Pyweek #24 challenge: “They're behind everything”
WIN $$$ LAND - The Hardest Part Is Over
Posted by PyJ on 2017/10/20 17:02
As I couldn't find good tutorials for these things on the Internet, I had to write lots of test codes to find how to achieve them.
It's still 50% to complete. I hope I can make it.
A mad race - Continuation
Posted by Ahmad-Shafique on 2017/10/20 15:35
Have looked through pygame and pyopengl
decided on creating a game with 3 levels for now
All levels shall be about discovery of math on different stuff by 'Nathan'
The game shall be a simple input and match game.
So many awesome people creating awesome stuff in this 1 week, its just amazing...
me being a noob, gonna stick with my stupid project...
The game will start with an intro and advance the levels...
Fairy Kingdom - Crunch Time
Posted by thyDungeonSean on 2017/10/20 15:01
Mushroom people (mushlocks) have a whole life cycle where they gather food, eat, bring extra food back to their houses, fall asleep when tired, and morph into new mush-houses when two sleep adjacent to eachother on the same y plane. The houses spawn new mushlocks.
As the fairy king you have a variety of powers to influence the world and guide the mushlocks. They include summoning rocks and rivers onto the world map, pushing mushlocks around with wind, and marking points of interest for them to check out.
A bunch of gems are scattered into the world. Mushlocks gather them up. Working on that more today.
Orcs are also scattered in the caves. They will go on rampages from time to time destroying your houses.
Today I'm going to frantically implement some tool creation and behaviours - spears and picks for fighting and mining respectively.
Fell Blaster - Huzzah! Done and done
Posted by fydmyster on 2017/10/20 15:00
Well I learnt that there's more to making games than programming ability. Design is the secret sauce. Efficiency is something I wamt to work on now. Being able to do more with less code is the goal. Especially when testing ideas.
Good Luck everyone! Completing something is no small task.Rodentopia - Day 6 - More Plot re-writing + Level re-building
Posted by OrionDark7 on 2017/10/20 11:54
So I was able to get a good portion of the levels done. I still have a long ways to go. But I'm going to work on it at some point this afternoon and hopefully finish by tomorrow. I also did a bit of more storyboarding and brainstorming at school yesterday. That's pretty much it.
Lanee - Name of game: Countless Nights
Posted by Lanee on 2017/10/20 02:36
My Sincerest Apologies... - Rotation and weapons
Posted by mauve on 2017/10/20 01:57
There are some graphical artifacts in the rotation that I need to clean up.
This screenshot shows the effect of multiple lights (of different colours). Seeing it moving at 60FPS really feels awesome.
Fell Blaster - The home stretch
Posted by fydmyster on 2017/10/19 23:33
Family - Some features were expensive
Posted by shundread on 2017/10/19 21:10
Long story short, the map generation was a very expensive feature. And it's not yet "complete", though any further development on it is pushed back to the end of the queue.
The hot swapping / state saving pair is another one that cost me a bit of time. Hot-swapping itself hasn't been very useful and at times, it's unwanted error-obfuscating feature gets in the way. On the other hand, in preparation for hot-swapping, I also made sure all my data was serializable and now owned by any particular object apart from the non-swappable bits of the program. As a result, I ended up with a nifty and useful save-state / load-state feature, which has already proven useful and will certainly prove further useful when developing monster AI.
I thought a bit about the current state of affairs and came up with the following task priority list for the next available hours, from most important to least important:
- Character/Map collision (let's make it dumb)
- Scatter family members around the map and have them follow the player once they meet
- Signal the player to the exit once the family is collected
- Ending sequence once the exit is reached
- Add static monsters
- Monster wandering behaviour
- Add death and fail conditions
- Add auditory system (player produces sounds, monsters within hearing range hurry to the source of the sound)
- Map generator - produce terrains (grass, roads)
- Make doors interactive (and a source of sound)
- Make windows interactive (and a louder source of sound)
- Add minimap
- Funky post-processing method
- Map generator - adds non-building barriers, decorations
The game is borderline "deliverable" once the ending sequence is added, it is an actual game after death and fail conditions are added, and once the auditory system is in place, it is pretty close to the vision I had for the game in terms of mechanics. In terms of look/feels, the postprocessing step is the most important, but it cannot be made at the expense of any other features before it, because should time be too short then I simply don't have a proper game.
Planet Duel - Day five entry.
Posted by tito on 2017/10/19 21:09
This was a nice evening. I've started with some mechanics improvement, like fixing vessel on the planet surface, so it rotates with it. It's quite a shame I can't do some transform parenting here, but there is no time for it. Also, I've added collider abstraction, so now planets have circle colliders. But what I'm most happy with today is that the graphics are now finished. There was not that much of it, but still... :) Tomorrow I will add some audio, then improve AI, at least that's the plan.
Few things about sprites. Those were heavily inspired on stuff from the net, not my own concepts. But they were made from scratch in Blender, and with no texturing to save some time.