March 2008 challenge: “Robot”
Robot Toast - Enticing Screen Shot!
Posted by erlandr on 2008/04/07 02:06
Awesome Block Game 4 - Must-Try games
Posted by eugman on 2008/04/07 01:40
simple guidlines: One game per person, no repeats, not yours.
Mine: 2 pint's of Zinglon's Ale
HoleInTheHeadStudios-1.9 - RoboWars
Posted by RB[0] on 2008/04/07 00:55
There is a slight bug in territory selecting - and one random crash - read more here:
Robot Underground - Robot Underground: for your enjoyment and pleasure
Posted by adam on 2008/04/07 00:14
Well, with the madness of coding behind us, we've managed to take some time out to actually play our game (along with everyone else's). There's a whole raft of stuff we'd like to improve or add, possibly in some future post-Pyweek release, but there's a couple of specific issues which might merit the attention of players over the next two weeks:
- There's some slow resource leak we haven't managed to track down yet. This can slow the game down after playing for a long time. If you save your game, quit completely, then restart the game and reload, performance will return to normal.
- If you ask Putney to send you to the Outer Zones while he and Victoria are both in the room on the very left of the town area (after the fifth or sixth story-based mission), you will receive the error message 'programming error: unknown scene key' followed by a game over screen. Pyweek purists may rest assured that you can finish the game without needing to do this, but if you want, you can fix the error by changing the string 'outerzones' to 'ozmission' on line 112 of lib/content/
Robot Toast - Yaaay! Entry up!
Posted by Tresch on 2008/04/06 23:37
Robot Underground - Robot Underground - a Cambellian monomyth robot action RPG in five acts.
Posted by Chard on 2008/04/06 23:00
Ghetto VIking: The prophecy - At least we're happy
Posted by jakob on 2008/04/06 21:22
However, there is still some major bugs which we did not find in time. The most problematic one is that in windows the game crashes when it tries to save your progress after completing the first level.
I am still not sure why, since this does not occur on Linux, nor Mac. If you still want to play some other levels the bug can be bypassed by adding the numbers 0-16 (all the levels) to the data/unlocked file. Remember newlines!
We'll be releasing a bugfixed and improved version of the game after the voting is finished. Have a nice time!
PyBotLearn - Explaining PyBotLearn
Posted by ceronman on 2008/04/06 19:27
PyWeek is finished. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time for it this year, so I'm almost a DNF. The theme for this year was "Robot". My idea ended up being more like an application than a game. I wanted to create an educational environment for teaching programing to children. Something similar to Logo. The idea was to build a game where your could program a small robot. It should be interactive so children could experiment on the fly.
In other words, It should be something like this: A window with a robot and a world, bellow a Python console. The users should be able to write commands in the console and the robot should execute them. The robot should be able to interact with it's environment and with the user too. Error, warnings, etc, should be given to the programmer in a friendly way. Additionally, there should be various challenges that the programmers should solve. This should be the fun factor for the game.
But, unfortunately, as I said before, I didn't have more that a couple of hours every day since Thursday, so I've failed on most of my objectives, and the only thing I have is a barely working demo. No challenges, no fun, no objects, no cool environment. Any way, I still like the idea, and I will try to continue with this project. I would love to hear more opinions about it.
Here is a small video of the demo
HoleInTheHeadStudios-1.9 - Game Link...
Posted by RB[0] on 2008/04/06 18:48
Pending that - you can try out the game from our googlecode page:
Also - the territory/tile selection is off by one tile - so either play realizing this - which isn't too bad - just kinda weird, or change line 391 in lib/ to:
p = p[0] - x[0], p[1] - x[1] + self.tile_size[1]
Also - it appears possible to make the game crash - but this happened only once - so if it does hit you - please give us the traceback - and then play again ;)
Have fun - and let us know what you think please :)
Deemed Red - 1 in 7 chance crash. If so, try again!
Posted by CPUFreak91 on 2008/04/06 18:20
There's also a crash that happens when you play the asteroids game and click on a planet that doesn't have any dialog set.
If you'd prefer to spend your day shooting asteroids and getting resources without the possibility of a hapenchance crash, you can get the bugfixed version from:
The game also has an unfinished part, the trading screen, where you can buy stuff with 0 cash, but can't sell :D
We would have added more dialog and unlocked more planets if time allowed. :(