My second PyWeek down, just a million more to go!

Wow, I'm done, and with seven hours to spare. I guess it's better than being not done five minutes before rushing out the door to a baseball game that wouldn't be over until the contest was over (I did get something uploaded last time, just not much). I did intentionally aim a bit low this week, although maybe not as low as I thought I had earlier in the week. I wrote everything in one module and created most of my sprites in the global scope for simplicity and because I've been working on a project with lots of modules, and locals flying everywhere and getting anything from there to here has been a real pain (although if I had more time I would probably try some kind of attribute class that's just full of important variables and gets passed all over). The simple format worked well this time though, I'm quite happy with the result and I think I can expect to beat my previous entry by a sizable margin (not to mention a competitor or two). Good luck to anyone still working, and enjoy Bunnyduster.

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screenshot in bmp format again.... :/
@Richard, i have a suggestion about stop accepting screenshots in .bmp format, accepting only .png, .jpg and .gif - what do you think? i think all people still uploading screenshots in bmp format wouldn't mind on converting them to .png, .jpg or .gif
Sorry, didn't know that was a problem, I fixed it.
thanks! - it's a problem when people have slow connections... - your screenshot seems to were around 640x400 or 800x600 - just imagine when people start to make games for 2560x1920 and alike, and keeping the habit of uploading .bmp screenshots... - but of course, it would be worse if .xpm were accepted as well, which size can be the double or triple of .bmp uncompressed... (but besides .xpm is a huge file, this format is useful for editing in text editors, for example...)
The game becomes quite adctive when it enters the "bunny killing spree" mode. Tho it also kills you easily lol

My hand is hurting right now for franticly pressing the mouse buttons to kills teh bunnies (and I've scored just 4040 .-.), but It was nice while it lasted :D

And my code was a huge mess as well, with lots of modules and locals being passed on lots of functions. I'll try to plan better to next pyweek and use classes and comments (I'm a commenter freak myself, but this time my code has almost no comments xD)
take a look at this another game inspired from Commando Raid: (from LudumDare competition, knew from )