Day 6

I really tired out and want to sleep, I have to say that those days when I stay up editing my papers is gone forever. Maybe I should say those days when I stay up playing DOTA is long gone :)

OK, I have finished my game with 5 stages, my_game Generally, I think it is fine. I would not make many changes during the last day, just find errors and try to package my game into .exe file. I tried pyinstaller but never success, I searched on web and someone said because of the graphics path is not correct, but I still do not know how to do it. Could you help me?  ;)

I would be very glad if you try to play my_game and tell me you feelings, any guidance and cristism is welcomed.

Good night!

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I guess I will also opt for cx_freeze as it is very fresh maintained.  Also new to this but hope it will work.

Thank you!  @Buffalo974 @prake I will try the cx_freeze first.