April 2007 challenge: “The only way is up”

Self Defence Against Fresh Fruit - SDAFF Linux requirements.

Posted by steveth45 on 2007/04/09 23:21

Linux users need Boost 1.33.1

For Debian users: "emerge boost" will do the trick since this will install Boost 1.33.1.

For Ubuntu users: "apt-get install libboost-date-time-dev libboost-date-time1.33.1 libboost-dev libboost-doc libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-filesystem1.33.1 libboost-graph-dev libboost-graph1.33.1 libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-iostreams1.33.1 libboost-program-options-dev libboost-program-options1.33.1 libboost-python-dev libboost-python1.33.1 libboost-regex-dev libboost-regex1.33.1 libboost-signals-dev libboost-signals1.33.1 libboost-test-dev libboost-test1.33.1 libboost-thread-dev libboost-thread1.33.1" will install the necessary packages.

openSUSE 10.2 comes with Boost 1.33.1 packages, they just need to be installed from the DVD or online source.

Fedora Core 5 & 6, have Boost 1.33.1 packages available online, too.

Hopefully this fixes it for all the Linux users out there.


Dam Builder - ODE note

Posted by faassen on 2007/04/09 20:29

I've just noticed Dam Builder has been listed as "not working in Linux" on this page. This is rather frustrating as the whole game was developed under Linux.

The note is that the game crashes with the following error:

File "src/dambuilder/physbody.py", line 14, in Ball
j = ode.Plane2DJoint(ode_world)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Plane2DJoint'

This is due to a version of ODE/PyODE that lacks Plane2DJoint support.

Unfortunately, this version of ODE/PyODE does not appear to be shipped yet in typical Linux distributions. Since I understand full well people don't want to mess about with installing new versions of library dependencies as root, I've taken a lot of care to include a 'buildout' version which can build and install these (and PyGame) as a user, on Linux. I've used this myself during development.

Download the -buildout version of the game, and read the section "Extensions that can be built with Buildout" in the INSTALL.txt. Comment this entry should you have any problems.

I hope that this extra hassle doesn't stop people altogether from trying out this game under Linux. I did do my best to help. :)

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Dam Builder - Performance note

Posted by faassen on 2007/04/09 20:06

There seems to be a performance problem as you near the end of the game. If you then start another game from the main menu, the bad performance continues into the next game. I have a theory as to why this is, but I'm on a break from dam builder code for a short while, and it wouldn't help the final entry anyway.

I would request reviewers that want to play more than one game to restart the whole app after each game you played, however. Thanks!

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Fluffy Menace - Fluffy Menace: fydo -- an artist's postmortem

Posted by fydo on 2007/04/09 18:05

Hello fellow humans,

First off I'd like to give a huge thanks to richard, not only for being a great teammate, but for organizing everything and making Pyweek possible. (JDruid, you rock too ;)
I'm amazed that he managed to not only code up the game in a week, but also find a job, get a job AND shop for machines that wash things.

Things started off quite well, I think. The first day was a bit of a write-off, as I spent my time making a bunch of graphics, but finding out the next day that they weren't really the style we were going for.
I managed to finish almost all the in-game art by around wednesday/thursday.

I really didn't know what to do at this point, but knew that one thing we were lacking was a strong connection to the theme, so I decided to try my hand at making a real-time cinematic cutscene/intro for the game. First, just to test things out (and ensure it would work with richard's existing code) I made a funny little team logo animation using just straight python + pygame.

richard took some time out of his busy schedule and updated my code for the logo sequence to work with opengl and the texture classes he had made. I learned much from this, and used my newfound knowledge to code up the main menu screen.
(I'm really hoping someone noticed the awesome effect on the main menu screen with the moving stars in the background :)

Then I began on the story cutscene... first I wrote up a little script (the original is on the fluffymenace googlecode wiki if you're interested) and then recorded the voiceovers. I think I did a pretty good 'movie voice guy' impression for the voiceovers :)
For those who were wondering, yes, the narrator and the scientist are *supposed* to have very similar voices, for comedic effect :)
After this I started making the textures for the story cutscene and coding everything up. I did have some plans for things that didn't quite make it. For instance, take a look at the scene2.png texture, you'll see a little rocket and smoke puff there that was going to be flying past the window in the second scene.

