filename is called wilhelm.ogg (no caps). May be it was developed under Windows? I am running Ubuntu.
Solved with:
juanjo@albus:~/Desktop/Pyweek6-juegos/robot_toast$ mv data/sounds/wilhelm.ogg data/sounds/Wilhelm.ogg