May 2014 challenge: “8-bit”
Bomberbirds - Project pretty much finished
Posted by benoxoft on 2014/05/17 06:34
Bits of Eight - Bits of Eight - Day 6
Posted by mauve on 2014/05/17 02:30
Just a quick update, since I'm so tired. I can't be around tomorrow so I'm wrapping up Pyweek tonight. The rest of my team will carry on.
Tonight I added the rest of the combat mechanics and a basic AI. I made painful progess in spite of having written a few tests: the ships are so slow it's really time consuming to assess whether they are doing the right thing. I found it useful to view the action from high up above:
Meanwhile Arnav was working on the control scheme, which is via a WebSocket server that you access on your mobile device. It doesn't have all the features we dreamed up on day 1, but the concept is there. You can issue orders and see stats (well, one stat, the angle of the wind direction to your ship). This is it running on my Nexus 7:
I hope the team has a good day tomorrow and polishes up some of the rough edges. I'll catch you all in the judging!
Robolock II - Day 6: All the things!
Posted by hodgestar on 2014/05/17 00:01
- Music
- Loading, saving and resuming games
- Chess moves
- Glyphs and action symbols in text
- Splash screen
- MSB flag on robot working
- Tile juggling actions
- Building JSON from YAML to avoid an extra dependency
- Centered text
- Windows packaging
- Python source distribution packaging
- More sounds
- Various difficulty levels
- Start of puzzle mode
- In game instructions on how to play
- Cheat codes
- Less whimsical credits
- Fixed long-standing box_width bug
Grid Runners - Day 6: Collisions, lasers and terminals
Posted by reidrac on 2014/05/16 20:24
My game is reaching its critical point! Today I implemented almost all the elements required to design the stages:
- Lasers: you can cross them, but they will give away your location (meaning: the grid scan will be faster and it will spawn enemies!).
- Terminals: you can crack them targeting one of four items (access: will open nearby doors, lasers: will disable nearby lasers, link: will restore your health, firewall: will add extra time to the grid scan). Each terminal can be used once.
Also the collision detection is pretty good, I'm happy with the character movement. I composed a bg music for the stage, and general sounds effects are already in place. I left sound for the last minute in my previous PyWeek and it was a very bad idea, so I'm trying to make everything at the same time, although it means I'm overall slower in the process.
Things to do tomorrow:
- Make the lasers and doors react to the terminals (link and firewall are already working).
- A "disconnected" screen (because you're out of link -enemy impacts-, because the grid scan got to zero or because you aborted the mission -you may need to do it if you choose poorly the targets to crack-).
- Enemy grid runners (important).
- 10 levels! I'll try to add a "overview" screen before each stage explaining your mission and it will work as a tutorial too (I plan to use Tokyo and Madrid stages for that).
Ok, that's enough for today. I think the game is looking good so far, I'm looking forward to finish it and see how it plays!
Idle - Too busy for diary entries
Posted by assertivist on 2014/05/16 13:49
see title
Saving Sylvia - PyWeek entry built in 1 hour...almost
Posted by blakeohare on 2014/05/16 08:38
Bouncy Shoes - Day 6: Fiddling with the camera
Posted by justinmeister on 2014/05/16 07:10
In other news, I'm officially hitting the wall in terms of motivation. In order to finish this game, I'm basically treating it like a job. It's rewarding, but it's a pace I'm not really used to. I've never been more productive, but at the price of feeling a bit burnt out. Maybe after today I'll suck it up and sprint to the finish line. We'll see...
Goals for tomorrow: Oh god there's so much still to do...
Github Repo: Bouncy Shoes
Bomberbirds - Thursday
Posted by benoxoft on 2014/05/16 03:10
Idle - We are making some characters.
Posted by paperstarships on 2014/05/16 02:50
Here's one of them:
Bits of Eight - Bits of Eight - Day 5
Posted by mauve on 2014/05/16 01:33
I started this evening by tuning the sailing physics so that heeling works more or less right, and the sail power varies by different points of sail. I like it, but it's rather hard from a combat perspective, because when you're heeled over your guns shoot up into the air at a preposterous angle, or down into the water. I like the sailing physics but it might need some tweaking to make it fun.
The rest of the evening I spent on particle effects, like gunsmoke and shrapnel, which looked pretty good until I remembered that like the key feature of wasabi-scenegraph is the per-pixel lighting, so I added muzzle flash and was completely overawed by how beautiful the results came out.
Adding textures to the ships was actually only a 10 minute job with Blender, now I know how to do it:
Finally I did some massive hackery to create the normal-mapped water we've been dreaming about since day 1:
Tomorrow night is the last night I can spend on Pyweek (though other team members should be around on Saturday), so I'm hoping to finally tune the combat model so we have a game.