August 2009 challenge: “Feather”
GasMan: A sound love story - GasMan: Final entry submitted
Posted by riq on 2009/09/05 18:57
GasMan v1.0 submitted.
GasMan, a sound love story. Help GasMan find his beloved.
GasMan, a sound love story. Help GasMan find his beloved.
RED -spider lily- - Almost there.
Posted by killdream on 2009/09/05 18:30
Seven more levels to go, an ending that's strictly necessary or the introduction doesn't makes any sense at all (no, the intro isn't what it seems to be). Anyways, I'll have some lunch now because my hand is hurting really badly.
Geez, I must buy a tablet already, drawing with mouse is sick (and it's really killing my hands .-.)
Uploading sorta finished game with what I have now, but I'll see if I can really finish it until the contest ends, otherwise this will be the finished version :D
And yep, my code is _really_ ugly, and I don't think I'll have time to refactore it .-.
Geez, I must buy a tablet already, drawing with mouse is sick (and it's really killing my hands .-.)
Uploading sorta finished game with what I have now, but I'll see if I can really finish it until the contest ends, otherwise this will be the finished version :D
And yep, my code is _really_ ugly, and I don't think I'll have time to refactore it .-.
Wild Text - Finish the game. (Just text mode.)
Posted by milker on 2009/09/05 17:38
Dear all:
The game can play, but still have bug.
(I haven't time to debug it in now. sorry.)
Please care your input.
this just running on python, don't need another lib.
I hope it can running in MSwindow.
It was hard to write. so I was very slow.
it was writing in my sharp HC-7000 and netbsd 5.
( it had not X or pygame and pyglet. )
Milker in pyweek9
The game can play, but still have bug.
(I haven't time to debug it in now. sorry.)
Please care your input.
this just running on python, don't need another lib.
I hope it can running in MSwindow.
It was hard to write. so I was very slow.
it was writing in my sharp HC-7000 and netbsd 5.
( it had not X or pygame and pyglet. )
Milker in pyweek9
BunnyDuster - My second PyWeek down, just a million more to go!
Posted by Nannerpuss on 2009/09/05 17:26
Wow, I'm done, and with seven hours to spare. I guess it's better than being not done five minutes before rushing out the door to a baseball game that wouldn't be over until the contest was over (I did get something uploaded last time, just not much). I did intentionally aim a bit low this week, although maybe not as low as I thought I had earlier in the week. I wrote everything in one module and created most of my sprites in the global scope for simplicity and because I've been working on a project with lots of modules, and locals flying everywhere and getting anything from there to here has been a real pain (although if I had more time I would probably try some kind of attribute class that's just full of important variables and gets passed all over). The simple format worked well this time though, I'm quite happy with the result and I think I can expect to beat my previous entry by a sizable margin (not to mention a competitor or two). Good luck to anyone still working, and enjoy Bunnyduster.
Catch those feathers! - Done!
Posted by Yangea on 2009/09/05 17:04
Well, I am done. Final entry has been uploaded (I think). Still some time left (5 hours now.)
Sinister Ducks - sickasadog
Posted by tartley on 2009/09/05 16:38
I have been sick as a dog the last two days, so I guess we'll be submitting with a few more rough edges than otherwise. Can see straight this afternoon, so I'll see what I can do in the hours remaining without breaking everything.
Wouldn't be fun if it was all straightforward, right?
Wouldn't be fun if it was all straightforward, right?
RED -spider lily- - So, Content creation time, it is :3
Posted by killdream on 2009/09/05 16:15
Just as the title says, I'm off to create some new levels. Right now there's 3 levels in the game, which is _really_ too little (considering level_0 should be a tutorial level, and I still didn't the tutorial part lol).
Anyways, I've got the introduction togheter, will work in the ending now. Also, I need to work on the collision bug, it's wierd xD
Something I was thinking over was if I should reduce the number of music files or reduce the quality of them. Right now I have a ogg file for each level, plus the game over/main menu/introduction/ending/stage clear ones. As I plan to have 10 levels (9 + tutorial) the final package would be _real_ huge.
Anyways, I've got the introduction togheter, will work in the ending now. Also, I need to work on the collision bug, it's wierd xD
Something I was thinking over was if I should reduce the number of music files or reduce the quality of them. Right now I have a ogg file for each level, plus the game over/main menu/introduction/ending/stage clear ones. As I plan to have 10 levels (9 + tutorial) the final package would be _real_ huge.
team strong - Pleas atend sesion
Posted by jtrain on 2009/09/05 15:48
featherinyourcap has gained a lot of polish over the last 24 hours:
* The artwork looks fantastic!
* I removed all the comments from the code to lighten the filesize a bit (ha!)
* Bonus/Awards are a fun part of the game.
* Music gives this game the lively feel that I always imagined that it should have.
Special thanks to Richard and helpers for putting on this comp.
A note about compatibility
I gave it my best shot (I really did) to get py2exe working but, at the moment things don't
look too good. Windows users (like myself) can just click on the run_game.pyw file and
hope that you had:
Python 2.5 or 2.6; and
Pygame 1.9
We are looking forward to playing all of your games. On reading some of
the posts, it looks like some really high quality stuff has been produced.
- jtrain and kburd
Chickencoop - Chickencoop 1.0 - final version
Posted by godfryd on 2009/09/05 15:44
I have finished the game. Lots of tunnings and corretions.
Now the game has score table, levels - easy and hard, and a pause.
Now the game has score table, levels - easy and hard, and a pause.
John's Pillow Factory - html trouble
Posted by bart on 2009/09/05 15:17
I' m having a few problems because this is the first time I use html but i'll try to add some images