September 2006 challenge: “The Disappearing Act”
Frog Princess VS The Cyborg Fireflies - Slow progress
Posted by pekuja on 2006/09/08 03:15

Team Zankar - Collision Detection
Posted by atiaxi on 2006/09/08 03:08
My collision detection with the environment is near-perfect. The player doesn't (usually) get stuck in the geometry, and the bounce effect works well.
The collision with other cars, though... not so much. It just makes a bounding sphere that's a bit too big. The cars don't respond as well while they're in motion. It looks kinda tacky. But it works, and if I decrease the amount of cops so the player's not swamped with them it won't be so bad.
Also, I made a chase camera, because it took me all of 10 minutes to do so. :)
korg's 3rd attempt - Finally Im updating my diary :)
Posted by korg on 2006/09/08 02:37
Anyway, it wasnt that hard, although I still have some issues to resolve. ;) Im really kind of happy with it too.
It has, client/server seperation (fake or udp), scene graph prettyness, transparancy (yay, although there may be some rendering bugs :) and lots of other cool stuff. Fonts too a while to get, but it has them too.
What I dont have is actual gameplay. Much like last time. *sigh*. Still, the client is just a dumb render engine, so I should be able to do it all in pretty plain python in the server process.
Yes. Yes. Im insane.
Team_Cloudy - day 5 - Anyone got Perlin Noise?
Posted by chr15m on 2006/09/08 01:56
Sneak - I've calmed down now
Posted by gcewing on 2006/09/07 23:54
skellapptice - First update
Posted by teppic on 2006/09/07 22:38
At last it seems like something is happening here. Skalle's internet-connection was down a couple of days, so it was a bit problematic to communicate and share code. But now things seems to be back to normal.
Now we have set up a subversion repository and are working at full speed, but we still haven't barely begun on the real game-code. Friday and saturday will be pretty stressful, but i think we will make it.
I just added a screenshot of the game. It will be playable with a gamepad (which would have been nice to see in the hardware poll by the way).
My dog ate my homework - Thursday
Posted by gly on 2006/09/07 20:52
New stuff:
Reading levels from file
A World object
Triggers for scripts
New bugs:
Oops, didn't see this problem with alpha and rendering order before. I need to render some stuff in correct order. I know how to do it, but I need to sleep now. There's also a slight coordinate confusion..
No music or sounds done. To few models for the my idea.. I'll guess I will have to be creative.
team_sieb - Real life sucks
Posted by siebharinn on 2006/09/07 20:50
** sigh **
Team Popcorn - Splash image
Posted by iceeey on 2006/09/07 20:13
PrintStar Part II - Game engine nearly complete
Posted by PrintStar on 2006/09/07 14:15
Anyway, at this point the guards walk on their own and turn around when they hit walls, walking a new random direction. The person you're rescuing follows you around properly as well. The guards will now yell if they spot the escapee from a distance.
What remains to be done is map transitions (from walking down stair outside), more artwork, more maps, and an inventory and control panel. Not exactly simple!
I would have uploaded another screenshot, but as of right now, the game looks just like the map editor...