March 2008 challenge: “Robot”

Sid the Grasshopper - Feedback for Robotic Parts

Posted by john on 2008/04/09 06:47

If anyone has any feedback for my game: Robotic parts, then pelase post it here, so I can start work on a DELUXE version of the game. :D

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CH1ck3n W1ng - Postmortem

Posted by dodgyville on 2008/04/09 06:16

A colleague and myself sat down Monday after work and decided to make a game using pyglet. Neither of us had ever used the library before, and it probably shows in our code! I am seasoned veteran of pygame, and I doubt I will ever go back to pygame, as pyglet, despite it's rough edges, is already better. A third colleague joined us on Tuesday, and we had a few more hours on Thursday night to work on it. So we got a lot done for the very small amount of time we could spend on it.

Things I like about our game:
- it's "complete" (if basic and short), there's a full level from start to boss (it only takes about three minutes to play)
- the graphics - I think it is the best looking game in pyweek 6!
- it's expandability - it should be easy to add levels to make it a big, real, game. Especially a volcano/lava level
- the AI on the enemy tanks ... we were aiming for early 90s arcade adventure and I think the enemy tanks really capture that feeling.

What I don't like:
- We had to strip out a lot of ideas, including
* transforming your robots into tank and helicopter and battleship
* air strikes
* bridges + water
* NPCs items you could blow up (eg huts)
- the bugs - pyglet memory leak, the boss doesn't fire bullets from his other canons
- lack of menu + save + highscores (always the first things to go)

There we go, my postmortem on Robot Supremacy!


Sea War - SeaWar some lib was coming from RacingKiller

Posted by milker on 2008/04/09 03:50

Thank john talk me that.

=== You are supposed to make the game itself, including the lib after the compo started.===

I am sorry. SeaWar was use some old lib, that the lib was create before the compo.

If any people don't like that. I just say sorry. and tell richard to cancel my entry. please.

This is my first times to play in pyweek ! Just say sorry. :(


10 Roboticists from Santa Fe - Pedro's Robot Factory video

Posted by JuanjoConti on 2008/04/09 03:08

I have just recibed this link to a youtube video of our game.

Don't you play it yet? What are you watting? Pedro needs you!

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10 Roboticists from Santa Fe - Pedro's Robot Factory Windows

Posted by JuanjoConti on 2008/04/09 00:56

There is avaliable a Pedro's Robot Factory Windows package, self-contaned. Do not need Python nor PyGame. Just unzip and run robotfactory.exe.



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A_O_H Killers - Finally

Posted by ssuwinners on 2008/04/08 21:10

We finally got our game up... took a while, but it there.. check it out


RoboCute - RoboCute for President!

Posted by kfields on 2008/04/08 15:50


RoboCute offers you his protection. :)

Heh, I finally did a robot sprite in InkScape.

I don't seriously expect to win, but I can still have some fun! BTW, I'm going to start judging you guys so be nice to me! :)


CQ Robot - Resume so far

Posted by Trobadour on 2008/04/08 10:52

This was my second pyweek and so far it went better than i thought. In the last competition i commited a program that nearly had no graphics and wasn't that playable.

This time i put in some graphics that are nice (for my talent) a d also made a thing that can be called a game. I finished 6 levels, each playable and the great thing is, that it is fun to play the game.

Yeah, it's not that easy with the fun. At thursday i played my game and thought... Damn, it looks better than the last time, but the gameplay is boring. So i changed the way then collected balls where handled and it turned out, that i made the right decision.

On the other hand, in the last hours i replayed the whole thing and found several things to improve: The levels are not well balanced (level 4+6 are easier than i want them to be), i had no real help screen but explained the gameplay with hint screens and for the most i located a performance problem with some computers.

The good thing is, that i managed to fix all these things. The bad is, that i didn't made it in time (had no time to build the md5)... So i will post v2 tomorrow and you can play the director's cut :)

I look forward to the end of the judging phase and meanwhile i enjoy your great contributions (many of you produced some really nice stuff!)

btw: The game still has no sound... This is a thing that i will spend more time on during the next pyweek.


CQ Robot - Please give me Feedback :)

Posted by Trobadour on 2008/04/08 08:35

Please use this entry as an opportunity to give me some feedback on my game. Do you like it or not and why is it so. Maybe you see some stuff that could be better.

For example, i thought, that the concept of the two queues is a little bit irritating and instead i could only use one queue, where the collected balls stay on the right side until you collect a finish ball and then they are appended to the end of the robots execution queue.

Or more special balls, that enlarge or shrink the collecting pad, or do some other stuff.



CQ Robot - Performance fix

Posted by Trobadour on 2008/04/08 08:30

Hi folks,
When i played my game on another computer i realised, that the quick hack i made to run the game at 30 fps may does not work on other computers as well. So i changed it. So if the games running slow (you can indicate this, when the time counter in the upper left decreases the seconds too slow), then please use my fix.

For this replace the function start_game_loop() in lib/ with the following code fragment:
def start_game_loop( self ):
    while self.run_game:
      ticks_start = pygame.time.get_ticks()
      # handle events
      # update objects
      # draw stuff
      # check wining condition
      ticks_end = pygame.time.get_ticks()
      # wait a little to get 30fps
      ticks_diff = ticks_end - ticks_start
      if ticks_diff < 1000/frames_per_second:
        pygame.time.delay( 1000/int(frames_per_second)-ticks_diff )

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