PyWeek 30 challenge: “Castaway”
Soul Town - We are on GitHub
Posted by Untriex on 2020/10/01 17:51
Alasala - How we made the 3D models
Posted by cyhawk on 2020/09/29 19:57
I'm very happy with how our models worked out. Originally we planned to have just cubes. But then I wanted the cubes to have flappy ears. It escalated from there. The models are all defined as dicts by describing their structure.
This format describes the model as a tree of boxes of various sizes and colors. Each node is then fixed with a "Cone Twist Constraint". Basically a joint like a shoulder. Then as we move the models they wiggle around automatically thanks to the physics simulation. (Cannon.js)
Because of the simple format we were able to add all the models in one day. I think I'll add some more after PyWeek!
Apart - Hints for Apart
Posted by Tee on 2020/09/29 16:40
Here are some hints for Apart:
General hints (not very spoiler-y, but look away if you want to discover everything in the game by yourself):
1. The basic idea of the game is that you can move the puzzle pieces to form the map.
2. To solve the puzzles, you need to look carefully at the red pixels in the puzzle pieces and the environment. Look for patterns. Part of the puzzle is figuring out what needs to be done, so you may need some out-of-the-box thinking.
3. No red pixel in the puzzle pieces is a red herring. Each of them is relevant to at least one puzzle. But beware, it might not be relevant to the puzzle you are trying to solve.
Spoilers. Since there are no spoiler tags, apply ROT-13 to these to reveal. This is in order of puzzles.
1. Gur xrl
Hint: Lbh cebonoyl fnj gur xrl va gur frpbaq ybpngvba. Znlor lbh'ir gevrq chggvat nabgure cvrpr abegu gb guvf ybpngvba, ohg vg qvqa'g jbex. Ubj qb lbh haybpx vg? Qb lbh frr guvf xrl naljurer ryfr?
Solution: Gurer ner gjb chmmyr cvrprf gung pbaarpgrq gbtrgure sbez n xrl. Chg gubfr gbtrgure, naq nyfb chg n cvrpr abegu gb gur ybpngvba jvgu gur xrl. Lbh jvyy or noyr gb npprff vg.
2. Gnxvat gur obng bss gur ynxr
Hint: Lbhe tbny vf gb gnxr gur obng bss gur vfynaq. Gurer vf n evire pbzvat bhg bs gur ynxr, ohg vg pbaarpgf gb abjurer.
Solution: Pbaarpg gur ynxr gb gur evire oraq (gur bar gung unf n pbaarpgvba ba gbc), naq gura gb gur evire yrnqvat gb gur frn.
3. Oevatvat gur obng pybfre
Hint: Ybbx pybfryl ng gur obng. Lbh jnag gb znxr fher gur obng qbrfa'g qevsg njnl.
Solution: Lbh arrq na napube. Gurer fubhyq or guerr cvrprf gung sbez na napube. Abgr gung lbh arrq gur pvepyr sebz gur xrl va gur svefg chmmyr.
4. Gur qnex ubyr
Hint: Qvq lbh frr nalguvat gung pbhyq cebivqr n fbhepr bs yvtug? Ubj pbhyq lbh hfr vg gb yvtug hc gur ubyr? Frnepu sbe eryrinag cnggreaf naq ybbx ng ubj gurl ner qenja.
Solution: Fgnegvat sebz gur yvtugubhfr, lbh jnag gur yvtug gb trg gb gur ubyr. Orfvqrf gur yvtugubhfr naq gur ubyr, frnepu sbe cnggreaf jurer lbh unir gjb fznyy yvarf va gur pragre cbvagvat gb qvssrerag qverpgvbaf. Chg gur cvrpr jvgu gur "fbhgurnfg-rnfg" yvarf nobir gur ubyr, naq gur "jrfg-fbhgujrfg" yvarf nobir gur yvtugubhfr. Lbh pbhyq fraq gur yvtug qverpgyl ohg lbh jrera'g fhccbfrq gb, guvf vf n oht.
5. Pnir qbbe
Hint: Gur pnir qbbe fgvyy qbrfa'g bcra. Nccneragyl gurer vf n frpbaq zrpunavfz. Pna lbh vagrenpg jvgu nalguvat ryfr va gung ybpngvba?
Solution: Lbh arrq gb frg gur frrfnjf gb gur evtug cbfvgvbaf. Gur cbfvgvbaf pna or sbhaq ol pbaarpgvat guerr chmmyr cvrprf ubevmbagnyyl.
6. Pnir
Hint: Gurer vf n uvag vafpevorq ba gur sybbe. Lbh arrq gb hfr gur cvrprf jvgu gur fznyy gevnatyrf va gur pbearef gb svther bhg jung qverpgvbaf gb gnxr vafvqr gur pnir.
Solution: Lbh arrq gb hfr nyy bs gur cvrprf jvgu gur fznyy gevnatyrf gb trg onpx gb gur cynltebhaq, naq onpx gb gur pnir ragenapr. Nyy lbh arrq gb qb npghnyyl vf gb svther bhg gung qverpgvbaf gung lbh jbhyq zbir gb ybbc onpx gb gur pnir, vs lbh jrer gb cynpr gurfr cvrprf ba gur obneq. Guvf vf R, A, A, J, A.
7. Tenirfgbarf
Hint: Lbh svaq gur tenirfgbarf ol chggvat va nyy cvrprf va gur obneq. Vg gryyf lbh gb chg gbtrgure jung vf yrsg oruvaq. Jung ner va gur cvrprf gung jrer yrsg oruvaq? Guvf vf gur ynfg chmmyr, fb gurer vf bayl bar cvrpr bs vasbezngvba yrsg.
Solution: Vs lbh jrer gb bireynl gur erq cvkryf va gur sbhe cvrprf gung ner yrsg bhg, lbh trg gur jbeq "THVYG".
Marooned - Playthrough Video
Posted by mit-mit on 2020/09/29 11:38
Posted by booggiewho on 2020/09/29 03:52
I, Castaway - How we used Tiled
Posted by DR0ID on 2020/09/28 19:35
- check properties of the object
- check properties of the tile (within the object)
- check properties of the type of the tile
Alasala - Bug fix: abilities were invisible until unlocked
Posted by cyhawk on 2020/09/28 13:17
Fire Dance - Should have written this yesterday
Posted by HipetyHopit on 2020/09/28 09:34
Alasala - Questions?
Posted by cyhawk on 2020/09/28 07:58
Escape the Island - Escape the Island
Posted by ssjCoder_yt on 2020/09/28 07:43