March 2019 challenge: “6”
TextSmith - Day 1, progress report
Posted by ntoll on 2019/03/25 23:41
Sunday was an "off" day (busy doing family things), so today was the proper day 1.
I managed to make a start on the Quart app along with some endpoints and associated templates and CSS. Realising I needed to work on the data models I've spent work on that side of things too and created a bunch of utility functions. It's starting to feel a lot like an MVC architecture (Quart is the view, utility functions the controller, and the data work the model). I'm also working via (mostly) functional programming.
I've also started to create a comprehensive (but incomplete) test suite. Who knows, I may even write docs..! :-)
Posted by Master47 on 2019/03/25 23:34
I worked on the tiles for the map, and it looks quite nice to me.
![Day 2 - Roads, houses and forests](
I am going to add the Pizza Delivery guy tomorrow, so I can take him for a test-drive hehe ;).
Yeah apart from that, I wanted to get more things down, but I am very tired.
So here are the objectives of things I want to get done tomorrow (I mean Tuesday lol):
- Add Pizza Delivery Guy, Mr. Six
- Create the remaining tiles (crossroads, Hexa Pizza, meadow) -> Due to the time limit, I will cut out the river tiles for now and also bridges
- Create classes for the houses and also Hexa Pizza
- Add collision detection -> Player can't drive into houses or meadows
And for Wednesday, the plan is this:
- Work on Hexa Pizza class (Add ovens, orders, pizza boxes for storage,... This will mainly be the GUI.
- Add timer and clock (game-time)
- Add first scoring scheme
- Complete game-logic (house(customer)
Oh god, so much to do.
I wish you all a good night!
Sleep well, take care of yourselves. Seeeeee yaaa
6-Crates - Day Two Summary
Posted by Phantasma on 2019/03/25 23:06
Not much coding done today. Been working on sprite art for the player, the crates, the walls etc. I also worked on creating a map grid via text file where all the sprites start at. Day three however I'm going to be extraordinarily busy on the following.
- Work on implementing sprites and making a testing ground for all sprite interactions until I'm satisfied with how it works.
- Convert said testing ground into the 1st level of the game.
P.S. I hate Mondays.
Posted by schilcote on 2019/03/25 20:31
Last night I decided that the Elite clone subgame is the most core part of this game, and would probably be the fastest to get to a playable state, and so, I started on it first. My code is sloppy as heck and full of #TODOs for if I come back to this post-competition, but I think I have the idea down. It's hard to balance ambition with the need to meet the deadline, but that's the whole point of a game jam, right?
To support the trading game, we need things to trade, so we need some basic simulation of industry. When the game starts, we generate star systems; star systems contain space stations, a star, planets, and asteroid belts. (Multi-star systems might be a postcomp thing.) The game picks a mass for the star randomly, and the rest of the system has a mass budget of 0.01% of the star's mass. We make planets until we run out of budget, and then dump the leftovers, if there are any, in an asteroid belt. The star provides energy, and asteroids and planets provide elements.
For now planets and asteroid belts are interchangable: the only difference is that planets are bigger. In reality, asteroids would have different materials (lots of water on Earth, not much water on asteroids... comets though...) and it'd be way, way cheaper to get stuff from an asteroid to a space station than from a planet in to space. I might get to simulating factories, workers, having to mine and launch and transport the resources, etc... postcomp. As it stands, atoms just sorta teleport on to stations and magically reconfigure themselves in to products.
Elements become raw materials, i.e. steel is iron and carbon, wires are copper, superconductors are yttrium, barium, copper, and oxygen, water is hydrogen and oxygen, etc..., and raw materials can be combined to make components, which can themselves be combined to make other components. Players (and hopefully NPCs, if I have time) buy and sell these. If I have time, I'll make manufacturing things take energy as well, so stars actually matter, but that's not necessary to get the game playable.
