7 day limit for a noob



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7 day limit for a noob
Lanee 2017/10/21 13:41
7 day limit
Lanee 2017/10/21 09:15

Diary Entries

A new world for me

Hi. I've been brainstorming and planning till now. not the theme I excepted so I was blank at the beginning. but now I have a bit of clarity, I am excited and I'm trying to manage it. experience has thought me to pace myself I hope I gain better understanding as I go. I'm really excited though dammit!!

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Name of game: Countless Nights

With two days left I just finished integrating a battle mechanic. this thing seemed hard and but after finding the solution it looks so simple. the art is just, the game is just but my effort was more than just. I hope I keep improving.

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