March 2008 challenge: “Robot”

Robot Underground - memory leak

Posted by adam on 2008/04/01 13:44

Our development efforts are being stymied by an apparent resource leak in pyglet.text. Run the following, and watch your memory consumption soar:
import random
import gc
from pyglet import window, clock, text
from import *

w = window.Window()
l = text.Label("", font_size=w.height, x=w.width/2, y=w.height/2, halign="center", valign="center")
f = clock.ClockDisplay()

while not w.has_exit:
    l.text = "".join(map(lambda x: random.choice("abcdef"), xrange(3)))


Robots In Saucers - Two days down!

Posted by Srekel on 2008/04/01 10:51

We didn't to very much monday night - viblo fell asleep after work and I worked late ;)

But what we have now is something we can make a game of at least, I hope! We've got flying saucers, flying pieces of ground, and houses that spawn and land on it. All of it physics driven by pymunk and graphics driven by pyglet. :)

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Sid the Grasshopper - First InEditor Screenshot

Posted by john on 2008/04/01 10:00

So here it is, I've spent ~2 hours on this, so I hope you like it. That's the level editor for the curious.

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Chain of Command - Editor, Collision, and Pancakes

Posted by ajhager on 2008/04/01 09:56

Today I added collision detection and response, better graphics, and an in-game level editor. You can access the editor from the main menu and then play that level. Here you can see what looks like our hero going toe to toe with a deadly robot in the first level to ever come out of the editor. It seems as if he has used some sort of device on the metallic beast...I wonder what it could be? Whatever it is, it saved his life.

Oh, and I ate all the pancakes. Sorry.

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Specimen B-24 - Bad guys!

Posted by kalzekdor on 2008/04/01 09:08

With still 111 hours left in pyweek, I've managed to get rudimentary firing/enemies implemented. I might actually finish this game. There's even destructible walls!

Here's a random screenshot of an enemy:

(And, yes, I know my "art" sucks, but I completely lack any artistic talent whatsoever.)

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Robot Underground - start of day 3

Posted by adam on 2008/04/01 07:53

Well, it's the start of Day 3 and time to get back to work. Unfortunately, one of my fellow team members is asleep on the sofa and the other three are nowhere to be found.


Measuring Cups - arghhht

Posted by james on 2008/04/01 07:53

i hate the process of coming up with art, this is my first time doing any game dev in a long time and the process of finding/creating art reminds me why I quit. I know it isn't the biggest deal, but it annoys and distracts me.. that is all


ThEdA_P6 - Rhythm Input

Posted by gizmo_thunder on 2008/04/01 07:20

Is is expected that the rhythm games use a very few keys for the input? or do you guys think its' a good idea to make use of the whole keyboard? I was actually thinking about using up the whole keyboard (i.e, randomly generating the keys to be pressed by the user) Do you think music is important for a rhythm game? i was collecting some music for the game but nothing really impressed me.


Sid the Grasshopper - Day 3, starts

Posted by john on 2008/04/01 07:19

Challenge to self.

I have not yet managed to code a thing, so today, I'm going to try and code a level editor, and perhaps do a bit of level loading, wish me luck!

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Super Street Fighter 10 Turbo Edition - And Now, for the continuing adventures of Myself

Posted by saluk on 2008/04/01 07:19

Today I did stuff to my entry. It was a trial in heartache and glory, fraught with danger at every turn, but with some philosophical insight along the way. At the beginning of the day, I had no more hope for my ultimate robot fighting game thingie.

As the day wore on, and I solved many of the glitches in the system, my ambition finally began to return! I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and knew I would make it out. I had to leave my computer for many hours, and used that time to brainstorm new ideas and new directions for the project! Times were good.

Returning home from an exhausting day, I was dismayed to find that the state of euphoria surrounding the most glorious game in progress I had left that morning had evaporated. With little ambition or hope, I set about to solve a few more bugs, but have not regained my former glory. It is dark times my friend.

Fortunately, while evening has set on this day, evening has not yet set on pyweek. There is still time to venture into the depths of my being and regain the courage that must be hiding within. My ultimate plans may yet have to be tempered, however the resulting work still has a chance to be great. The next few days will be a difficult battle.

Remind me next time to NOT base my game on 2d skeletal animation.

Real diary entry coming soon. Maybe. If I feel like it.