February 2016 challenge: “The aftermath”
The Long Walk - Day 3
Posted by PixelFlower on 2016/03/03 04:52
The Last Gardener - Day 4 progress
Posted by Jjp137 on 2016/03/03 00:17
So 96 hours have passed since the start of the week, and there's 72 more to go.
The main tasks that we got done are creating the level select screen, the first story scene (which is really just a slideshow :p), and the menu popup that appears when the player pauses the game, beats the level, or fails the level. There's also a lot more sounds added to the game. One major feature that still needs to be implemented is saving the user's progress. There's still more story scenes to put in, we need to add more levels, put in some music, the main menu doesn't really work, and a lot of other optional but nice-to-have things, but the finished product is slowly starting to take shape.
Also, it's a bit of a rude awakening to find out that the font being used doesn't have a single quote, or an equals sign, or a percent sign, or a lot of other characters, but we're just going to work around it, I guess.
Anyway, I figured that I should just put the screenshot directly in the diary entry, so here:
The Little Drop - Bring in the Fun
Posted by fireclaw on 2016/03/03 00:06
Over the coming days we try to enhance our core gameplay and fix the remaining bugs that we are aware of.
koperkapel - Day 4:
Posted by hodgestar on 2016/03/02 22:14
After getting off to a good start on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were largely a right-off owing to a combination of roleplaying commitments and an early attack of the dreaded pyweek-lurgy. Progress resumed somewhat this evening, although really only at medium steam.
Progress since Sunday includes:
- Lots of work on generating PNG images of roaches from SVG sources.
- An advanced scary Makefile for the above.
- Viewport support for moving around a level.
- Option for viewing the most recently generated map.
- Optimized generation of level background to avoid lots of blitting every frame.
- Funky world state tracking (maybe overly abstracted, but hey).
- Support for layers of actors.
- Image buttons.
- Beginnings of the roach management scene (mostly just buttons at this point).
- Renamed game to Portentosa (rename 1 of N).
The Undefined - Turn
Posted by YannThor on 2016/03/02 09:34
Finally, the idea with the graph proved too difficult to make fun to play.
I chose another type of system which exhibits the feature of unpredictible changes as a response to a slight modification : gravitational systems.
The player will be a sort of god -The Undefined- which can throw different types of asteroids in the space. The goal will be as following :
The physical engine and a few elements of gameplay have been coded. I plan to finish the hard part of the game tomorrow, so that I can spend last days to polish production, find nice songs, etc..
The Awakening - Slight progress.
Posted by starheap on 2016/03/02 08:53
This are moving slowly since i don't have much time during the week and I started on a monday after work :P.
So far i have made a small wrapper around pyglet to smooth over some things i don't like about it, rendered a sprite and a selection box....
The plans for my entry in general is a very basic side 2d scrolling rts style game. So you will have several units which you will give commands probably only Move and Attack since i wont have time for much more. The levels arn't going to be all that complex the main point for this is going to be killing enemies along your path to the end of the level. Enemies will drop loot which you should be able to use to upgrade your army. There will be no buildings or anything and will be totally army based.
Hopefully i can get at least a portion of this idea implemented, i guess we shall see!
01000101 - Incomprehensible: a Dialogue on the Meaning of Symbolism in Popular Culture
Posted by hidas on 2016/03/02 03:41
Shattered World - Hovercraft #1
Posted by Cosmologicon on 2016/03/02 02:53
This is not a 3d game, but I'm making some of the assets in Blender. Here's the first one:
Hao Wan - half week has been passed!
Posted by xmzhang1 on 2016/03/02 01:26
Lost Colony - Day 3
Posted by mauve on 2016/03/02 01:08
This even was a long slog in drawing walk cycles for one of our main characters, Rex. Hexagonal isometric tiles were always going to multiply the amount of artwork required, but hopefully having drawn the walk cycles once it will just be a copy-and-paste job to re-use them for our other (human) characters; I can just drop on new torsos. I went for 4-frame walk cycles. Times six directions is 24 sprites:
I haven't actually tested it as an animation sequence yet, so hopefully it won't look too iffy.