March 2008 challenge: “Robot”

Shawnee State Army of Hair - Day one: Pre-Production

Posted by sam_bushman on 2008/03/30 20:31

With the first day almost to a close, our team has come up with our basic game concept (gameplay mechanics, world the game characters exist in, ect). RoadKillGrill and myself have aken on the task of implementing kinematics into the animation of our characters. We have decided to attempts a game that mixes Rock em' Sock em' Robots with Robot/break dancing. Hopefully all goes well.


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I Robot? - Basic ideas and some blueprints

Posted by hugoruscitti on 2008/03/30 20:27

Hi, we want to create a robot dancing game. You area human girl in a robots planet, and want to scape from there site.

The first day we plan the history, basic ideas for gameplay and some artwork.

This is a picture taken after 8 hours of work...

( from top-left to right: Hugo Ruscitti (me, programming), Javi (Art) and Walter Velazquez (Art).)

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GOTO - result not working on my Mac

Posted by irskep on 2008/03/30 20:07

No errors during the actual script, but when I try to run "run_game.pyw", the game crashes and dumps the following in the Console:
PythonLauncher[8457] doscript: Could not activate Terminal
PythonLauncher[8457] doscript: AESend(activate): error -600
PythonLauncher[8457] Exit status: -600[220] ([0x0-0x1b31b3].org.python.PythonLauncher[8457]) Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 8459 PPID 1 Terminal
Can any other Mac users help me out?


GOTO - Basic physics engine up

Posted by irskep on 2008/03/30 19:36

I've got four engines stuck together and under human control in a simple wraparound environment. Unfortunately, I don't have svn set up yet, but that's coming soon.

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Robosub - Game about robotics - and no 3d for me

Posted by nikolajbaer on 2008/03/30 17:17

Finally, I dug into robots a bit this morning, and decided, despite a week full of fun tinkering with opengl and 3d, that I just am not ready to put together something that is fun and engaging in 3d in a week. I am really adamant about not just having a game that has robots, but more specifically making a game *About* robots... in the sense that wikipedia nicely summarizes:

    • is not 'natural' i.e. artificially created
    • can sense its environment, and manipulate or interact with things in it
    • has some degree of intelligence or ability to make choices based on the environment, often using automatic control or a preprogrammed sequence
    • is programmable
    • moves with one or more axes of rotation or translation
    • makes dexterous coordinated movements
    • appears to have intent or agency

Specifically, I like the idea of automation and sensing. i have been ruminating on a game that allows the user to build and automate their own robots, and maybe i will take a look at something like that with chipmunk this morning

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Sea War - The sea nettle robot

Posted by milker on 2008/03/30 16:06

It is green, have fun ?

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Sea War - The green robot icon

Posted by milker on 2008/03/30 15:36

This is the green robot icon.

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Sea War - Another robot icon

Posted by milker on 2008/03/30 15:28

This is another robot icon, it is four octopus.

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Vandal Parts - Plans shattered

Posted by Badger on 2008/03/30 14:57

Well. Our only idea for robot is too difficult to do in a week so we're pretty much screwed. Although, we do have a cyborg gorilla and that can't hurt. We just need to think of something today then we can do it in 6 days.

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Sea War - The robot icon

Posted by milker on 2008/03/30 14:20

This is the robot icon, maybe it can help someone.

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