PyWeek 31 challenge: “Cops”

I'll Cop Your Heart - Day 6: Organization.

Posted by doodletaco on 2021/04/02 17:14

Yesterday I took an early night, but I will still update on my progress from then.

I wanted to reorganize my code and comment it, so it was more readable. Also, I wanted to add a visual indicator every 50 points.

My code is now cleaned up and thoroughly commented. I also added a slightly lighter background to be swapped in every 50 points.

There were no issues encountered today. Cleaning up my code was not too difficult.

A screenshot of gameplay. The background is a shade of burgundy.

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The War on Drugs - Over 5 days of...progress?

Posted by PyTM30 on 2021/04/02 15:56

I made the simplest menu I could and then spent way to long trying to remember how to do OpenGL in pyglet/trying to learn moderngl. Maybe I'll try to crank out something a lot simpler if an idea comes to me.

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Speed Limit - Game in an afternoon: Speed Limit

Posted by thp on 2021/04/02 15:28

This year I didn't have that much time to work on a PyWeek entry, and no time to set up a proper team with the local user group, so I thought let's spend an afternoon on a small PyWeek entry, since the last proper / playable entry was for PyWeek#15 in 2012 (9 years ago!).

So, I decided to use PyGame Zero this time around, since I was time-constrained and it might abstract some good stuff away from PyGame (which I really like for quick prototyping). PyGame Zero is really nice; it also kind-of exposes all the details of PyGame, so I could easily access the Surface and add some post-processing scaling and fullscreen FX.

Graphics were hand-drawn in GIMP on Linux, with a Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 connected via VNC for pen input. I decided to base the 16-color graphics palette on the PICO-8 palette in order to have some restrictions on the art style (and to save time).

Sounds are taken from, always a good source of sound effects. 

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Sergant Brown - LaserTag Training - Day 6 - I have a very basic game now

Posted by Master47 on 2021/04/02 12:18

So yeah, the game can be played.  Either you shoot the two criminals or they shoot you.  Once one of the two things happen, the game is over.

There is no title screen, no menus, no stats etc.  I will add this tomorrow and try to polish everything.
No sound / music yet, gonna try to make something and add it.
Maybe i will add more maps.  I have a small script I use to make random maps.  Maybe 5 or so, and 1-5 criminals per map.

Usually, you only see yourself (green) and the lasers of both you and the crimnals, and their shooting effects.
But using space, you can use the radar, and for a short while, you will see everything, including walls.  Slowly everything goes black again, and you have to wait 5 seconds.

Movement is done via WASD, and aim is done with the mouse, while the radar can be used using SPACE.

Here are two screenshots.  Once you click the left mouse button, you shoot.  The hit where the shot went is shown with a small particle effect for both player and criminals.  The smaller red and green dots/circles denote where the shot would go if fired.

EDIT: Just come to think of it.  Unless the radar is used, you can't see the criminals.  Maybe I will remove the criminal aiming line (red).

Using the radar

On a personal note, I am happy that I still got a basic-game done, which is very very basic right now, but it can be called a game.  The CPU is quite "clever".  The CPU is NOT cheating btw.  It only uses the pathfinding algorithm once it has used the radar, and the CPU radar has the same cooldown of 5 seconds.  Otherwise it moves, aims and shoots randomly.

I will explain everything in detail tomorrow.

One last thing though: I have decided that this will be my last PyWeek for a while.  Being 31 years old and working full-time as a softdev is enough for me already, and during corona, I had to work even more, which has done me no good last year.  No burn-out yet, but my lead dev once told me to be careful.  So I gotta take care of myself more ;).  And I suggest everybody to do the same.

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Best game - Day 5

Posted by AK_472 on 2021/04/02 08:16

Day 5:

Am starting to get real nervous if am going to finish or not but I might have to  pull an all-nighter tonight

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Copcake Caper - Day 5: Minding The Gap

Posted by Chard on 2021/04/02 07:45

Quick diary entry today. We're coming down to it and it's important to keep track of what still needs doing. I've been furiously adding and removing things from the to do lists in Trello. Here's a screenshot from our dialogue system featuring some unexpected faces.

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Cops and Robbers - Day 4

Posted by JustAnotherCode on 2021/04/01 19:07

Made some good progress, at least much better then in the last 3 days!

Added hitboxes, some dev features which are pretty interesting, fixed a couple of bugs and glitches, and started working on the basic game logic.

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Airlift One - Menus

Posted by Matthgeek on 2021/04/01 16:00

All right, this is starting to look like a game! I have implemented menus, difficulty, and a scoring system. On top of that, the game actually ends! Next, I'll work on making the game scalable, so you can make the window bigger, then add sounds and touch-up transitions.

I'm thinking of adding context to my game with a cutscene, but that'll come later. 

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Station31 - Now even with awesome retro box art

Posted by fireclaw on 2021/04/01 13:31

I guess that's all for this game that has been missing, except for that tiny audio bug in the packaged versions of the game. Not sure if I get that fixed before pyweek is over, but the source version works as intended.

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I'll Cop Your Heart - Day 5: Options!

Posted by doodletaco on 2021/04/01 09:19

After having a couple friends test my game, I was given new ideas for things to add. With anything I am adding now, my goal is to make sure everything I make adds to accessibility or fun.

Today I added toggles for the sounds and music, cleared up the goals in the README, allowed the player to exit the game by pressing the escape key, and created a button which would reset the save. I also began organizing and commenting my code. The game is just about done.

I encountered no major issues today.

Since the graphics have not changed at all, I feel sharing a screenshot would be redundant this time.

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