The amount of each element each planet/asteroid has is semi-randomised, and things are cheaper in systems where there are more of the elements needed to make the raw materials needed to make the thing. So, you can go to the system that got all the yttrium and buy fusion reactors, sell them in the system that got all the copper and gold, buy copper wiring and gold bars and take them somewhere else, etc etc etc. NPCs can do this too, so if those systems are right next to each other you won't be able to make money because there's a million other people who have the same idea; you have to explore and find where the good trade routes are. Assuming, of course, that I get time to implement NPCs.
In theory, we don't have to actually
store any of this: store the RNG seed for each system instead, and re-generate everything every time you enter the system, like the original Elite did... but I don't think I need to bother with that for the competition version. No-one's gonna play this for more than an hour or so, they won't notice the memory leak. :P
I think I was wrong about the trading game being the fastest one to get playable...
Posted by speedlimit35 on 2019/03/25 18:51
b ball b ball!!!
Posted by zwerver on 2019/03/25 18:30
Day 1 was spent mostly riding in a train and discussing the theme with my significant other and my friends.
We came up with the following list of things regarding the theme:
- 5, 9, 23, 666
- dice
- hexagons/grams
- music: guitar has six strings, maj6th, 6/4
- insects
- six islands/locations
- sixth sense
- six minutes
- six o'clock
- sixpack (duff 'n buff)
- six-shooter (a revolver)
Whenever I brought up the six-shooter, my friends would get excited and mention russian roulette. So it was chosen.
When I got home I immediately started modeling the revolver, which took about half an hour. Not having to worry about textures and uv's saves me a lot of time so screw those.
Then a friend of mine started talking about having to save up money and lives in a russian roulette game. Saving up multiple lives made me think of cats having 9 lives. 9 is not 6 but it's close enough so screw it. I modelled the cat head after luke vibert's music video for "I love acid", except a bit of my own spin on it.
So that was day 1 (and the first 3 hours of day 2) anyway.
Posted by fishpoos on 2019/03/25 16:42
I'm late :o. I'm new to game development and I've decided to challenge myself completing something for Pyweek 27. Starting late isn't a good start!
I'm currently thinking of giving myself a chance by building a fairly simple platformer, each of the 6 levels having an end boss you have to defeat to escape that section.
I'm in love with J.S. Morin's Galaxy Outlaws world at the moment so for my theme I'm thinking of Space western with magic.
I'm at work at the minute but I'm going to pour some time into getting sprites and a base game sorted tonight! Then I have alot of time to go for it tomorrow.
Posted by Noelle on 2019/03/25 14:37
Posted by AlpacaMax on 2019/03/25 14:20
I only fixed a bug today and did not do more coding today.
Thank you @schilcote for telling me Persona 5. I did check out how its combat system works and to be honest it is not the system I am going to create. The combat system in Persona 5 looks like the one used in those Pokemon games. What I am about to create is to let players control one specific movement of a limb, like a punch or a kick, in one single round. But still thanks. Good to know there are people supporting me. :-)
I forgot to mention the meaning of 'take down your enemy' yesterday. I think it will be simply punching into the enemy's face but it might be to too hard to achieve.
Tomorrow I'm going to introduce the enemy into my game. I will get all his coding work done...hopefully.
HexaLite - Here goes the number 6 !
Posted by Shyzuna on 2019/03/25 14:12
Glad the number 6 was the chosen theme !
We couldn't figure out what we were going to do with "Barber of Seville" ^^'
Day #1
Yeah, I forgot to write that yesterday !
We already had a basic idea for the theme 6. So that we spent half of the day thinking about some details of the game.
We came up with the Idea of a Rogue-Lite dungeon crawler which is taking place in an hexagonal grid.
Our character is able to chose an ability for each side of the hexagon (attack, defense, spell, ...).
The side of an ability is very important when you are using it !
You can only change your hexa's abilities when equipping new stuff.
Another option is to use the rotation, to rotate all your abilities clockwise but this will keep the order of your abilities.
Oh almost forget, the game is turn-based, you are playing against the system to clear all the six floors of the dungeon.
We shared first task and started programming.
We currently have an hexagonal map with some others stuffs !
If you are doing an hexagonal based game, good reference here :
Hexagonal Grids
Stay tune for Day #2, I mean by the end of today ^^
Good luck and have fun folks =3