PyWeek 31 challenge: “Cops”

DOOMCOPS - first day progress

Posted by IcodePython on 2021/03/28 23:56

this was my first time trying to make a plat former so it was hard to say the least. I got the jump, camera, tilemap, and player controls done today. it was a very productive day.


Gendarmerie - Gendarmerie Day 1

Posted by pyweeker on 2021/03/28 22:51

Today, i was reading Arcade library. I know the kind of gameplay i want.
Having grabbed some PNG, merging demos short examples to build my project.

i discovered existence of bulletML, library to get beatifull shoot'em up effects

I would like this kind of effect but can't make the library work.

Second fail, i'd like to easily convert Midi file to sonic pi:

there is a ruby script but it crash, i dont know how to fix this:

If somebody knows how to fix those, i give you wonderfull awards ;-)

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Sergant Brown - LaserTag Training - Day 1 - Lazy sunday, still got things done

Posted by Master47 on 2021/03/28 22:41

Got a few things done today, even though I have to admit, that it's been difficult for me personally to sit in front of the computer, and code stuff. So my game will be about Sergant "Peeler" Brown, who has to practice his shooting skills in a LaserTag arena.

There will be 1-6 criminals in an arena with walls.  The arena itself is completely dark.  The only thing that will be seen without any help is the collided shot fired by a laser pistol (red for criminals, green for our sergant).
The only additional help is an infrared camera, which can detect enemies (enemies can detect the player, too).  The longer the player uses the camera (button held down), the more energy it drains, and the bigger the detection area gets (max. 300px, but still kinda undecided).
Recharching is done when the button is not pressed.  The camera is always centered on the player.

Once the player is hit, the game is over. Likewise, if all of the criminals are hit, the game is over and the sergant has won.  Eliminating a criminal removes the criminal from the game.

I am too tired and will be too busy to implement a path-finding algorithm to be honest.  Criminals can move already randomly.  They will try to shoot the player if there are no walls in the way.  Shooting can be done at most every 2 seconds.  Criminals will shoot randomly every 2-4 seconds I think.

Here is a screenshot:
EDIT: The criminals (red circles here) WONT be seen in the final game, unless the infrared camera is used :) )

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Donut Run - Day 1

Posted by karx on 2021/03/28 22:21

This time, I didn't miss the announcement, so that's cool.

I wanted to do a sort of endless shooter type game, like Galaga, which works great with the theme "cops".
Here's my idea:
You play as a cop, trying to get as many donuts as possible. However, criminals (or ninjas? idk) are guarding the donut, and they have guns.
You have to kill all the criminals and get all the donuts. When you do that, it goes to the next level/difficulty.

The first thing I did was to start the project, create a venv and a GitHub repo and all that. Once that was done, I made a window appear.

After that, I created a player sprite and added the ability to move it with the keyboard. I also made it point to the mouse's location.

Third, I added the ability to shoot bullets. This was done by listening for a click, calculating the angle between the player and the mouse, and then sending another sprite towards the x and y of where you clicked.

Finally, I created a mechanism to place walls randomly around the map, and created simple collision mechanisms.

Super excited to be doing PyWeek!

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Copcake Caper - Day 1: Progress Has Been Made

Posted by Chard on 2021/03/28 21:41

Today's work was initially quite fractured but has managed to pick up since then. While we struggled initially with creative differences we now have a fairly concrete idea and a direction to go. Each team member has their own areas of ownership and the code and assets are starting to coalesce. I'll save sharing details of our game and incorporation of the theme for later diary entries. But for now, I have permission from our artist to share the following delicious sample:

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Airlift One - A plan.

Posted by Matthgeek on 2021/03/28 21:26

I have a plan.

And that's it.

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Chase - Day 1 Session 2

Posted by JakeyGilly on 2021/03/28 20:38

We Fixed the boxes by clearing the screen and we recolored everything to make it look better, we enabled rotating with a and d to get ready for driving the car and we named the game Chase

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ClickTheButton - Day One - Zombies

Posted by daftspaniel on 2021/03/28 18:59

So Cops had me thinking of 'The Walking Dead' TV Show, so why not an arena style shooter with a cop as a main character? I might regret it by Thursday! :-)

Main game structure is in place with a 'Get Ready' state, game play screen and 'Game Over' screen. We have a human (which can be rescued for points), zombies which harm the cop. Maybe the poor cop will get something to defend themselves with tomorrow?

Graphics need work, sound effects need added but a reasonable first day.

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Aquilam - Day 1!

Posted by pjrMakesPyGames on 2021/03/28 18:00

We finished planning and started work on the main screen!

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Chase - Day 1 Session 1

Posted by JakeyGilly on 2021/03/28 16:38

We came up with the idea for the game which is a police car chase with randomizing roads? maybe
We also started work on the game which prints two lines for the borders of the road and alot of squares for the character moving

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