March 2008 challenge: “Robot”

Even Robots have Bad Dreams - Two days and no work

Posted by Tee on 2008/04/01 21:22

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to touch the game neither yesterday nor today, but I might have an hour or two in the end of the day today (just need to finish something else that just came up... gah).

And I am also starting to realize I don't know how to make my idea fun.

On other better news, thankfully I have a few hours of free time for Pyweek tomorrow. I'll use whatever free time I get today to chew some more on the idea and get back to coding tomorrow. There will be a game (I hope). :)

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I Robot? - Basic gameplay implemented

Posted by hugoruscitti on 2008/04/01 20:52

Hi, we are now working in the basic gameplay for the game, there are a mouse control view and our player hero dancing (she has no name yet...). (Walter with a cell phone and Javi playing in Hugo's house)


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MUA - Whoops

Posted by keeyai on 2008/04/01 20:37

Did something wrong with explosion scaling and ended up with this. A major bug, but funny none-the-less.

Video on Youtube

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HoleInTheHeadStudios-1.9 - Almost...

Posted by RB[0] on 2008/04/01 19:36

We almost have something that resembles our goal now :D

Remind you of dicewars? :D

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MUA - Color, Collisions, Explosions

Posted by keeyai on 2008/04/01 19:10

101 hours 50 minutes remaining

Mix Tape has updated some of the art with a little color, so things are starting to look a lot nicer now. Also, collisions are in and working better than before (although not perfectly). Everything has friction now so it doesn’t just sail off or spin forever. The beginnings of the melee code are in — contact with the bot does damage to objects, which will explode when destroyed. The explosions don’t do anything yet, but that is next.

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Sea War - Two Focus Dot

Posted by milker on 2008/04/01 16:53

I create two Focus Dot, I use it to handle user input.


Magma Team - Really comin' along!

Posted by pymike on 2008/04/01 16:38

Well, for barely three days into the compo we're really making progress! So far we have a gorgeous running animation of the robot, multiple scrolling backgrounds, platform collisions, and a really nice tile engine. Next up is some weapons and badguys :)


Sea War - The Focus Dot

Posted by milker on 2008/04/01 16:18

This is Focus Dot, it use for user handler, I like the handler is Joystick and many keys to handle user input.

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Johnny saves the world - Finally an idea!

Posted by roberto on 2008/04/01 14:43

I haven't even started yet, since my girlfriend defended her Master's yesterday. Today I finally had a nice idea, and I should get it started tonight.

I agree that the "robot" theme is too unrestrictive, so I wanted to make a game that was deeply connected to robotics. My first idea was to do something based on the 3 laws of robotics, like walking through a level without getting hurt and without letting humans get hurt, but I wasn't very excited with this.

So, my plan now is to make a game called "Johnny saves the world". It's about a boy, Johnny, who has to (surprise) save the world. He accomplishes this using his personal robot, which has to be programmed to navigate throught a maze. The programming is made using a stack programming language, with tokens that have to be collected in order to build more complex programs.

The game is not unlike my entry for the last pyweek, Galvinball, in which the player could create new rules for the game on the fly. I like to be able to play my own games, so I try to create game mechanics that are open-ended, where the solutions aren't "hard coded". Let's see how this one goes.


Make Me - Day 3: animation variants and movement

Posted by alex on 2008/04/01 14:04

Today didn't seem that productive, mostly I fixed a lot of animation glitches and finished the work I started (and thought I'd finished) yesterday. Movement is now entirely controlled by the attached animation, and the characters can be built up out of multiple animations. The screenshot above is missing some animations (such as the background colour for the legs), but this can be entirely blamed on the artist ;-)

I've fixed a couple of bugs in pyglet in the making of this game so far: one was in pyglet.resource.location, the other in Texture.get_transform (the anchor was not being transformed). These fixes are available in r1990.

We also discovered that ImageMagick treats Photoshop layers saved out of Photoshop differently from those saved out of OpenCanvas. Rather than recode large sections of the animation tool I politely requested that the artist stick with just one application, if she pleases :-)

Way behind schedule on getting everything done on time.

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