PyWeek 22 challenge: “You can't let him in here”
Nashes to Ashes - Nashes to Ashes - Trailer
Posted by paulpaterson on 2016/09/11 17:59

I have a complete walkthrough (with puzzle spoliers) that I will post later in case anyone is having difficulties running the game.
The Big Board - We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day.
Posted by typhonic on 2016/09/11 17:04
For me, this week was all about learning the mechanics. I had to learn how to record, edit and play sounds, how to draw, move, detect collisions and detect events. I got lots of help by searching the documentation and the many online examples of code and I had a few questions answered personally on IIRC. So, Thanks Everyone!
The one thing I did not have to do this time is construct a story. I love Dr Strangelove and I took all my story elements from the movie. I'm looking forward to playing all the entries for this week and joining you folks again next time.
Breach - Breach: Done
Posted by Tee on 2016/09/11 14:40
This one was fun. Because this is my 20th Pyweek submission, I wanted to try making something special, though I'm not sure how much that shows. For example, it's my first submission with an actual in-game story. :)
Most of my Pyweeks consist of either doing something small in the last few days due to time constraints, or iterating through a number of bad or overly ambitious ideas throughout the week until I find an appropriate one (again, in the last few days). Luckily, this time I had a reasonable amount of time, and I figured out an idea early on that I stuck with throughout the week. I knew that I wanted to do a puzzle this time -- I just felt in the mood for designing puzzle levels -- and having my mind set on it was helpful. As usual, I did not implement everything I wanted to due to time constraints, but I implemented most of it.
The core mechanic is fairly simple: you move around flipping bits in wires in order to open and close doors and reach the breaches. A door is closed when it receives at least one positive signal (i.e. it receives energy), and open otherwise (i.e. no energy to power it up). A special component is that there are one or more paths that always need to be blocked by at least one door, because "you can't let him in here".
Creating levels was surprisingly time consuming. The reason is that I found it tricky to turn this puzzle mechanic into deep levels. I didn't want to add too much to the core puzzle mechanic because I like its minimality, and I like the whole concept of generating depth with simple rules. I might just not be good at puzzle design, but I often got either straightforward levels or "superficially complex" levels from this mechanic. That might be due to the nature of the core mechanic, but maybe someone can prove me wrong. :) Towards the end I did add another feature to try to deepen the mechanic a bit, and I hope the last four levels turn out to be more interesting.
I hope you find this game fun! As always, congratulations to all of you who submitted a game!
PS: Bonus question! Prove that it is possible to construct a level, using any element of this game, that computes any given boolean function. That is, given any n-ary boolean function f (say, expressed as a propositional formula), show that you can construct a level that takes n wires with inputs x1, ..., xn, and outputs f(x1, ..., xn) in a wire. For the sake of this question, ignore space and placement constraints (infinite space, a breach does not need a wall, etc.).
Bouncer - Finally Done
Posted by fireclaw on 2016/09/11 12:52
Party Pinball with a touch of Fur
The nights are warm and it's time for many to party. Though, some of them don't respect the rules of some clubs and it's your job to keep them outside. Yes, you're the bouncer of a very famous club, the Lions Clu. Your job is to keep out the red dressed dudes as it's blue only day in the clubs.
How to play
Your only way to get your boss happy, and to win this game, is to use the doors of the club like pinball flippers to bounce off all the dudes that should not get into the club and open them up for anyone dressed in correct blue. To get rid of some annoying red dressed dudes, bounce them into the red club or over into the police station.
As soon as you got enough blue guys in, you'll win the round. Just make sure to not let in to many Red dressed guys. If you have more reds than blues, you'll loose the game!
This game was made using the Panda3D game engine
System Requirements:
Recommended: | |
CPU | 2.4 GHz dual core |
Memory | 150 MB free RAM |
Screen size | 1920x1080 px |
Graphics hardware | OpenGL 3.0 capable graphic card with 75 MB Free graphics memory |
Sound hardware | OpenAL capable audio |
Peripherials | Mouse, Keyboard |
Requirements to run the game:
Python 2.7 or 3.x
Panda3D SDK 1.10
Have fun Playing.
Finally here are some Screenshots for you
The main menu

Customers are waiting, hold the line!

Bounced them all

Beneath the Ice - Playthrough Video Links
Posted by mit-mit on 2016/09/11 12:48
Part 1:
Part 2:
Jungle Run - *Ping and the turkey's done
Posted by PaulBrownMagic on 2016/09/11 12:02
CORBmaNYa - Final Submission
Posted by ccabs on 2016/09/11 11:37
I created this game just as a test to see if I could create something relatively playable, with a strong emphasis on relatively, and in order to rejig my Python coding. First time entry, but I got to learn which is always a positive.
Anyway, the game: In keeping with the premise, I tried to devise a game around the idea of preventing people voting for their ideal candidate. It was a silly idea, but there you go. So it is inspired by the current political situation in the UK. Oh and, spoiler alert, it's not quite brilliant (to put it lightly).
The Torus - The end
Posted by YannThor on 2016/09/11 11:03
Beneath the Ice - Playthroughs and Hints/Spoilers
Posted by mit-mit on 2016/09/11 10:47
Infinite Forest - And it's over
Posted by Cody on 2016/09/11 00:43