JDruid's music really added a lot to the intro (actually the entire game!) and he also improved (by quite a bit) a couple of the in-game sound effects too. The timemachine sound effect is much better than the one I had before, which was just me saying "memememe". Haha ;)

Anyways, I had a lot of fun on this project, and I'm totally looking forward to playing everyone else's games. YAY PYWEEK!

-- fydo

P.S. Also, you might have noticed that I have released all the art for the game under the Free Art License, so I'd be curious to see what other uses for the game art you might come up with (let me know :)

P.S.S. Whenever I needed a little break from working on Evolution, I spent some time in #toba working with their team on their game, which was then known as 'Barbie Seahorse Adventure' (which I think is a totally cooler name) :)
I contributed the original art for the little fireball guy that you can find on the volanco levels (it's been improved by someone else on the team). I also contributed a level which you can see as the first volcano level.
I think their game turned out really well, and I'm proud to be a part of it too.

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MathJumper - The quest for the holy integral - MathJumper "post mortem" and windows executable link

Posted by Srekel on 2007/04/09 13:39

First off, here's the link to the Windows executable in case you don't want to download a bunch of libs or can't get it working or whatever :)


If you can't get it running under Linux, look in our previous diary entry.

Quick Post Mortem

I've entered PyWeek two times before I think, both times with viblo, and I have to say, this time felt a lot better. Instead of choosing to make a simple strategy game (which is pretty much the only types of games I've made :)), we chose to create a platformer, something that we knew would be simpler.

And it was definitely a good choice, this time. Our game was actually playable a couple of days before the game ended, which is pretty cool. Though, it did have some problems with the collisions right until saturday (I made an error which sometimes made the character go through an object instead of stopping against it).

I tried to make a random level generator, because it worked so nicely for Steam Empire and it could've saved us a lot of time. However, after spending 30 minutes or so on it, it was obvious that it would only create really sucky levels and that we'd have to create some kind of level editor. So viblo did, and it turned out great. :) If you haven't noticed, you can enter edit mode by hitting "e" and using the mouse and the 1-9 and F1-F10 buttons to place things.

Some people are commenting that they have too little time to answer the math question. I'm not sure if it's really because its too hard, or if its because you haven't understood that you can press space while standing on the ground to enter slowmo and jump at the same time. Granted, it IS too hard when the equation is difficult, like 3*6*8, so that's something we could've done something about.

As for bugs, I think the only serious bug we've found, except for the crash on Linux commented on below, is that the numbers you collect don't get reset when you restart a level. Still, its better than how it usually is for us. :D

The graphics turned out really well too. Mostly thanks to viblo and his Inkscape skills. Blame me for the water. ;)

I must say I'm very satisfied by how the game turned out. Not that it's perfect or anything, but given the amount of time we had, we produced a pretty good result.


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Century of the Fruitbat Moving Picture Publishing Company - with 1000 elephants - Launch Ship Please

Posted by saluk on 2007/04/09 04:10

Before voting on the game, please either download the one-line fixed version here: cenf_of_fb_0.99.zip
or make sure not to click the launch button while people are on/waiting to go on a mission.

We had a pretty good time with developing this game, but not nearly enough time to do all that we had wanted to! There will certainly be future versions to come.

The game isn't as complex as it seems, you should be able to figure out how to play from trying stuff, and the people are pretty fun to watch for a bit as well. The general idea is: make units on the left screen, send units in groups to find resources on the headquarters screen, and wait until you have enough resources to launch the ship. It's much simpler than the somewhat clunky interface makes it appear.
In fact, it's hardly a game at all!

