PyWeek 29 challenge: “The butterfly effect”
O. K. Team - Day 1: We have a game concept!
Posted by Fedorov on 2020/03/23 12:38
We decided to keep it simple: PyGame Zero, simple graphic and almost no control knobs.
The idea of a game: there is a bunch of little cute things that can't meet each other, unless something happens. And you as a player have to make it happen.
Hopefully using the assets below should be enough to create the first (and potentially the only one) level.
Snack Quest - Lots of Frustration, not much Demonstrable Progress
Posted by yanigisawa on 2020/03/23 11:46
Before voting on themes for PyWeek, I reviewed the freely available sprites and tilesets. I knew I wasn't going to be able to make anything from scratch on my own, so I'd have to use available assets. As I was looking through characters with my wife, we came up with a general simple adventure game idea. When the theme voting was announced, we brain stormed ideas on how each theme could fit into our game idea.
In looking at the other participant's, I noticed the PursuedPyBear engine that looked interesting, and seemingly easy to get into. I decided I'd like to use it for my starting development.
Once the theme was announced and development began, I setup the github repo and started coding. I was able to get a quick "Hello World" example showing my character sprite and a blue background. However, when I wanted to try a quick animation example, all my attempts ended with an error saying "File not found" on the sprite files I was referencing. I tried relative paths, absolute paths, and hard-coding the full path to the files, always got an error "File not found." I was try to manually set the "image" of my Player class to a specific ppb.Image object I was creating, but regardless how I created the Image always got the "not found" error.
After that few hours with nothing to show, I decided to give up trying to use the ppb engine for now. I went back to the examples from the "Invent your own games with Python" book, and compared the final example to the "" game from the PyGame examples folder. I'm running into some confusion as to just what is required to get back to the same point of "render a single image on a blue background" that I got to with ppb. The best I got was the screenshot attached. I hope I have better luck as the week progresses.
Feeling: way over my head and overwhelmed.
👑🦠 - 🐛➡️🦋
Posted by xmzhang1 on 2020/03/23 08:46
Calm Waters - Day 2 - Ripple Physics and Level Loader
Posted by OrionDark7 on 2020/03/23 03:01
Today I worked a lot on the physics and collision detection of the ripples. I'm new to using masks in pygame, so that was a fun but very frustrating process. I eventually got it, and the work paid off, as the collisions work and the ripple effects look super cool. Check it out:
I also created a system to load levels through PyTMX, which has proved to be helpful to me in one of my previous PyWeek entries. I added basic sprites for walls and finish lines, to move on to the next level.
I'm going to try to make the game have a relaxing zen-ish feel because we all kind of need that right now due to the things happening in the world that I know you all are aware of. I got a guitar recently so I'm going to see if I can do something with that to create some soft nice guitar music to go along with a steadily-paced (hopefully, we'll see) relaxing game.
Posted by SolidSmoke on 2020/03/23 00:20
Hi everyone. Things are kinda crazy over here with Covid-19 going on, as I'm sure there are everywhere else. Left home in Seattle awhile back for obvious reasons and am hunkering down in a much smaller town near my parents. With the change of pace I've been very distracted and finding it hard to start going, but I did get some work done today.
So far I've come up with the game idea for the theme "Butterfly effect" with some help from my favorite discord channel, and have fleshed out how I want things to work in my head. Pretty happy with the idea I've come up with and think it will be fun and nostalgic. I've reveal more about that as things progress.
Right now I've created art for some characters, objects, and tiles that will be used. That's honestly the hardest part for me, along with GUI/UI so I'm glad to have gotten it out of the way already. Next step is going to be getting Pyglet and Pecrs initialized, maybe with some procedural terrain generation with simplex noise. By tomorrow I hope to have the basic working visuals, movement, and collisions for the game working and hopefully that will give me the motivation to start working in earnest.
Posted by schilcote on 2020/03/22 23:39
So, the "butterfly effect" refers to the idea of chaos theory - "sensitive dependence on initial conditions." That made me think of weather systems for a while, but I don't think I could implement anything along those lines in the time alotted.
The other canonical example of a chaotic system is n-body gravity. I thought about some stuff with planning routes through the solar system, but even that I think would be too complicated.
There's an old old game concept that's been re-used a bunch of times, where you have two spaceships and they have to fire projectiles at each-other, that are affected by gravity. I think a variation on that might be interesting and on-theme, so I'm gonna go with that; with not just the projectiles affected by gravity, but with the ships and a bunch of asteroids all with simulated gravity - so firing your missile or moving your ship will have an effect on the position of the asteroids, which affects how you have to aim your shots and move your ship, and you have to try to predict what effects your actions will have in that chaotic system.
Go forth and Butterfly - Butterflies flocking (kind of) and flapping
Posted by coen on 2020/03/22 22:23
End of day 1. pygame. Not a bad start:
- Implemented flocking (boids), more tweaking (and debugging?) required.
- 'Attractor' to pull (steer) the butterflies.
- Animated wings, rotating butterflies - one set created
- Side scrolling background
puggu - Setting up
Posted by pillitoka on 2020/03/22 21:25
started with an idea for the game.
learnt pyglet basics. wrote some code. set up a git repo.
Posted by pythons on 2020/03/22 19:44
Some brainstorming today. We decided to go for a text game. Haven't started to code yet, but will begin to tomorrow.
Good luck to everyone! :)
Posted by prake on 2020/03/22 16:00
Yesterday, when it was not clear which would come up, I already thought about some simple game ideas for every single theme.
Now brainstorming around "the butterfly effect".
Want to give pgzero a chance and read a little bit in the documentation, installed it and will finish the day with a very simple butterfly related scene using pygame zero.