September 2006 challenge: “The Disappearing Act”

Frog Princess VS The Cyborg Fireflies - Slow progress

Posted by pekuja on 2006/09/08 03:15

I guess we're making some progress. It's a bit slow though. There's a basic platform game engine, and there's the ninja rope functionality (as seen in attached screenshot), although these two aren't very much integrated together right now. The game is supposed to become a sneaking game starring a frog who can swing by his tongue, using it as a ninja rope kind of thing. His enemies are glowing cyborg fireflies. The player needs to avoid any sources of light including of course the enemies. There's still almost two full days ahead. I think we can still make it if we make the most of the time we have. I'll try to make another diary entry with a more interesting screenshot later. If I don't, that just means I'm busy finishing the game. ;-)

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Team Zankar - Collision Detection

Posted by atiaxi on 2006/09/08 03:08

My collision detection with the environment is near-perfect. The player doesn't (usually) get stuck in the geometry, and the bounce effect works well.

The collision with other cars, though... not so much. It just makes a bounding sphere that's a bit too big. The cars don't respond as well while they're in motion. It looks kinda tacky. But it works, and if I decrease the amount of cops so the player's not swamped with them it won't be so bad.

Also, I made a chase camera, because it took me all of 10 minutes to do so. :)

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korg's 3rd attempt - Finally Im updating my diary :)

Posted by korg on 2006/09/08 02:37

Ive had a patchy 5 days of progress. Initially i started using a pythonic opengl scene graph library, but then i hit some issues with what I wanted to do so I ended up writing my own (yes, again) (yes, from scratch, with the odd peek at qgl).

Anyway, it wasnt that hard, although I still have some issues to resolve. ;) Im really kind of happy with it too.

It has, client/server seperation (fake or udp), scene graph prettyness, transparancy (yay, although there may be some rendering bugs :) and lots of other cool stuff. Fonts too a while to get, but it has them too.

What I dont have is actual gameplay. Much like last time. *sigh*. Still, the client is just a dumb render engine, so I should be able to do it all in pretty plain python in the server process.

Yes. Yes. Im insane.

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Team_Cloudy - day 5 - Anyone got Perlin Noise?

Posted by chr15m on 2006/09/08 01:56

Wow, day 5 went really badly. I spent the day paralysed by the looming deadline, trying to code a part of my program that I thought would be fast and easy to code but has turned out to be difficult; random functions. Perlin noise is really complicated for a stressed out brain! If anyone has a Perlin noise implementation in Python I would really appreciate knowing about it!


Sneak - I've calmed down now

Posted by gcewing on 2006/09/07 23:54

Well, after the initial shock, I managed to come up with an idea fairly quickly, but I've been too busy coding to talk about it. I've just got to the point of having something vaguely playable, so I've made a submission. It's marked final just in case I don't get around to making another one, but I hope to expand on it a bit before the deadline.


skellapptice - First update

Posted by teppic on 2006/09/07 22:38

At last it seems like something is happening here. Skalle's internet-connection was down a couple of days, so it was a bit problematic to communicate and share code. But now things seems to be back to normal.

Now we have set up a subversion repository and are working at full speed, but we still haven't barely begun on the real game-code. Friday and saturday will be pretty stressful, but i think we will make it.

I just added a screenshot of the game. It will be playable with a gamepad (which would have been nice to see in the hardware poll by the way).


My dog ate my homework - Thursday

Posted by gly on 2006/09/07 20:52

Most of the day I rewrote a large part of the tile rendering. I did try to optimize some rendering without any success, but I found out that 3200x1200 is no good even for windowed OpenGL-apps with my video card.

New stuff:
Reading levels from file
A World object
Triggers for scripts

New bugs:
Oops, didn't see this problem with alpha and rendering order before. I need to render some stuff in correct order. I know how to do it, but I need to sleep now. There's also a slight coordinate confusion..

No music or sounds done. To few models for the my idea.. I'll guess I will have to be creative.


team_sieb - Real life sucks

Posted by siebharinn on 2006/09/07 20:50

This Pyweek couldn't have come at a worse time for me. Here it is is Thursday afternoon, and I haven't touched my project since Sunday night. And being a team of one means that there is no one else to pick up the slack.

** sigh **

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Team Popcorn - Splash image

Posted by iceeey on 2006/09/07 20:13

I made it in inkscape the other day. Apparently I will now do something where a diamond disappeared. Still don't know what type of game or the story. Hopefully today I will figure that out and get started coding.

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PrintStar Part II - Game engine nearly complete

Posted by PrintStar on 2006/09/07 14:15

My game idea is to help a human test subject being held against her will in a biology lab. The lab is filled with guards and scientists, some who might be nice. You need to keep her hidden while you find your way out.
Anyway, at this point the guards walk on their own and turn around when they hit walls, walking a new random direction. The person you're rescuing follows you around properly as well. The guards will now yell if they spot the escapee from a distance.
What remains to be done is map transitions (from walking down stair outside), more artwork, more maps, and an inventory and control panel. Not exactly simple!
I would have uploaded another screenshot, but as of right now, the game looks just like the map editor...

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