March 2008 challenge: “Robot”

Robot Underground - Linux issues with Robot Underground

Posted by Martin on 2008/04/07 11:07

We've had some reports of errors that look like this:

pyglet.image.codecs.ImageDecodeException: Unable to load:

This is a problem with pyglet image loading on Linux (I knew we should have tested on Linux). If you want to give us a DNW, that's fine, but if you'd still like to play the game, you can download a set of replacement map files here. Just extract them to the data/maps directory, overwriting the files which are already there. You'll also need to add the following line between lines 20 and 21 of lib/

    if pitch > 0: offs -= pitch


ThEdA_P6 - The Final Version Features

Posted by gizmo_thunder on 2008/04/07 11:06

Hi, I just wanted to thank kfields, saluk for their comments on my game. I worked and improved the timing and have improved the ui for the key display just before the deadline :). Hope it is better than before. Check out the latest screen shots


Vandal Parts - Any problems with Vandal Parts?

Posted by Badger on 2008/04/07 10:08

Cause we got 36% DNW last time, just want to know in advance here.


RoboCute - The Night After

Posted by kfields on 2008/04/07 08:48


Well, I implemented block culling which was a big improvement. I need to make an Easter Bunny that distributes treasure. :)

Here's the link to RoboCute's Google Code Page. I've got the SVN going. I'll upload a zip to it after I get that Bunny and a couple of other things finished.

Alex and Richard can expect to hear a lot from me in the future once I start delving into pyglet further.

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CH1ck3n W1ng - Finally final

Posted by dodgyville on 2008/04/07 05:17

This is our game! It looks nothing like the screen shot. SHARE AND ENJOY!

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Bot Builder 2000 - Bugs (of course there wer some)

Posted by bjorn on 2008/04/07 05:10

Well, of course there were bugs; one in particular which I forgot to warn all my teammates about, being windows users, and that I didn't catch because I was out of town doing my final testing etc on a windows machine is watching that filenames match case. In particular, when I got home and tested on my linux machine I had to make the following fix for the game to run:
lines 11-14 in should be:

actually I'm relieved that this is the only place such a bug snuck in.

I've had another bug report (comment on a different diary entry) but I can't repro it so I'm hoping everything else is working for most people!

Please do leave comments in this threat if you find more bugs.


Robo-T2 - bug fixes

Posted by lucio on 2008/04/07 04:56

hey all,

we had some bugs with our release, we didnt fix them in time, but we are releasing a bugfix-only version, that you can download if you please and test with it.

thanks for your indulgence.

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10 Roboticists from Santa Fe - Torrent with all games

Posted by humitos on 2008/04/07 04:14

I created a torrent with all the games of pyweek 6. It can be downloaded from:
I don't know where this entry goes...


Magma Team - Known Bug

Posted by satanas666 on 2008/04/07 03:27

Well, the game was posted with a little known issue. Final boss has 1 hp... YES! just ONE hp... hehehe. You'll kill him without any effort indeed. You can fix this bug changing boss hp in file, line 420 and replacing "1" by "30". That's it. Have fun

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10 Roboticists from Santa Fe - Problems with Robot Toast

Posted by JuanjoConti on 2008/04/07 03:17

This report is about Robot Toast.

When select the 'play' option I get this error message:

juanjo@albus:~/Desktop/Pyweek6-juegos/robot_toast$ python 62 FPS Loading level Error occurred loading Wilhelm.ogg from data/sounds/Wilhelm.ogg

It seems that the original filename is called wilhelm.ogg (no caps). May be it was developed under Windows? I am running Ubuntu.

Solved with:

juanjo@albus:~/Desktop/Pyweek6-juegos/robot_toast$ mv data/sounds/wilhelm.ogg data/sounds/Wilhelm.ogg