This is a first game graphic.

Wild Text

(In Chinese)
但是自從有了 windows 和 gui 後,
(In Engish)
Text is a icon for humen's culture.
When Gui and graphic was created from Computer,
Then Text was became wild.


Smaller filesize than the above icon
Presented by Cosmologicon

Happy wedding anniversary
Presented by tartley

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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.4
Fun: 2.3
Production: 1.9
Innovation: 3.1

Respondents: 15


File Uploader Date
Bug fixed version
milker 2009/09/20 12:49
Cannot easy to use [Ctrl+c] for quit.
milker 2009/09/05 23:54
This is a first game graphic.
milker 2009/08/30 15:30

Diary Entries

My First idea of Feather duster

  • I hope this will work.

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My Second idea is "Feather of scales"

  • I hope it can work too.

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This is my game graphic for "feather of scales"

  • Is it nice ?


Game Logic about "Feather of Scales"

  1. This is a scales. It have two sides ( left side and right side ).
  2. Game begin player will have more blocks.
  3. every blocks have different weight.
  4. player put the blocks in right side and left side to keep the scales balance.
  5. If all ( some ) blocks put in right side or left side and the scales is balance player is pass the level.
  6. The game will count player pass any level in fix time.
  7. In the game, player don't know about blocks's weight, but he can put some blocks or one block in scales and see relationship of blocks's weight.
I like logic game. do you like it ?

1 comment

My game don't need run on X and no sound.


Is it a game ? Do you like it ?!


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Finish the game. (Just text mode.)

Dear all:

The game can play, but still have bug.
(I haven't time to debug it in now. sorry.)
Please care your input.

this just running on python, don't need another lib.
I hope it can running in MSwindow.

It was hard to write. so I was very slow.
it was writing in my sharp HC-7000 and netbsd 5.
( it had not X or pygame and pyglet. )

Milker in pyweek9


Finish !!!!!

Enjoy it.


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Howto play "Feather of Scale"

Dear All:

In the first question in my game, please answer int 1 to 6.
I am sorry has not info about this in my game doc.

If you don't like plain text game. please me know.

P.S. Please give me some comment.


Bug fixed version for 'Feather of Scale'

Dear Everyone.

Please download it for here . this is bug fixed version.
and add a  s:  cmd for debug. you can use it to show every blocks's weight in the game.

P.S. Dear @Cosmologicon
If you still find a bug in my game, please let me known.
Thank you.

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Is 'Feather of scale' a Die-Hard Game ?

Dear Everyone:

Are you finished 'Feather of scale' ?
I haven't finished it. but I enjoy to write it.

P.S. Is it a 'Die-Hard-Game' ?


Yes, It is a game. I love it.


I love it, and it is horrible, but it don't depending on anything for running.
It is fun for design, fun for playing and fun for writing.

You can playing in any computer. it runs python.


(在 python 上我還是一個不節不扣的初哥,很多東西都不懂!)

它可以確保我在任何電腦上都能玩。(只要這台電腦是執行 python 的。)

P.S. 文字給人的印象都是野蠻和未開放的?!

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