PyWeek 31 challenge: “Cops”

Copcake Caper - Day 4: Mid-Week Ruminations

Posted by Chard on 2021/04/01 05:05

When we started out doing PyWeeks back in 2007 it was very exciting for me. I was not really a programmer, I didn't think of myself as one at any rate. I had messed around with PyGame and I'd heard about PyWeek and decided to take part. I had no idea at the time of the difficulty there is in taking an idea for a game and realising it. I was very fortunate to have friends willing to help out; friends who were much more experienced programmers than I was. It was a great experience overall and while I didn't properly acknowledge it at the time Adam and Martin carried me through that event. Thank you, guys.

Back then it was the three of us, coders all, in the same room, on various computers. We were doing things and talking about what we were doing and every time someone got something to work it was always a point of interest for the rest of the team. Being together fundamentally meant that we were working together and the successes of others kept each of us motivated and interested and powering through. Cementing all of that we had Carrie, the fourth and final member of our team, who made us a different pie every day of PyWeek, highlighting once again, being part of a team is a lot more than the work you do, it's about how you support each other. Thank you, Carrie.

Which brings me back to 2021, where the world is so different and where so many people have had to get used to the idea of working in their own little isolation bubbles. On the one hand I definitely have a lot more experience than I used to. I know how to create and ship a simple and probably quite silly game in a week. But this isn't really the point, is it? Put simply, if we can't work together, how can we work together? Because it seems like for that to happen we need to be doing something more than merely the job that is in front of us.

I'm going to avoid moralising here, but it's definitely food for thought. One thought that I had was that it can be easy, especially when a project has a compressed time frame, for us as individuals to get tunnel-vision. It can be easy to end up so focused on your part of the endeavour that you forget about the parts others are playing in it all. It can be easy to forget to check in with your teammates and say "Hey. This thing you did, nice work!"

Anyway, thanks for reading. Be good to each other everyone.

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Gendarmerie - Gendarmerie day 4

Posted by pyweeker on 2021/04/01 01:15

Added Tiled TMX files support
very dirty code , need refactoring before going on. not really playable yet.

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SPI-COP - Engine and Gui (Interface) combine

Posted by MasterPice on 2021/03/31 23:39

so we got both together...

- had to fix quite some bugs, with resizing  ( or rather updating the new size )

    - a SoftMode (easy mode, no failing), that workt rather well.
    - the GameMechanic was added  // first time its kinda playable 🥳
    - descriptions done
    - hardmode ( not fully done yet)
    - score
    - fixed a minor bug ( that caused an easy exploid)

    - remove a potential exploid ( based on the indices order -> easy to tell the correct answer)
    - making the game a bit nicer looking, adding storry....
    - making the descriptions random ( -> harder to get the information out fast)

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Protect the Pond! Quack the Case! - Different stages of toxicity on the overworld.

Posted by lemon on 2021/03/31 23:03


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Sergant Brown - LaserTag Training - Day 4 is it?

Posted by Master47 on 2021/03/31 22:03

So, I managed to read up on path finding.
Well, so I read up on that famous A-Star one, and a couple of others.
I settled for the BFS one,, well, i tried to implement it somehow.
I am really happy, that it works.  Made some tests, here is one:
Path finding 1
Apart from that, I got nothing really done over the last 2 days (rather two evening sessions).

I programmed that while sitting on the sofa/couch haha.  It really did my head in lol.

But on a more serious note:  I don't know whether I will be able to finish?  it's not looking good.  Lots needs to be done still, it's not even a game yet.  Maybe I can do a long session on Friday?  Since it's a public holiday here in DE.
And maybe on Saturday.
Maybe I will take a step back from PyWeek after this one.

Alright, thanks for reading and good night all :D.


Snake Cop - New hope

Posted by GamerC08 on 2021/03/31 21:35

Stoday I just had 3 hour of code and the energy of my home gone. Hhhhh hard again.

But I was able to add a new IA and program the resizing of the imgs relatively the screen sizes. And I hope tomorrow make the menu and maybe the story. 

 the title of game... For later. 

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Cops and Robbers - Day 3

Posted by JustAnotherCode on 2021/03/31 20:12

Tried fixing the NPC random generation but failed so chose an easier method which works for now, might change it later if I have time.

Got an awesome idea which is almost ready!

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SPI-COP - Combining each others progress

Posted by Green_boyY on 2021/03/31 18:43

Today we were able to combine the Interface with the mechanics of the game.
surprisingly we didn't encounter any bugs beside that the import paths had to been updated.
let's hope this doesn't bite us in the leg later :D

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Freeze - Day 1&2 - Planning out, writing basic framework

Posted by chrisyan2000 on 2021/03/31 18:06

We started two days late!

But we are making good progress.

We had the mechanics settled, it's going to be a "cat n mouse" like game but with some new mechanics.

And it's going to be centered around freeze and saving citizens.

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Best game - Day 4

Posted by AK_472 on 2021/03/31 12:13

Day 4:

I Finished Drawing all the pixelart

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