March 2008 challenge: “Robot”

I Robot? - Day 3, a group members picture

Posted by hugoruscitti on 2008/04/02 07:50

Hi, Javier has made a cartoon from us for the credits scene:
(from left to right. Walter, Hugo, Javier, Cristian)



Sea War - Mark, Just a mark.

Posted by milker on 2008/04/02 07:40

Just a Mark, Mark it and go away.

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Robosub - Deep Sea Progress!

Posted by nikolajbaer on 2008/04/02 06:44

Drew a nicer sub in inkscape (heavily influenced by Alvin of Titanic lore), added undersea currents (in the way of shifting particles), thx to RB[0] on #pyweek for that idea! Collision with the trench wall is working, as well as sub damage when you hit it, and scientific samples (red dots) nicely scatter with a bias for the deep. Add to that some nicely scrolling gauges on the side to show depth and velocity, and it is starting to look niiice. Ok, probably should make gameplay (collecting of samples) next, as well as loss of control of the sub as you get deeper. Also want to add some texture to the trench wall that is niceley blended depending on depth (and lit up by the cameras in the deep). This will be quite a hack in pygame with surfaces. I really should be moving to pyglet to utilize opengl's mad blending skillz. Here is the latest!


Shawnee State Army of Hair - Day 3: Progress is being made :)

Posted by sam_bushman on 2008/04/02 06:40

We have our first screenshot today! This is the beginings of our engine as well as a neat display tool for our artists to use to get an idea of what their robot parts will look like when put together. Its not much yet, but I'm proud of our progress so far. enjoy!

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HoleInTheHeadStudios-1.9 - Yes!

Posted by RB[0] on 2008/04/02 05:46

We are barely on schedule still :)

Today we added several players, and got graphics in place. We also added fighting between territories - but that needs to be limited to connected territories that are of different types ;) It also needs to be limited to turns.

Here you can see yellow and green are doing the best:

Tomorrow should see the rest of gameplay - like new units and stuff, and the start of multiplayer and ai :D

After seeing all the quality entries this time through - I'm truly amazed and glad to see how much the level of quality has increased this time - Keep up the good work everyone :D


fydle - fydo and ldle - Celldoku Update

Posted by ldle on 2008/04/02 05:20

Celldoku is now playable with 6 puzzles. The game keeps track of your progress and the readme contains all the info required for playing the game.

If you manage to beat the 6th level, the game's progression code break and doesn't work anymore. But think sure are looking good!

Celldoku 0.9

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RoboCute - RoboCute: An RPG Board Game

Posted by kfields on 2008/04/02 05:16

An RPG board game is the only thing I can think of that can be finished in time! Actually, I'm coming up with a lot of Robot theme oriented ideas for it. More details on the RoboCute Blog

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aff:city - Want feed back plz

Posted by Treeform on 2008/04/02 05:13

Well here is a test version: version 1 Try it out


X-25 Unplugged - 19'' is not enough

Posted by ra on 2008/04/02 04:52

I thought I'd be so happy using my brand new recently acquired LCD 19'' wide screen, but it remains small for drawing with inkscape. Just when I thought I was in heaven, I realized that using the full screen mode doesn't allow you to see all the auxiliar windows (such as text properties, exporting bitmap dialog, fill and stroke, etc).

I wish I had the money right now to go and pick up a new video card with double output so I could use my two screens! Maybe after I become famous thanks to this game :P

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Grow bots - Robot factories, oil wells, and warehouses

Posted by wybiral on 2008/04/02 03:56

I've spent most of my PyWeek time today writing a fast OpenGL console (mostly for testing, I'm currently shopping around for a reliable library to do this for me) and getting some of the core gameplay implemented. Now you can build factories, oil wells, and warehouses using "junk". You can hire "huntbots" to collect junk (hiring robots means turning "boredbots" into whatever type of worker you need). Factories produce "boredbots", oil wells produce "oil" which robots require (some types require more than others). The amount of "junk" you can store is dependent on the number of warehouses you have.

Here's a shot!

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