I'm impressed with a lot of the other entries, so impressed that I'm going to hold off on voting until I've played through a lot of them till the end. It would be very easy to distribute the top score to too many games and not have a good enough range of scores.

Good job everyone, I hope you can get over the scary tutorial and enjoy "Up Up and Away" for what it is: a fun little toy simulation that only gives you as a player a minor effect on what's going on.

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PROBE - Kid Bandyhoot -- Bug?

Posted by gcewing on 2007/04/09 04:07

Kid Bandyhoot crashes for me with the following. Anyone else experiencing this?

% pythonw2.3 run_game.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "run_game.py", line 12, in ?
  File "/Local/Games/Python/PyWeek4/KidBandyhootsCrazyAdventures-v1.0/lib/main.py", line 82, in main
  File "/Local/Games/Python/PyWeek4/KidBandyhootsCrazyAdventures-v1.0/lib/main.py", line 46, in setEngine
    gameEngine= glengine.GlEngine()
  File "/Local/Games/Python/PyWeek4/KidBandyhootsCrazyAdventures-v1.0/lib/glengine.py", line 44, in __init__
  File "/Local/Games/Python/PyWeek4/KidBandyhootsCrazyAdventures-v1.0/lib/gamemap.py", line 15, in __init__
  File "/Local/Games/Python/PyWeek4/KidBandyhootsCrazyAdventures-v1.0/lib/gamemap.py", line 135, in initLevel1
  File "/Local/Games/Python/PyWeek4/KidBandyhootsCrazyAdventures-v1.0/lib/enemyactor.py", line 179, in __init__
TypeError: __init__() got multiple values for keyword argument 'targetFunc'

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The Incredible Car Stunt - What next?

Posted by shundread on 2007/04/08 23:46

The "final" version, though it was the intended final for pyweek isn't going to be the last version of this game.

What do I need to work on:

-Code: The code seriously needs some cleaning up. Though I had started writing it well, the deadline got closed and sloppiness prevailed.

-Controls: They are sometimes sloppy and can make bosses harder than intended. Adding support for joysticks.

-Portability: Though I'm pretty confident this game will run on most platforms, it's appearance on 8-bit color depth displays needs to be fixed.

-Soundtrack: The introduction music is horrid. Period. Also, both the intro music and in-game music should have a faster pace. It should be kept funky, though. Funky felt good for this game.

-Sound Effects: Include some voice acting, improve some of the sounds.

-Graphics: Diversify enemy graphics. Improving graphic for shots, clouds and explosions. Much work to do in animating.

-Gameplay: Adding some powerups. Give extra lives and health to the player according to score. Allowing the car to rotate a little (thus allowing the player to shoot in different directions). Some specials.

-Enemies: Most enemies have a rather uninteresting behaviour. Actually, the one I think has the best behaviour is the green disk.

-Game Plot: I need to add more situations where I can make this plot even worse. So this means more stages, possibly including levels in outer-space.

Possibly other stuff as well.


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The Incredible Car Stunt - Final version

Posted by shundread on 2007/04/08 23:44

Unfortunately, due to last-minute pyweek webserver overload, the final version of the game didn't make it into the torrent.

I'm happy to see that most of the gameplay made it into the provided demo anyway.

What most people will miss is just the mid-game dialogues (that are almost as good as the introduction's dialogue), a battle with a last boss and the ending.

I hope you guys enjoy the game. If anyone has issues running this game, let me know.

ALso, good luck for everyone else running in Pyweek. I have seen many entries already and I must say some of them are really, really interesting. =)


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Team Quicksilver - Official run game instructions!!!

Posted by RB[0] on 2007/04/08 20:00

so you downloaded our game, and it wouldnt run, right?

Well... at the end of the compo there, I had attempted to integrate the skellington into our game, in the hope that ppl would appreciate it, wrong!

To run the game simply move the 'data' and 'levels' folders out of lib, and into the top directory, this should fix it.

sorry about that :(

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