PyWeek 22 challenge: “You can't let him in here”
Ripple - A bump in the dark...
Posted by Benjamin on 2016/09/06 04:58
I did finish up the Collision Processor at least, both for static bodies (walls) and player/monsters. I also added a LifeProcessor to handle hp reduction and entity death, and decided on a method of attack. I'm going with the Ys/Falcom style bump-to-attack. This was easy to tie into the new Collision Processor, and will hopefully be a fun mechanic. I still need to sort out a few things to handle off-center hits and player damage, but it's looking good.
Super Wicked Sick Nasty Radical Guitar Game - Days 1 & 2, done planning, let's do it
Posted by JaySKZ on 2016/09/06 04:56
Nashes to Ashes - Nashes to Ashes - Day 3
Posted by paulpaterson on 2016/09/06 03:34
I had problems posting a screenshot yesterday as the pyweek site kept on deleting the image link. Let's see if I have more success today!
Block the Knight - Attention all Nemeses
Posted by pyrex on 2016/09/06 02:53
Jungle Run - __init__
Posted by PaulBrownMagic on 2016/09/06 00:35
Treasure Seeker--You can't let him in... - Treasure Seeker--You can't let him in...
Posted by Ferguson on 2016/09/06 00:34
Spacestation - Day Two - Level Stuff
Posted by daftspaniel on 2016/09/05 20:58
Spent most of the time sorting out the level management to make it nice and flexible. The actual level building needs improved though.
On the visual side, added asteroids and a T-fighter. Tomorrow will be more level work and maybe a starfield :-)
Symbiotes - Game Design Document
Posted by pathunstrom on 2016/09/05 20:52
I want to counterpoint RPG style minmaxing and power fantasy with a feeling of being shunned for becoming more and more of an outlier. To that end, various shopkeepers and NPCs will begin to avoid you as you collect spirits, leaving you with the hard decision of giving up skills to continue receiving services.
There are three primary mechanic concerns:
Combat will be a shoot-em-up style top down game. Each encounter will be an arena style combat with one or more enemies, one of which is the goal. Defeating this creature spawns the spirit that you add to your collection.
Enemies can have several states, special weaknesses, or weak points. Their attacks can vary greatly from battle to battle.
There will be "basic" equipment that lets you tune your stats to match various enemies, but the amount of customization is limited.
Once you get spirits, they become available as special equipment that have higher stat changes and provide special behaviors.
To change some of the assumptions RPG style games have, remove currency as a resource, and leave the standing with NPCs the only access to various aid.
This includes the armorers, the inn, alchemists, mages, doctors and other out of combat aid.
Attack of the Giant Space Mould - Day 2
Posted by drnlm on 2016/09/05 20:23
Due to other commitments, there was very little work done today.
What work we did do was mainly on abusing pymunk to do terrible things. The net result is a simple demo that sort of does the right thing for a rotating light, as shown. This is not without it's awkward corner cases, and still needs to be integrated with the code proper, but will hopefully be useful in the actual game eventually.
DNF - Here we go
Posted by paeron on 2016/09/05 19:00
So back to PyWeek again, missed last time for some reason.
Hopefully not another DNF for me, 6 out of 8 times have been DNF......
Not the theme I was hoping for but it usually never is, havnt really figured out what my game should be about but Ive written an algorithm for a random generated dungeon. Guess gameplay will come next when I figure it out.