September 2006 challenge: “The Disappearing Act”

Team Zankar - An actual game

Posted by atiaxi on 2006/09/09 02:27

It's actual in that you can play it and now win or lose. There's no fanfare right now, just a text dump of "Victory" or "Failure", but it works!

Testers welcome! :)


selsine - Simple Level Editor?

Posted by selsine on 2006/09/09 00:56

So I spent my free time over the last two days creating a simple level editor for my game since I was getting annoyed working with numbers and lists.

I'm not really sure why I needed to make one I always just sort of wanted one that I knew how to use and didn't have to learn. Of course that means that my level editor is missing many of the high level features that most available editors have, but isn't that part of what PyWeek is about? Expanding the available code base and inceasing knowledge?

Either way I can now make levels a lot faster and more easily then I could before, and if I make it public I'll be able to use it next PyWeek!

Now I should really get back to my game and get it workings...

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Bouncy the Hungry Rabbit - Fixed submission uploaded

Posted by richard on 2006/09/09 00:24

I left out the PNG files from the bouncy-r8 upload, so I've uploaded bouncy-r9 which should work now :)


Nicolas Palumbo - Sorry

Posted by Nico on 2006/09/09 00:23

I will do it better next pyweek

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skellapptice - Oh dear.

Posted by Skalle on 2006/09/09 00:17

We got collision working, basically... not all parts, but I figure it won't be too hard. Last day will be for enemies, puzzles, levels, music, SFX, intro, AI, and stuff. Well, we will be working all day though, hopefully around 14+ hours each, counting eating too. Now the character is a liquid blob. He can resize at will (to solve puzzles later). We also got a tile system well started and working.

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PrintStar Part II - A Mistake that Won't Be Fixed

Posted by PrintStar on 2006/09/08 23:30

I made the decision to go with 640x480 for a game screen size, but I think I made the map components and sprites a bit too small, at 16x16. Too late now! The game should be playable, however.

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Entrance - Idea - finally

Posted by fidlej on 2006/09/08 22:07

I first wanted to implement same game with UFO abductions. But when I saw so many entries with the UFO theme, I decided to bring something completely different.

Now you will be a sorcerer protecting oneself against hordes of enemies. Your powerful shield will make them disappear.

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Frog Princess VS The Cyborg Fireflies - Fast Changes

Posted by Hectigo on 2006/09/08 21:35

We are nearing the deadline, and decided to change the game's concept to a slightly simpler one. We still have some debate about whether we'll try to include death ray weaponry for the enemies, but we agree about the overall idea of the game.

The Frog Princess is hungry.

I even did some real graphics work today, and thus, we have a new screenshot to show. The game will probably be called "Frog Princess VS The Cyborg Fireflies", or more casually just Frog Princess.

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Vanisha - Hello pyworld

Posted by DrPetter on 2006/09/08 21:25

Ok, so I've officially entered then... Got my first working python app together yesterday and have been adding basic platforming action and animation today. I'm about to get a simple enemy in there to have all the necessary components, then it's off to write a level editor. Hopefully I'll be able to focus on content creation the last day. Python is fun!

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SenacSP SIGGAMES - Day #5

Posted by jacober on 2006/09/08 17:51

There is NO day#5

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