September 2022 challenge: “The Red Planet”

Red Planted - Animated Cursors are more fun

Posted by thp on 2022/09/10 08:40

To make the mouse interaction even more fun, added some special cursor animation states (when pressed, the image changes):

New Cursors!

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BeatSpace - Failure

Posted by ProfessorCode on 2022/09/10 07:50

After asking someone I know to test the game on a Windows PC, I ran into a couple of issues. I had an issue with my sound files being marked as unsupported, although they are in a supported format (OGG Vorbis). There is also an issue where the game crashes if you move more than once. It seems to work fine on my own PC (running Linux), though. I'll update this post with the error messages once I get them.

I have uploaded a demo video of my game running as well. (Click here to watch.) You can try running the game yourself as well and I would appreciate any feedback I can receive. You are also welcome to submit issues and PRs on my Codeberg repository. My original intention was to make this a fully-fledged game with enemies and other cool stuff. I am a little disappointed. :-(


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tasty red bean simulator - day 7 - finished

Posted by speedlimit35 on 2022/09/10 02:13

just finished my game. worked on the ending sequence and boss today.

please let me know if you have any issues here!

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Red Planted - Final touches

Posted by thp on 2022/09/09 23:35

We are at a point where the game is finally taking shape. There's now an intro screen, a winning and losing condition and even a pause toggle.

Game interaction animation

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The red planet: The planet of the King - The pile of code slowly starts to be playeable.

Posted by DR0ID on 2022/09/09 21:56

After some days of coding and discussing ideas it starts to look like an actual game. It is still a bit rough but with a bit of polish tomorrow I hope it will be enjoyable.

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Project Aries - Log Day 6

Posted by AfterChange on 2022/09/09 21:37

Damn we made a lot of progress today. My partner was stuck on character animations and the bugs caused due to different sprite dimensions, so we switched places. 

Was able to refactor and fix the code in 30 minutes(sort of, there are still issues in the code)

I am very happy with the progress so far. Hopefully we can polish it enough before the deadline. 

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Dr. Farb's Huepocalypse - Writing a "color platformer"

Posted by larry on 2022/09/09 15:32

Sorry for the lack of diary entries--boy it's been slow going this week!

We're writing a "color platformer".  The idea is, you can switch colors on and off in the world.  If a platform is red, and you turn off red, the platform disappears and you won't collide with it.

It's mostly preliminary art for now.  You're the snowman-looking dude, the glowing red thing is a switch, the mushroom-y things are checkpoints.  Collect the gems.

Here's the starting position:


If you move right and touch the red switch--

you turn off red!

Physics and collision has eaten an outsided portion of our time. But at this point I think the game feels great.

Celeste is our north star for good-feeling platform game.  Many times this week I've reviewed the "Why Does Celeste Feel So Good To Play?" video from Game Maker's Toolkit and Maddy Thorson's thread on Twitter about Celeste's physics concessions that make the game more fun to play so I can accurately steal their lovely ideas. This is my first time implementing "coyote time" and what I'm calling "wall scraping", and I'm looking forward to "jump buffering" next.  I don't think we're gonna do an "air dash" though.

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tasty red bean simulator - day 6

Posted by speedlimit35 on 2022/09/09 07:33

trying to figure out boss mechanics. will do tommorow.

today i worked on cutscenes, music and decorations.

I think I improved a lot from last time and I'm surprised what I could make in 3 days so far (starting 2 days late).

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Alien Dash - dang

Posted by Qwerty on 2022/09/09 03:30

dang the game is looking sick


MERC - Good Luck everyone. I'm signing off.

Posted by DragonMoffon on 2022/09/09 02:10

Rather unfortunately even though I am currently on break for work and school I have too many other responsibilities that are taking up my remaining time, and I have lost the motivation to crunch and get the game completed. So I have made my final submission. Unless I get more motivation and some time to myself this is it.

Goodluck everyone else!

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