PyWeek #23 challenge: “The Lesser of Two Evils”

Glory_hole - Day 7 - Post Mortem

Posted by Buffalo974 on 2017/02/26 00:01

Renpy is interesting to deploy ultra fast prototype but need framework knowledge to use it the right way and is not made for every type of game.
I lost very to much time for silly things.
I would have prefered to fight against python or low levels concept.

Pyweek : 7 days. Your brain have to find a story, a game play that sticks with the requested theme. You have to be artist and in the code. With real life beside... If you want to make something ambitious, you decuplate bugs and finally you have trouble to finish it at last shipping time.

Glory_hole : I'm not proud about my code, it's litteraly awful. But i'm happy to have stand in competition and to show you an idea of what it could be
if it was written the right way with adapted tools, concentration, enought sleeping time.

To be continued...


Romance of Ruins - Nothing to ship - but some enjoyable ideas.

Posted by mgrazebrook on 2017/02/25 23:38

Alas no product from me. But I had fun.

Initially I was torn between two game concepts.

One was a tile-based RPG inspired by the biblical book of Job. It reverses the usual trope. In the Book of Job, Job is wealthy, powerful and virtuous. God allows the devil to heap one misfortune after another on him until he is destitute. In game terms, you play a series of levels involving Job, his assets and community in support and various misfortunes - some dialog-based, others more military. In each level, there are moral choices - most often involving a choice to suffer losses yourself (flocks, family members etc) or for the community to take the loss (e.g. losing unique skills). As the game progresses, you reduce in power and assets. Yet your moral choices affect the support you get from the community such that it's almost impossible to complete without being mostly selfless. I decided that a satisfying game would need too much content - but I'd love to see it written!

The game I went for was a puzzle game of wacky physics. You control one puck which you flick with the mouse. All objects exert gravity. Most tiles have friction but some have negative friction (so things accelerate). Objects gain or lose energy when they collide, depending on their natures. Each level has two exits - a hard one and an easy one. But if you win the easy way, you have a tougher time on the next level.

In the event, I spent too much time fascinated by the many tools and libraries out there and the clever things people have done with them. Too little writing the code. Time well spent none the less.

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Solar Flair - Scrambling

Posted by lukepdev on 2017/02/25 22:49

Only an hour left and still don't have collisions on platforms.  Entire game engine is complete and very robust though.  Should be able to finish on time as long as packaging isn't an issue.

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My Enemy's Enemy is my Friend - Day 4-7

Posted by mit-mit on 2017/02/25 18:37

Pheww! Just got it in and super dead tired after approximately 3 hours sleep in the last 48 hours. I'm pretty happy with the result. Honestly, I got everything done I hoped to get, but I really had to grind hard towards the end. Really hoping that this one works for everyone. Also hoping that people's machines can achieve acceptable frame rates (high computational load in rendering busy scenes).

Thing I was most excited about this comp is I actually sat down to properly compose and produce the in-game music, and I was pretty happy with the result: a nice orchestral theme, which I felt captured the ambience I wanted in the game.

Hope you like it, and please let me know any bug reports!

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Wing Craft - Day 7

Posted by xmzhang1 on 2017/02/25 12:46

This is the last day of pyweek 23 (12 hours left ^v^), though I know I have extra one day to upload my game, but I want to use tomorrow to sleep ^v^ I upload the pyweek23 zip as my final work. Compared to former work, I change the weapon level from 1 to 4, bomb num from 3 to 4. Enemy number decreased half. To be honest, my initial thought is to design a bullet hell game, but I think that is not a popular genre. So I changed it several hours ago. But I did not change the boss, so, use bomb when face boss, however, if you want two player mode or single hard mode, you can try the former file or download from GitHub.

About my game, when first run it, there would be a game loading before start, so the black screen at first is normal. It would last several seconds, I think that is because a lot of  class.__init__ runs, I do not know how to solve it, or add a loading screen to give a hint. And if you know how to solve it, please tell me :)  For the game, I prefer to choose 'cricket' in game according 'The Lesser of Two Evils', its damage is bigger but speed is slower. For enemies, high speed is easy to attact bullets and make them wide spread, but for boss, you need laser beam to quickly defeat it. And yes, as I said. Bomb is a good thing,it can save life and make a massive damage. Remember to use it.

Good night!

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"It'll Cost an Arm or a Leg" - Some progress and some more complaining

Posted by pmdevita on 2017/02/25 05:02

We had a brainstorming session and have come up with a game idea.

The game starts with a man walking down the street. Suddenly, an evil scientist flies in and takes either on of his arms or legs - the choice is made by the player and it is the lesser of two evils tie in. Should you sacrifice attack power or mobility? The man then goes on a quest to retrieve his missing appendage and return to his normal life.

Considering how we have less than 24 hours at this point, it will probably just be the "final" level.

But more worrying is that it turns out cocos2D isn't just poorly maintained and sloppily documented - it's straight up broken. You can't import a .tmx map without putting it into an eternal loop, which means I either have to write a converter for it into the XML style map or we write the XML style map by hand.

The python game situation really is not good. pygame is an unpythonic SDL wrapper. cocos2D is a steaming mess and a lot of other stuff is abandoned. A Unity-esq full featured editor and engine for making python games would be rather nice to have.

I had started work on my own stuff on top of pyglet about a month ago before I realized unreleased/personal codebases weren't allowed. I was going to try and create a graphics engine similar to Scratch. Doing graphics in Scratch is simple and accessible but it still has a well fleshed out feature list.

Panda3D seems well made though. Maybe I should have tried using it.


The Phantom Racer - Before last day

Posted by YannThor on 2017/02/25 03:10

Only three diary entries for this challenge... This is the manifestation of my serious lack of time/ambition overflow for this game.

The good news is that so far I managed to make the game just as I wanted it to be ; the bad news is that I barely fulfilled half of the initial planned features for the game.

I will probably spend the entire saturday to code, it's 4am now and I need to sleep.

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Glory_hole - Day 6 - time to boost

Posted by Buffalo974 on 2017/02/24 23:59

I fixed another silly but very annoying bug.
I can now make real work.
Few hours in the night, i am tired but happy to struggle.
My cup of coffee helps me.

I am not used with python 2 and renpy's pseudo python. It's really disturbing.
I hope i will have a genius lightning.

Working in competitive but friendly goal is very stimulating.

I've got few hours to concretize ultimate ideas, after i have to clean hard. And to ship it not to much dirty.

I hope just one thing : even if it's not playable currently, to give it a chance to live and growth after because i really think it got a playful potential.
It's really possible to introduce arcade, tactic, strategic and rpg in it, with pseudo-historical bonus.

You are right, i'm trying to seduce you to work on it, to fork it, to show it, to share it.
Be tolerant tomorrow with my "skill and abilities". I hope not to disappoint to much.

to be forgiven :


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Lunar Patrol - Intro and Powerups

Posted by prake on 2017/02/24 15:01

- fixed some misbehaviour within AttractMode
- introduced ammunition power-ups

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Wing Craft - Day 6

Posted by xmzhang1 on 2017/02/24 14:37

I really tired out and want to sleep, I have to say that those days when I stay up editing my papers is gone forever. Maybe I should say those days when I stay up playing DOTA is long gone :)

OK, I have finished my game with 5 stages, my_game Generally, I think it is fine. I would not make many changes during the last day, just find errors and try to package my game into .exe file. I tried pyinstaller but never success, I searched on web and someone said because of the graphics path is not correct, but I still do not know how to do it. Could you help me?  ;)

I would be very glad if you try to play my_game and tell me you feelings, any guidance and cristism is welcomed.

Good night!