September 2022 challenge: “The Red Planet”

Escape Velocity - Day 3

Posted by Anonymous4045 on 2022/09/07 04:39

Unfortunately I doubt I'll be able to finish my game, or at least all the parts that I want to. College started today, and I'm busy most of Saturday. That leaves three afternoons left, so we'll see how far I can get. I didn't have time to work on the game today sadly. Maybe next jam will fall on a better week for me, but balancing high school, college, my clubs, and a game jam is a bit much for me...

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Duck! - Menu

Posted by squidnugget77 on 2022/09/07 04:10

It really is almost halfway over and all I have is the menu screen... This might not work as well as I planned

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turmion - Mechanis done!

Posted by pax on 2022/09/07 03:25

I've finished the basic mechanics. The game is gonna sucks, but that's ok. It's my first time with all this...

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tasty red bean simulator - day 4....

Posted by speedlimit35 on 2022/09/07 02:06

it is day 4 already but I just started.... I don't know if I can finish this time

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Planete Encore - Physics

Posted by Astrofra on 2022/09/06 21:18

Trying to turn the basic controls into a physics-based character controler.
The hero as a now a collision shape, a mass, so I can block it on static elements of the environement and he can push things around :

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The Blood Planet - Day 3: We must try and try

Posted by ItsHimReally on 2022/09/06 20:51

After long hours of development, our game is finally launched on the third day of the competition! Victory, you say? I will answer you: Victory in full measure. Part of our team writes code and continues to develop. While the other part is engaged in character animation, backgrounds, layouts. We continue to work through the task system and the game is already ready, according to bold estimates, by 20%. Dear comrades, the development of the game is proceeding strictly according to the schedule according to the plan. All assigned tasks are successfully solved. We have not lost our minds and continue to work! Road to the dream!

We can share with you our one more character, it will be uploaded in the screenshots. Good luck to all workers!

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Project Aries - Log Day 3

Posted by AfterChange on 2022/09/06 20:06

Yea I forgor to do log day 2 💀

Day 3 Update :-

Basic placeholder character and background is looking good, even have figured out how to make an infinite platform, but a lot still to do, like enemies and other environmental objects.

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Ares Firma - How Mars became the red planet

Posted by Cosmologicon on 2022/09/06 14:03

Years ago I read the 1992 science fiction novel Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. It's the first book in a trilogy about terraforming Mars into an Earth-like planet. I could be misremembering some details. I remember the science being really good although the characters, the first Martian colonists, acted pretty weird in a number of ways. A few of them start the terraforming process by releasing some genetically engineered bacteria or something. This wasn't their mission: they just decided to do it with little concern or caution. The question of whether and how to do it was discussed pretty briefly. The one person I remember opposing it was kind of bullied into shutting up.

Olympus Mons is the largest mountain in the solar system. If you create an ecosystem on Mars complete with a water cycle and erosion you're going to destroy that. I'm not saying I'm opposed to terraforming Mars but there's something lost when it happens, right? Maybe we should think about it first, and get to know the Mars we have now before it's gone forever? I don't know if this was the book's intention but I came away missing red Mars.

So I'm interested in the story of how Mars came to be the red planet in the first place. A few billion years ago Earth and Mars were a lot more similar but one turned green and one turned red. Is that tragic? I don't know how to make a game out of it yet but we'll see where it goes.

History of Water on Mars (via NASA)

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Resupply - Monday evening

Posted by yarolig on 2022/09/06 08:48

What I have now is just half of 3D Hello world. I start getting some ideas of what can be going on in my game. And it gonna be a stealthy game again.

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Planete Encore - Score + Camera

Posted by Astrofra on 2022/09/06 06:02

This morning, before heading to the office, I quickly hacked a "camera pursuit" mode.
The camera tries to remain at a constant distance from the hero, but its speed is limited so it is always lagging a bit behind, thus giving a smooth motion (it's smoother on screen, the capture killed it a bit :)

Youtube Capture

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